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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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One day a man who had just gone through a very bitter divorce was walking on the beach. He notices something glittering in the sand and digs it out and holds it up. It appeared to be a gold, antique teapot. He rubbed it with his sleeve to brush the sand off and suddenly in a puff of smoke, a genie appeared. As the man gaped in astonishment, the genie told him "Since you have summoned me, I will grant you three wishes. One warning though: Anything you wish for, your ex will get twice as much".

Getting over his astonishment quickly, the man decided to make the most of it. "Okay, for my first wish, I want £10 million". The genie snaps his fingers and says "done", and immediately the man pulls out his cell phone and calls his bank, who confirms he has a £10 million balance in his account. Meanwhile, his ex has decided to go on a shopping spree with her unexpected windfall of £20 million dollars.

The man then makes his next wish. "I wish I had a Lamborghini". The genie snaps his fingers and says "done" and a brand-new Lamborghini appears. Meanwhile his ex is astonished when she finds two gorgeous Lamborghini at her house when she arrives home from her shopping trip.

"You have one wish left" said the genie. "What will it be?"



The man  smiles. "I wish to donate one of my kidneys".

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A driver was stuck in a traffic jam in London on the Hammersmith flyover. Nothing was moving.
Suddenly, a man knocks on the window.
The driver rolls down the window and asks, "What's going on?"
"Terrorists have kidnapped all of our MP’s during a sitting of parliament, and they're asking for a £100 million ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in petrol and set them on fire.  We're going from car to car collecting donations."
"How much is everyone giving, on average?" the driver asks.
"About a gallon".

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