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Video: Terminal 21 staff attack taxi driver after he refuses passenger


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No excuse, but the Taxi driver may have been ranked up for over an hour and then gets a little job around the corner with a shopper. Frustrating for sure but goes with the job.

  What we used to do when that happened was ..let the driver do the jaunt around the corner and then let him.take up his position as 1st car on the rand again when he returned...rather than go back to the end of the Q (last car) when he got back.

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With a half-dozen security guards involved in the melee and only the lone taxi driver, I believe it was the thuggish gang of security guards that started the dust-up. In this case, the security guards taking up the role of a thuggish gang sticking together to meet out their brand of instant justice. Ironically this role is usually held by taxi drivers. 

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Hope other taxi drivers see this. 

That driver seemed like a huge a-hole. Popped collar, "swagger" walk, making himself look big, reminds me of an animal. He deserves a little bruising on both his body and his ego. I f*ing hate taxi drivers like him. 

Seriously, I never even bother with regular taxis (or motorcycle-taxis) anymore. The drivers are like animals. Nasty. Grab drivers are normal. 

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1 hour ago, Cereal said:

Just a question here, but barring the obvious like the potential passenger was puking drunk or covered with pustules and lesions, why would a taxi driver deny a fare?

Potential customers:

  • Insist on use of meter.
  • Only want to travel a short distance.
  • Driver has been "warned off" at destination for ripping off passengers in the past.
  • Passenger is streetwise and may report him.
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1 hour ago, Cereal said:

Just a question here, but barring the obvious like the potential passenger was puking drunk or covered with pustules and lesions, why would a taxi driver deny a fare?

Often taxi drivers will refuse a passenger because where they want to go is not a good place for the driver to get another fare.  

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1 hour ago, Cereal said:

Just a question here, but barring the obvious like the potential passenger was puking drunk or covered with pustules and lesions, why would a taxi driver deny a fare?

He did not refuse the fare. He refused to put on the meter.


Taxi fares are set by the government. If the meter is not used, then the taxi driver can just name any crazy figure they want, e.g. Terminal 21 to Central Chid Lom; 400 Baht. Believe me, a lot of tourists have no idea, think it is a bit steep but pay it. Taxi drivers like this and like clueless tourists.

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Obviously this was not handled well but it is impressive that the 21 staff decided to try to enforce the law since no one else cares to do so. Unfortunately they were not very well equipped to do so and broke the law themselves by trying. Good for the entertainment value however! Wonder how the prospective passenger made out?  

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There are too many of these crooked taxi drivers on the roads in Thailand and sadly most of them are like this guy armed and ready for the time when someone calls them out on what they are doing.


Perhaps it is time to remind the general that it was he who said he would stop them, but in Thailand it seems that lip service is the rule and the actual never happens, look out for the pre election lip service, all 86 billion of it.

Anyway I reckon Terminal 21 deserves +10 out of 10 for this effort and the general should be made aware of it because up to now this particular dictat has not risen above minus 10


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Obviously this was not handled well but it is impressive that the 21 staff decided to try to enforce the law since no one else cares to do so. Unfortunately they were not very well equipped to do so and broke the law themselves by trying. Good for the entertainment value however! Wonder how the prospective passenger made out?  

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6 hours ago, shady86 said:

Normally it's the other way round so it's good to see them being whacked. They should put up a warning to drivers coming in next time.

Yeah, glad to see the shoe on the other foot for a change. Bet this wasn't the driver's first rodeo...but he was probably the one in the gang doing the thumpin' instead of being on the receiving end.

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