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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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Aer Lingus flight coming in on final approach:

Pilot: "Ah, <deleted>. I really don't know about this one, Paddy. That runway looks awful <deleted>' short."

Co-pilot: "Sure it does, to be sure, Captain - but look how <deleted>' wide it is!"

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Pompous customer to waiter;
I will have a G&T.  Maybe I should explain what that is!  It is a shortened form of communication which busy high flying executives and professionals such as I use to save time and means a Gin and Tonic.

Will that be with Ice & a Slice?  FYI, sorry I should have said, for your information, that’s a shortened form of communication which busy waiters use so they can serve more understanding and deserving customers! 

Will that be with Ice & a Slice? FYI that means a block of frozen water with a wafer of fruit in case your so thick you don’t understand!


Edited by scottiejohn
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