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Election results to be declared within hours of polls closing


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6 hours ago, stud858 said:

And, so the government who was fairly elected got to fire some people.  So what. What happened in subsequent elections? Were further elections kept open to the public.

Is the list of voting still available to the public? Can I view them?  I think you'll find it was not as I stated it should be, but I'm open to accept it that open elections happened if I'm shown the proof.

In this case,  the easily accessible election voting list, or as I like to refer to it,  the EAEVL


It was not an election, but a referendum.


There was a corrupt government already in place, rigging all elections, censoring the media and changing the constitution constantly in order to remain in power (sounds familiar?). That's why someone suggested a referendum asking the government to go away using ID cards, in order to prove that most people wanted the people in power out.


But the corrupt government didn't go away, they just got a huge list of those against them. That party is still in power by the way, up to this day. They've been in power since 1999.


You may read more about that list here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tascón_List.


I don't believe in representative democracy anyways, but if you want a representative democracy, voting needs to be anonymous, and monitored by neutral international agencies, in order to protect the people.


Also, if you make a website where people vote, keep in mind that someone has to control that website. How will you, a simple citizen, know that all people voting are actually people and not fake logins? Surely the government in place can generate fake ids and create people to vote for them, they do that when they create identities for spies, for example. It's even easier to do when all you need is a number and a name.


Those managing the system can also alter the votes of the people. Maybe you vote for someone but the system shows it as if you had voted for someone else. Well what do you know, maybe you clicked the wrong button? What about those going to polling stations to vote because they can't even use a computer? Let's make a list of them, since they won't even be able to check what they voted.


A website is not the way to go, but this could work by using a decentralized, trustlessness system, similar to how cryptocurrency works, with people logging in with a fingerprint and retina scan instead of an id number. That way you may be able to keep it both transparent and anonymous at the same time, and avoid votes from fake or dead people.


Edited by andux
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I'm confused, only a few days ago it was announced results wouldn't be available until the end of April.
Yes and all the idiot bashers had a field day. Now egg on face

April will be when it's made official. The break is for checks and balances. It's always been that way in every election
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6 hours ago, stud858 said:

And, so the government who was fairly elected got to fire some people.  So what. What happened in subsequent elections? Were further elections kept open to the public.

Is the list of voting still available to the public? Can I view them?  I think you'll find it was not as I stated it should be, but I'm open to accept it that open elections happened if I'm shown the proof.

In this case,  the easily accessible election voting list, or as I like to refer to it,  the EAEVL


stud, just an update to my previous post. I found more information about that list. You may read about that here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tascón_List


It seems that at some point the list was online, so you may be able to find it if you Google enough.

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