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Trump says Manafort pardon 'not off the table': interview


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3 hours ago, Redline said:


Paul Manafort worked as Trump campaign manager for approximately 2 months
Manafort was,also an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bob Dole

As you may already know, Manafort often lobbied on behalf of foreign leaders such as former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych
Yanukovych was ousted in the Orange Revolution, of Ukraine which is known to be meddled+supported by  Obama-admin. 
so there is bad blood there for any parties previously engaged with Yanukovych.

Like most prosecutors, Meuller has loaded up as many    LEGITIMATE  charges as he could at multiple  counts on Manafort in,an effort to squeeze him for a plea deal to link Trump to Russia. 

Now in this,effort to connect Trump Meuller went after Manafort,  charged him with fraud( overstated income on bank loans), taxes, and some facta related bank account charges at maximum count. Manafort pleaded guilty but Meuller
wants more.  Trump, which is what this is all about as per team Trump.


Now assuming the whole Russia collusion investigation was an effort to
cover for team HRC, by removing Trump from office to prevent investigation into private undisclosed unsecured server, Clinton foundation monies from Uranium One players,,DNC screwing Bernie Sanders in the primaries, Obamas cash payments to Iran, Bengazi debacle, and other incredible wikileaks revelations etc.


Trump is merely stating that he does not need to take a pardon off the table.

He is obviously not virtue signaling for optics. He did clearly state his presidency is an existential threat to all of the people implicated above in his campaign speechs.

In comparison Clintons pardon of Mark Rich, a billionaire fugitive that raised a lot of money for Clintons. he charged with tax evasion and illegally doing business with Iran and taking refuge in Switzerland.
Also clinton pardoned 16 members of Faln. which is a Puerto Rican paramilitary organization that set off 120 bombs in the United States, mostly in New York City and Chicago. There were convictions for conspiracy to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as firearms and explosives violations. The 16 were convicted of conspiracy and sedition .

Other presidents pardons
Jimmy carter 534   1 term
R.Reagon 393   2 term
GW Bush 75  2 term
Clinton 450  2term
Obama 1973 2 terms (mostly drug related crimes)

so yeah, its well within Trumps executive privilege to not take it off the table
as Mueller is conducting politically motivated investigation in search of crimes. imo.
Show me the man and I will give you the crime.

Trumps opposition will stop at nothing. Manaforts passport shows he was not in
London during the years he is said to have met with Assange.

ive written this in as simple form as I could just to convey why Trump should or could pardon Manafort.  For those that want to understand the other sides

ok so Orange Man Bad,  carry on.

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Calling out Cohen (today) as "weak", while praising others (Manafort and Corsi) as "strong" sends the message to "stay strong".


My "gut" tells me that there is more to Manafort's 'resistance' - perhaps fear of Russian retribution - than just the dangling of a pardon.


Most of his money-laundering and tax evasion crimes can be prosecuted at the State level (VA, NY, for example) where a pardon is not applicable.


Manafort may be incapable of telling the truth, or he may just realize he has no other option than to remain in prison for a long time.


I can't see Trump pardoning Manafort, it will make him (Trump) look even more guilty. Maybe the next Republican president can pardon him in 2028?



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4 hours ago, quandow said:

You just destroyed any point you were trying to make with that phrase.



as if all presidents in recent past did not pardon 100s of comrades

Jimmy carter 534   1 term
R.Reagon 393   2 term
GW Bush 75  2 term
Clinton 450  2term
Obama 1973 2 terms 


 I guess its hard to swallow with all your emotions so invested

but a pardon is not off the table.  

you may now resume your tds manufactured outrage.




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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

Perhaps you can provide just one example where a President was under investigation and he pardoned a key witness in said investigation.  That would be tampering with a witness, obstruction of justice, abuse of power....you know, the kind of stuff Trump is trying to do. 

Trump has not pardoned. He answered a baited question.

Its not off the table, he may he may not.


This Is not obstruction by any legal stretch. Its prosecutions responsibility

to prove a crime has been commited by Trump. 


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30 minutes ago, DM07 said:

If I remember correctly, Obama pardoned a bunch of small- criminals and drug offenders, who were sentenced to ridiculously long prison- terms.

How does that compare to the fascist Arpaio or the moron Desouza?

How does "righting a wrong" in an overpopulated prison-system compare to "doing a favor for one of your ilk"?


well if ilk,is the right word, then Obama pardoning his socialist revolutionary comrades would fit the bill.

What was Obama thinking, however, when he released Oscar Lopez Rivera? 

The FALN claimed responsibility for more than 120 bombings between 1974 and 1983 in a wave of senseless destruction that killed six and injured dozens. In 1981, a federal court in Chicago sentenced Lopez Rivera, then 37, to 55 years for seditious conspiracy, armed robbery, interstate transportation of firearms and conspiracy to transport explosives with intent to destroy government property.


DeSouza, I suggest you look into his side of the story as well. He plead guilty and served his sentence. The pardon was to clear his forever record.He donated more than the limit without quid pro quo. First person in American history to serve jail for that.  

he is no moron, if anything he is the democrats nightmare now.


look up lawfare. using the power of the state to crush political enemies as with Trump spygate . This is on Obama admin.

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28 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

well if ilk,is the right word, then Obama pardoning his socialist revolutionary comrades would fit the bill.

What was Obama thinking, however, when he released Oscar Lopez Rivera? 

The FALN claimed responsibility for more than 120 bombings between 1974 and 1983 in a wave of senseless destruction that killed six and injured dozens. In 1981, a federal court in Chicago sentenced Lopez Rivera, then 37, to 55 years for seditious conspiracy, armed robbery, interstate transportation of firearms and conspiracy to transport explosives with intent to destroy government property.


DeSouza, I suggest you look into his side of the story as well. He plead guilty and served his sentence. The pardon was to clear his forever record.He donated more than the limit without quid pro quo. First person in American history to serve jail for that.  

he is no moron, if anything he is the democrats nightmare now.


look up lawfare. using the power of the state to crush political enemies as with Trump spygate . This is on Obama admin.

1) so Obama pardoned 1973 Riveras in his 2 terms? Got it!

2) I just read up on Rivera (a little) and it seems, there was not one fatality in all the bombings. (at least that is what wiki says!). He was offered a pardon under Clinton, but refused to take it, if not all FALN- prisoners got the same treatment. Seems like a principled guy...compared to sniffling weasels like Desouza and downright fascists like Arpaio!

3) Desouza is a nightmare, alright! For every person with more than 2 brain cells! How is he a nightmare for democrats? Because of his inane movies?

4) yeah...right! Trump is an innocent white little lamb! After all, he brought back Christmas!


Oh deary me!



By the way: Obama is a socialist?

In what universe!

He is a centrist (at best) with some lefty leaning ideas...and that is it!

Edited by DM07
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8 hours ago, Srinivas said:

as if all presidents in recent past did not pardon 100s of comrades

Jimmy carter 534   1 term
R.Reagon 393   2 term
GW Bush 75  2 term
Clinton 450  2term
Obama 1973 2 terms 

 I guess its hard to swallow with all your emotions so invested

but a pardon is not off the table.  

you may now resume your tds manufactured outrage.

I was referring to your emotional, non-fact based premise. Sorry, nice try to deflect and insult by throwing red herrings in the air. No outrage here, just stating facts. And I thought we had all agreed the "They did it so why can't I?" defense was off the table.

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Why would he take it off the table? He is a confessed criminal, and it can be seen as trump has struck some sort of nefarious deal with him. Those are a couple of reasons why. It does not matter though, trump just does what he wants with total impunity. Another rich white guy in trouble, it would make total sense for him to get a pardon. 

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54 minutes ago, quandow said:

I was referring to your emotional, non-fact based premise. Sorry, nice try to deflect and insult by throwing red herrings in the air. No outrage here, just stating facts. And I thought we had all agreed the "They did it so why can't I?" defense was off the table.

lol I guess we'll have to wait to prove collusion premise. so far just nutty media speculation from "sources"

whose "we"? im not party to your collective media induced tds.

Did you seriously expect Trump to answer a baited question?

Nothing is of the table on both sides. 


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22 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

The witch hunt has snared people it should never have ensnared.  It's only just for him to pardon these people.

That’s how special councils work.  This one is no different.  If you break the law, you get caught, you pay.  Many of these people lied under oath.  Too bad too sad.  I lied and went to jail-so should they.  Expect it to last another year- the average is 3.5, and this one is more complicated because of money laundering 

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22 hours ago, Srinivas said:

Paul Manafort worked as Trump campaign manager for approximately 2 months
Manafort was,also an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bob Dole

As you may already know, Manafort often lobbied on behalf of foreign leaders such as former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych
Yanukovych was ousted in the Orange Revolution, of Ukraine which is known to be meddled+supported by  Obama-admin. 
so there is bad blood there for any parties previously engaged with Yanukovych.

Like most prosecutors, Meuller has loaded up as many    LEGITIMATE  charges as he could at multiple  counts on Manafort in,an effort to squeeze him for a plea deal to link Trump to Russia. 

Now in this,effort to connect Trump Meuller went after Manafort,  charged him with fraud( overstated income on bank loans), taxes, and some facta related bank account charges at maximum count. Manafort pleaded guilty but Meuller
wants more.  Trump, which is what this is all about as per team Trump.


Now assuming the whole Russia collusion investigation was an effort to
cover for team HRC, by removing Trump from office to prevent investigation into private undisclosed unsecured server, Clinton foundation monies from Uranium One players,,DNC screwing Bernie Sanders in the primaries, Obamas cash payments to Iran, Bengazi debacle, and other incredible wikileaks revelations etc.


Trump is merely stating that he does not need to take a pardon off the table.

He is obviously not virtue signaling for optics. He did clearly state his presidency is an existential threat to all of the people implicated above in his campaign speechs.

In comparison Clintons pardon of Mark Rich, a billionaire fugitive that raised a lot of money for Clintons. he charged with tax evasion and illegally doing business with Iran and taking refuge in Switzerland.
Also clinton pardoned 16 members of Faln. which is a Puerto Rican paramilitary organization that set off 120 bombs in the United States, mostly in New York City and Chicago. There were convictions for conspiracy to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as firearms and explosives violations. The 16 were convicted of conspiracy and sedition .

Other presidents pardons
Jimmy carter 534   1 term
R.Reagon 393   2 term
GW Bush 75  2 term
Clinton 450  2term
Obama 1973 2 terms (mostly drug related crimes)

so yeah, its well within Trumps executive privilege to not take it off the table
as Mueller is conducting politically motivated investigation in search of crimes. imo.
Show me the man and I will give you the crime.

Trumps opposition will stop at nothing. Manaforts passport shows he was not in
London during the years he is said to have met with Assange.

ive written this in as simple form as I could just to convey why Trump should or could pardon Manafort.  For those that want to understand the other sides

ok so Orange Man Bad,  carry on.

At least some of what you wrote is true.  This is a pretty standard special council investigation in comparison to others.    If people violated the law, they need to pay the price.  I have, and I expect others to as well.  DT has always taken as much as he can from everyone.  He thinks he’s above the law, and we will find out the truth, and if he can slime his way out of this.  He has his hands full with his plethora of lies though.  Sure he can pardon someone that was sucking up to him, and doing his dirty work, but I don’t think that’s what America is about.  Whatever comes out of this investigation will be corroborated beyond a reasonable doubt.  It’s looking pretty interesting at any rate 

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