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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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48 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:
วิถีชีวิตชาวรัสเซีย !!!  ==   the Russian way of life !!!
Coming soon to a beach near you.......

Nice friendly, very fat and sociable people. The sort of people you would NOT want as neighbours in any country.

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They say that the new AI computer knows everything.

A skeptical man went online and asked CHAT GP, “Where is my father?”

The computer screen flashed came back with 
"Your father is Skiing in Switzerland!"

The skeptical man typed triumphantly, “You see? I knew this was nonsense. My father has been dead for twenty years.”

"No, replied the computer immediately. Your mother's husband has been dead for twenty years. Your father just landed on his @rse coming down the mountain!

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A pastor’s wife walks into a butcher shop
She sees the most perfect looking cut of meat in the display case and asks the butcher what kind of meat it is.

“That’s Dam Ham,” he replies
“I bet your PARDON?!” the lady says,

“I am a good Christian woman, and I would kindly ask you not to use that kind of language.”

The butcher explains,

“Oh no ma’am, I’m not using profanity. Dam Ham is what we call the especially delicious filets we get from Amsterdam!” 

The woman apologizes for the misunderstanding, buys the filet, and goes home.


Later that evening, her husband comes home from work and asks,
“What is that Heavenly smell?” 
“That's Dam Ham,” she replies.

“Honey! What would the congregation think if they knew their pastor’s wife was speaking in such a way?” 

“Oh no honey, I would never!” She responds 
“They call it Dam Ham because it’s a special filet from Amsterdam.” 


She finishes making the dinner and they sit down at the table with their two beautiful children. They join hands and say grace. The husband carves the meat, takes some for himself, then passes the plate to his son. After taking his first bite, the husband says, “Honey, you’ve really outdone yourself. This Dam Ham is delicious!

“Right on, Dad!” The son says 


“Now could you pass the <deleted> potatoes and the bloody cabbage?”

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