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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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11 minutes ago, fangless said:


I went to see a Muslim Tribute band last night at a Mosque.

They were called "Bomb Jovi" and I thought they were brilliant.

They performed songs like: "Losing my Head over You", "Rocket Launcher Man", "You're Six, you're Beautiful, and you're Mine".

Their last song "Living on a Prayer Mat" almost brought the house down!

Then I heard this Muslim guy saying he had the entire Koran on a DVD.

I was interested, so I asked him, "Can you burn me a copy?"


Well that was when the trouble started.


   Do you see them in Chiang mai ?, if so, where were they playing ?

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26 minutes ago, fangless said:


I went to see a Muslim Tribute band last night at a Mosque.

They were called "Bomb Jovi" and I thought they were brilliant.

They performed songs like: "Losing my Head over You", "Rocket Launcher Man", "You're Six, you're Beautiful, and you're Mine".

Their last song "Living on a Prayer Mat" almost brought the house down!

Then I heard this Muslim guy saying he had the entire Koran on a DVD.

I was interested, so I asked him, "Can you burn me a copy?"


Well that was when the trouble started.

Definitely box-office blasting material.

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A child asks their parent, "What's an alcoholic?"
"Well", the parent says, "You see those two buses over there? An alcoholic would see four full ones".

The child responds, "but there's only one".

Edited by fangless
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So it's the first day of the parapsychology class. The teacher asks, "How many of you believe in ghosts?"

All of the students raise their hands.

"And how many of you have ever seen a ghost?"

About 90% of the students raise their hands.

"And how many of you have ever touched a ghost?"

About 20% of the students raise their hands.

"And how many of you have ever had sex with a ghost?"


One student in the back of the class raises his hand.

"Really!" says the teacher. "I've been teaching this class for 10 years, and nobody has ever raised their hand to that question. Sir, could you please stand up and tell the class what it was like to have sex with a ghost?"


The man stands up and says, "I'm terribly sorry. I thought you said 'a goat.'"

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‘I once went to one of those parties where everyone throws their car keys into the middle of the room.

I don’t know who got my moped but I’ve been driving that Rolls Royce for years.’

Edited by fangless
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