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Soory mate but you are nothing but an ignorant stupid idiot. You should be the one dealing with threse victims on a daily basis. Getting diagnosed with mesothelioma and dying a horrible death within months.

Asbestos diseases take 10 - 15 - 20 or more years to show but then it is too late. Victims lose their lung capacity, cannot breather, so painful in chest. I see so many EVERY weekl. I plan to go to funerals each week to say goodbye.

Their wives and families then suffer

So many younger people are being diagnosed now-a-days. People that lived with a victim, washed their clothes after work and inhaled the fibres. People that were doing minor rpair jobs in their homes, cutting, sawing, scraping and inhaled the fibres. Then they used a normal vacuum cleaner to pick up the dust but the filter does not stop the fibres, they are spread through the whole home.

More info the email me [email protected] as I am one that looks after these poor victims.

Hopefully this writer will wake up to themselves and study a subject before writing so many lies that people might take notice of.

  • 4 months later...
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Soory mate but you are nothing but an ignorant stupid idiot. You should be the one dealing with threse victims on a daily basis. Getting diagnosed with mesothelioma and dying a horrible death within months.

Asbestos diseases take 10 - 15 - 20 or more years to show but then it is too late. Victims lose their lung capacity, cannot breather, so painful in chest. I see so many EVERY weekl. I plan to go to funerals each week to say goodbye.

Their wives and families then suffer

So many younger people are being diagnosed now-a-days. People that lived with a victim, washed their clothes after work and inhaled the fibres. People that were doing minor rpair jobs in their homes, cutting, sawing, scraping and inhaled the fibres. Then they used a normal vacuum cleaner to pick up the dust but the filter does not stop the fibres, they are spread through the whole home.

More info the email me [email protected] as I am one that looks after these poor victims.

Hopefully this writer will wake up to themselves and study a subject before writing so many lies that people might take notice of.

I missed this subject and it's something I have worked on and off with in life.

You do yourself no justice in remarks like that " bangkokumpalumpa " is not an ignorant stupid idiot at all, he was just stating basic facts humorously about living in this world.

Prevention of so many things in life is down to education, many things in life as well as the forms of dust are dangerous at certain levels.

In the UK many enforcements in the use and disposal of asbestos were taken, all be it too late for the unfortunate.

Although you mean well I'm sure, like so many " I am " people in certain positions you take on a sanctimonious god like stance.

Asbestos will continued to be used in Thailand for a long time as a cheap product.

Symptoms or signs of mesothelioma may not appear until 10 to 50 years (or more) after certain exposures to asbestos.

Sadly it happens that young people can and do get this form of cancer but it is still considered a rare form as is sometimes locating the source.

Although it's tragic that people die young of many things, to name just one concern for me is children in 2011 still dying of starvation.

I think the writer you refer to is awake and has studied to some degree quite a lot of subjects not just one, and it's not all lies, probably be worth some people to take notice of some of it.

Good luck with you crusade.

  • 4 weeks later...

The fact that all civilized countries in the world banned it decades ago should tell you something - the exception being asbestos exporter Canada, fairly obviously with an industry-controlled govt policy on the subject. And their scientifically weak stance is only for chrysotile asbestos. So if youre a geologist with a microscope, maybe you can decide which asbestos is in your Thai roof tiles/panels/cement pipes/commercial acoustic ceiling panels/cement board.

As for me, I'll just avoid the stuff asbest I can whistling.gif ... hard because i'm in the design / construction management business. You should too, and avoid being unnecessarily around demolition & remodel projects. More dangerous in terms of realtime risk is lead-based paints in LoS since the stuff is in basically all paints made here, even today, and begins chalking off the walls in just a few years. If you have kids around, keep your walls freshly painted.

  • 2 weeks later...

The government recently 'banned' the use of asbestos, but of course there is no enforcement worth mentioning and the local attitude to health and safety issues is a miserable disgrace. So whoever started the poll on 'is asbestos dangerous' could I make something entirely clear to you: There is NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that it is VERY dangerous.

If you are a sceptic, just Google James Hardie asbestos.

And Cape Asbestos,

And Turner and Newall (Rochdale)

Highly Dangerous to Health!


I am proberly going to get a ripping for posting this, but somebody has to stand up for asbestos!!


riding a bicycle can give you testical cancer

smoking gives you cancer

drinking can give you cirrhosis

silica dust can give you sillicosis

breathing bangkok air must be a killer!!

driving a car can kill you

crossing the street can kill you

there is more danger in dealing with petrol than asbestos

electricity can kill you

water can kill you

sun can kill you

sun can give you cancer

eating to much food can kill you

More people die from war every year than asbestos do we ban war???? no we go and make it!!!!

in scotland there is a death every 6 hours as a result of alcohol, that is just wee little scotland should we ban alcohol? how many people come into contact with asbestos and die, as opposed to alcohol. I dont drink as a rule but I know that I can still die because of a drunk driver, I have more fear of drunk drivers than asbestos!!!!

leaves the question of what cant kill you ????

I know that asbestos can be a killer but only if dealt with wrong, hey so can a chainsaw and a push bike!!!

the list goes on, and as for break pads so now we use kevlar products well what a supprise that is now a topic for cancer.

what is safe???????

Germany has banned all mineral oils as they cause cancer but not vasiline... petrolium jelly, then we take vasiline and use it on our babies!! Diesel has been linked to cancer.

I sit under a asbestos roof every day and I dont stress, as there is more danger from walking down the road than from the roof!!!

now dont get me wrong I know there can be death as a side effect I am not saying it is a safe product, but most weed killers are not safe but you dont have a problem with your mother using them!!

I look at the amount of asbestos used in this world and wonder how bad it really is, how long has it been used???

it is even safe enough to eat!!! if you handle it properly then you wont have a problem, you proberly have more chance of dieing in your sleep than dieing of asbestos but we dont ban sleep!!!

personaly I think it is a great product, and I bet it has saved many more lives that it has cost. there are not many products like it and there is not much that can replace it.

one has to ask how much of the media hype has killed this product? how bad is it really?

how many people have died because of asbestos and how many people have died whilst having intercourse?? are we going to ban that to?????

now in saying that I will proberly die as a result of asbestos exposure, ok

people tell me that smoking will kill me, so I ask the simple question, so if I dont smoke does that mean I wont die???

the interesting thing is that with the advance of medical science we no longer attribute death to natural causes we give it a reason, and because of all those reasons we look at things different, we look at everything as a killer.

well the cold hard facts of life are that even the purest of people WILL DIE!! its just a case of what we die of!

you can try and life a clean life and stay away from asbestos and all the other things in life that may kill you but to do that you have to live in a bubble, not leave the house and pray that the house doesnt burn down or a drunk driver come through your wall!

people be nice asbestos isnt bad, its how people use it that is bad !!!


well this posting should get a few people worked up and know doubt I will be told how bad I am and how missinformed I am. but I I am a realist!!!! go and have a moan about nucular fuel, we put that in a container that is safe to drop it from 50 ft, then we load it in a plane and fly it at 30,000 feet !!!!

welcome to the real world people products have been killing people for years, some of the biggest killers are the everyday things, Beer, Cars, Smokes but the biggest killer of all is living !!!!


Considering the average life expectancy for African Asbestos Miners was 30 years of age,you obviously know nothing of the Health Risks.

Why do you think most of the World has banned it?



Considering the average life expectancy for African Asbestos Miners was 30 years of age,you obviously know nothing of the Health Risks.

Why do you think most of the World has banned it?

I think the guy was making some good points ( knowing nothing ) ignorants of many other things is a factor " Asbestos " is just one of them.

As I said before :-

Prevention of so many things in life is down to education, many things in life as well as forms of dust are dangerous at certain levels, e,g, breathing in hardwood dust etc etc etc.

In the UK many regulations are in force for many substances as well as the disposal of asbestos, all be it too late for some unfortunate people.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe this is also worth viewing as it discusses the potential for Asbestos use in Asia with the focus on India.

The short 3 minute version can be found here ... http://www.abc.net.a...c-trade/3650230

If you liked that, the full version is here ... http://www.abc.net.a...11/s3359246.htm

My Dad worked in an asbestos sheet cutting business and suffered no ill effects ... but this just a statement of fact, not an endorsement.

I came to this topic to discover what had been written on the subject because I have a concern about the roof sheeting which is common in domestic (houses) applications. Or more simply put, my thai gf's roof is leaking and it's made of the 'fibro' sheeting so I'm looking at the dangers and options for repair.


Is asbestous safe?

Billionaire, baron get 16 years for asbestos deaths


The mother company of this is the one where i live close from and where my family always lived close from ( company name will probably be there somewhere ... it starts with a E ... ) . As i said b4 it is dangerous to a certain degree . As long as it is in the tiles it is not dangerous . When it is broken into pieces and it is dry , then the fibres release , and if you are unlucky and inhale the wrong size ( or is it right size ) then you have a realistic chance of getting asbestosis . Where i work ,( chem plant ) asbestos seals are still sometimes used in very special occasions and when working with it , it requires special health protection . Asbestos is a wonderful product , but like all it has also some nasty stings to it . Avoid when possible , handle with care when needed . In houses there are plenty of other solutions possible without needing asbestos . When you do have it , keep it wet when handling it ( the fibres will not fly away ) .


I came to this topic to discover what had been written on the subject because I have a concern about the roof sheeting which is common in domestic (houses) applications. Or more simply put, my thai gf's roof is leaking and it's made of the 'fibro' sheeting so I'm looking at the dangers and options for repair.

Over-roof, wet roof sheets when drilling as you / they go fixing down-roof supports for tile or metal sheet battons.

Example over-roof.bmp

Eaves details.bmp

  • 5 months later...
I have reason to believe that asbestos products are available in Thailand. Whilst these products may be freely available in Thailand, guidelines for the safe use & removal of asbestos are not available.

Most developed countries have either greatly restricted or banned the use of any form of asbestos, as well as implementing programs for its safe removal & safe disposal.

There are many kinds of asbestos, all of which have varying degrees of personal human hazard but quite sensibly, all of these products are considered dangerous. The common asbestos hazard is breathing any dust.

In a nutshell, do not buy or use asbestos - it may have very serious & long term affects upon you & your family.

Attached below is a PDF file about asbestos guidelines.

Long post.

I worked in the Asbestos industry (Containment and removal) and can definately say that stuff is dangerous! The precautions to actually remove it defy the imagination! Plans, airlocks, negative pressure units breathing gear, liquid injection, mist sprayers etc.

To be fair Asbestos is still considered the ultimate wonder mineral (Lethality aside).

In ancient times an emporer could clean his Asbestos lined sheet by chucking it in the fire!

Flammable Airships in the early days allowed smoking because of the insulation effects of Asbestos in the smoking areas. Even now no material has quite matched Asbestos for being tough, lightweight, and heat proof. The substitute materials sacrifice one of the above usually (altough they are improving)

There is three catagories of asbestos: Blue, Brown and White. Blue is a real killer asbestos grade (croccyilodite) this stuff is nearly pure asbestos from the mineral mines! (>50% concentration) Its very easy to remove from a disposal angle (akin to cotton wool) but is very fibrous and lethal on the lungs (short and long term). Full on airlines and Outbreak style suits need to be worn! Thankfully this stuff is outlawed (since the 1980s) from being used in most countries, possibly even Thailand. This was/is used on towerblocks, in girders and yes this is probably still used in Thailand on new skyscrapers. It insulation materials are unmatched to rival its lethality. Good news is its not usually on peoples homes though.

When 9/11 kicked off a lot of the dust cloud from the towers was blue asbestos (they were built before regs came in) and many folks (emergency workers etc) have early signs of asbestosis etc. The NYC council keep very quiet on this one (they were criticised for re-opening wall st early etc but thats another story...)

The second and less severe than Blue is Brown Asbestos (Amosite >10-50% concentration). Usually found in pipework and in insulation materials all over the world. Outlawed in most countries but third-world countries still use this. Its been proved this is also a killer if the dust is inhaled (how much can vary)

Then there is White Asbestos (Chysotile >1-10% concentration) which is the contraversal one of the lot. This is often seen in large sheets on garages and false ceilings (similar to studio ceiling) This is the one thats really going full throttle in Thailand, I've been to Tropical Islands in Thailand where this is as well as up country. Now this is also used throughout SE Asia in Brake pad linings (unless things have changed) as again the wear resistant / heat resistant properties combined with being cheaper than conventional non asbestos brake pads make this cost-effective. It's hazardous to be in traffic for long periods because of this!

The asbestos industry (sales and distribution) argue very strongly that this type of material is not hazardous. They even continue to lobby governments to re-open trading citing no firm scientific evidence can prove its caused cancer (partly true). Its cheaper but since the 1990s even white asbestos remains outlawed.

Since most industrial diseases relating to Asbestos are of the blue type (dockworkers and laggers worked with this stuff a lot and suffer now because of it) and brown type.

The Asbestos mines are in South Africa and Eastern Asia (China?) and I think they still export round the world (S. America and Africa / Asia). The massive construction program in Shanghai probably involved asbestos in large quantities.

I can't see Thailand even considering to remove it just yet. Asbestos is cheap and does the job in their eyes, the workers installing it may pay the ultimate price though.

Even in the UK if asbestos thats already in place isn't presenting a danger to the public the HSE can recommend leaving it alone (subject to examination etc) The danger comes from disturbing it and damaging it (thus releasing fibres). Then it needs attention, like removal / isolations / encapsulation etc.

Although Singapore and some of the Gulf States do have a removal program in place it will be at least fifteen years (my estimate) before Thailand could possibly even implement a substitution and removal program. The UK and other countries have been doing such since the 1980s and theres still enough Asbetos left to keep firms busy for another twenty years!

If you suspect you've got the stuff in your home (which is possible) then I would advise against removing it yourself unless you've got experience of removing the stuff prior. The white / grey tile sheets seen all over thailand are the mildest form of the stuff going they present only a slight danger if damaged as their fibrosity is low compared with the other two and the fibres are less serpentine (barbed).

You could ask the Thai workers to remove it (trying to explain its dangers will be interesting in English to Thai!) but getting replacement materials may be tricky (especially as they may only have asbestos materials in the first place!)

The blue and brown type is found (usually) in city centers, offices and industrial zones, again this is the real nasty stuff to watch out for. Housing is extremely unlikely to have this.

If raining or subject to liquid asbestos lethality (all types) falls dramatically, something to consider if you twt a sheet in error!

An even lower grade of Asbestos is asbestos cement (similar to the stuff you see on garage roofs etc), this is still legal to remove yourself (UK) as its below decimal the amount of asbestos inside the cement.

I see this everywhere in Thailand!

Hope I haven't bored you all to death, But the stuff is out there and should be approached carefully, but not fearfully!

Sorry to hear about you all who have lost loved ones. The asbestosis is a horrible fate!

A buddy of mine in the Asbestos game who used to lag the pipeworks in the 1970s with blue asi. He's dying now from Asbestosis, coughing and all the misery. The UK government gave him about £15,000 compensation and thats his lot!

Any further questions give me a message!

Sorry didn't see the PDF file until I just wrote this post. Apologies if any of my info contradicts the OPs PDF.

Builders on my job used this stuff?? maybe its the asbestos type but it was half the price of sheera board. They then cut it with and angle grinder!!!!




Ok what are your car brakes made from in Europe? Asbestos. heres a few more products that contain the fibre:

  • Drywall and joint compound
  • Plaster
  • Gas mask filters pre 1960s
  • Mud and texture coats
  • Vinyl floor tiles, sheeting, adhesives
  • Roofing tars, felts, siding, and shingles[32]
  • "Transite" panels, siding, countertops, and pipes
  • Popcorn ceilings, also known as acoustic ceilings
  • Fireproofing
  • Caulk
  • Gaskets
  • Packing, a system for sealing a rotating shaft
  • Brake pads and shoes
  • Stage curtains
  • Fire blankets
  • Interior fire doors
  • Fireproof clothing for firefighters
  • Thermal pipe insulation
  • Filters for removing fine particulates from chemicals, liquids and wine
  • Dental cast linings
  • HVAC flexible duct connectors
  • Drilling fluid additives

Asbestos can be found naturally in the air outdoors and in some drinkable water, including water from natural sources. Studies have shown that members of the general (non-occupationally exposed) population have tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of asbestos fibers in each gram of dry lung tissue, which translates into millions of fibers and tens of thousands of asbestos bodies in every person's lungs.

Point is your damned if you do, damned if you dont. Yes precautions can be taken Its banned in Australia also but its still everywhere same as Europe and Thailand. I dont see Thais building out of it like the old sheets and the new style of cement sheet contains dangerous chemicals to breathe also which are used worldwide so its same lemon diffrent tree.

OK perhaps some dont know about asbestos in remote areas but sure lots do. Lets face it, cigarettes are just as dangerous and Europe loves them

ok ive just cut/paste from another thread about asbestos in a village. Yes its bad, yes the world doesnt need it.


I am proberly going to get a ripping for posting this, but somebody has to stand up for asbestos!!


riding a bicycle can give you testical cancer

smoking gives you cancer

drinking can give you cirrhosis

silica dust can give you sillicosis

breathing bangkok air must be a killer!!

driving a car can kill you

crossing the street can kill you

there is more danger in dealing with petrol than asbestos

electricity can kill you

water can kill you

sun can kill you

sun can give you cancer

eating to much food can kill you

More people die from war every year than asbestos do we ban war???? no we go and make it!!!!

in scotland there is a death every 6 hours as a result of alcohol, that is just wee little scotland should we ban alcohol? how many people come into contact with asbestos and die, as opposed to alcohol. I dont drink as a rule but I know that I can still die because of a drunk driver, I have more fear of drunk drivers than asbestos!!!!

leaves the question of what cant kill you ????

I know that asbestos can be a killer but only if dealt with wrong, hey so can a chainsaw and a push bike!!!

the list goes on, and as for break pads so now we use kevlar products well what a supprise that is now a topic for cancer.

what is safe???????

Germany has banned all mineral oils as they cause cancer but not vasiline... petrolium jelly, then we take vasiline and use it on our babies!! Diesel has been linked to cancer.

I sit under a asbestos roof every day and I dont stress, as there is more danger from walking down the road than from the roof!!!

now dont get me wrong I know there can be death as a side effect I am not saying it is a safe product, but most weed killers are not safe but you dont have a problem with your mother using them!!

I look at the amount of asbestos used in this world and wonder how bad it really is, how long has it been used???

it is even safe enough to eat!!! if you handle it properly then you wont have a problem, you proberly have more chance of dieing in your sleep than dieing of asbestos but we dont ban sleep!!!

personaly I think it is a great product, and I bet it has saved many more lives that it has cost. there are not many products like it and there is not much that can replace it.

one has to ask how much of the media hype has killed this product? how bad is it really?

how many people have died because of asbestos and how many people have died whilst having intercourse?? are we going to ban that to?????

now in saying that I will proberly die as a result of asbestos exposure, ok

people tell me that smoking will kill me, so I ask the simple question, so if I dont smoke does that mean I wont die???

the interesting thing is that with the advance of medical science we no longer attribute death to natural causes we give it a reason, and because of all those reasons we look at things different, we look at everything as a killer.

well the cold hard facts of life are that even the purest of people WILL DIE!! its just a case of what we die of!

you can try and life a clean life and stay away from asbestos and all the other things in life that may kill you but to do that you have to live in a bubble, not leave the house and pray that the house doesnt burn down or a drunk driver come through your wall!

people be nice asbestos isnt bad, its how people use it that is bad !!!


well this posting should get a few people worked up and know doubt I will be told how bad I am and how missinformed I am. but I I am a realist!!!! go and have a moan about nucular fuel, we put that in a container that is safe to drop it from 50 ft, then we load it in a plane and fly it at 30,000 feet !!!!

welcome to the real world people products have been killing people for years, some of the biggest killers are the everyday things, Beer, Cars, Smokes but the biggest killer of all is living !!!!


Considering the average life expectancy for African Asbestos Miners was 30 years of age,you obviously know nothing of the Health Risks.

Why do you think most of the World has banned it?

cause its BAD! are you an idiot? must be.
I have reason to believe that asbestos products are available in Thailand. Whilst these products may be freely available in Thailand, guidelines for the safe use & removal of asbestos are not available.

Most developed countries have either greatly restricted or banned the use of any form of asbestos, as well as implementing programs for its safe removal & safe disposal.

There are many kinds of asbestos, all of which have varying degrees of personal human hazard but quite sensibly, all of these products are considered dangerous. The common asbestos hazard is breathing any dust.

In a nutshell, do not buy or use asbestos - it may have very serious & long term affects upon you & your family.

Attached below is a PDF file about asbestos guidelines.

Long post.

I worked in the Asbestos industry (Containment and removal) and can definately say that stuff is dangerous! The precautions to actually remove it defy the imagination! Plans, airlocks, negative pressure units breathing gear, liquid injection, mist sprayers etc.

To be fair Asbestos is still considered the ultimate wonder mineral (Lethality aside).

In ancient times an emporer could clean his Asbestos lined sheet by chucking it in the fire!

Flammable Airships in the early days allowed smoking because of the insulation effects of Asbestos in the smoking areas. Even now no material has quite matched Asbestos for being tough, lightweight, and heat proof. The substitute materials sacrifice one of the above usually (altough they are improving)

There is three catagories of asbestos: Blue, Brown and White. Blue is a real killer asbestos grade (croccyilodite) this stuff is nearly pure asbestos from the mineral mines! (>50% concentration) Its very easy to remove from a disposal angle (akin to cotton wool) but is very fibrous and lethal on the lungs (short and long term). Full on airlines and Outbreak style suits need to be worn! Thankfully this stuff is outlawed (since the 1980s) from being used in most countries, possibly even Thailand. This was/is used on towerblocks, in girders and yes this is probably still used in Thailand on new skyscrapers. It insulation materials are unmatched to rival its lethality. Good news is its not usually on peoples homes though.

When 9/11 kicked off a lot of the dust cloud from the towers was blue asbestos (they were built before regs came in) and many folks (emergency workers etc) have early signs of asbestosis etc. The NYC council keep very quiet on this one (they were criticised for re-opening wall st early etc but thats another story...)

The second and less severe than Blue is Brown Asbestos (Amosite >10-50% concentration). Usually found in pipework and in insulation materials all over the world. Outlawed in most countries but third-world countries still use this. Its been proved this is also a killer if the dust is inhaled (how much can vary)

Then there is White Asbestos (Chysotile >1-10% concentration) which is the contraversal one of the lot. This is often seen in large sheets on garages and false ceilings (similar to studio ceiling) This is the one thats really going full throttle in Thailand, I've been to Tropical Islands in Thailand where this is as well as up country. Now this is also used throughout SE Asia in Brake pad linings (unless things have changed) as again the wear resistant / heat resistant properties combined with being cheaper than conventional non asbestos brake pads make this cost-effective. It's hazardous to be in traffic for long periods because of this!

The asbestos industry (sales and distribution) argue very strongly that this type of material is not hazardous. They even continue to lobby governments to re-open trading citing no firm scientific evidence can prove its caused cancer (partly true). Its cheaper but since the 1990s even white asbestos remains outlawed.

Since most industrial diseases relating to Asbestos are of the blue type (dockworkers and laggers worked with this stuff a lot and suffer now because of it) and brown type.

The Asbestos mines are in South Africa and Eastern Asia (China?) and I think they still export round the world (S. America and Africa / Asia). The massive construction program in Shanghai probably involved asbestos in large quantities.

I can't see Thailand even considering to remove it just yet. Asbestos is cheap and does the job in their eyes, the workers installing it may pay the ultimate price though.

Even in the UK if asbestos thats already in place isn't presenting a danger to the public the HSE can recommend leaving it alone (subject to examination etc) The danger comes from disturbing it and damaging it (thus releasing fibres). Then it needs attention, like removal / isolations / encapsulation etc.

Although Singapore and some of the Gulf States do have a removal program in place it will be at least fifteen years (my estimate) before Thailand could possibly even implement a substitution and removal program. The UK and other countries have been doing such since the 1980s and theres still enough Asbetos left to keep firms busy for another twenty years!

If you suspect you've got the stuff in your home (which is possible) then I would advise against removing it yourself unless you've got experience of removing the stuff prior. The white / grey tile sheets seen all over thailand are the mildest form of the stuff going they present only a slight danger if damaged as their fibrosity is low compared with the other two and the fibres are less serpentine (barbed).

You could ask the Thai workers to remove it (trying to explain its dangers will be interesting in English to Thai!) but getting replacement materials may be tricky (especially as they may only have asbestos materials in the first place!)

The blue and brown type is found (usually) in city centers, offices and industrial zones, again this is the real nasty stuff to watch out for. Housing is extremely unlikely to have this.

If raining or subject to liquid asbestos lethality (all types) falls dramatically, something to consider if you twt a sheet in error!

An even lower grade of Asbestos is asbestos cement (similar to the stuff you see on garage roofs etc), this is still legal to remove yourself (UK) as its below decimal the amount of asbestos inside the cement.

I see this everywhere in Thailand!

Hope I haven't bored you all to death, But the stuff is out there and should be approached carefully, but not fearfully!

Sorry to hear about you all who have lost loved ones. The asbestosis is a horrible fate!

A buddy of mine in the Asbestos game who used to lag the pipeworks in the 1970s with blue asi. He's dying now from Asbestosis, coughing and all the misery. The UK government gave him about £15,000 compensation and thats his lot!

Any further questions give me a message!

Sorry didn't see the PDF file until I just wrote this post. Apologies if any of my info contradicts the OPs PDF.

Builders on my job used this stuff?? maybe its the asbestos type but it was half the price of sheera board. They then cut it with and angle grinder!!!!

Doesnt matter if its asbestos or not. its not good to breathe in any building material is the lesson learned from any product on a site.

I am proberly going to get a ripping for posting this, but somebody has to stand up for asbestos!!


riding a bicycle can give you testical cancer

smoking gives you cancer

drinking can give you cirrhosis

silica dust can give you sillicosis

breathing bangkok air must be a killer!!

driving a car can kill you

crossing the street can kill you

there is more danger in dealing with petrol than asbestos

electricity can kill you

water can kill you

sun can kill you

sun can give you cancer

eating to much food can kill you

More people die from war every year than asbestos do we ban war???? no we go and make it!!!!

in scotland there is a death every 6 hours as a result of alcohol, that is just wee little scotland should we ban alcohol? how many people come into contact with asbestos and die, as opposed to alcohol. I dont drink as a rule but I know that I can still die because of a drunk driver, I have more fear of drunk drivers than asbestos!!!!

leaves the question of what cant kill you ????

I know that asbestos can be a killer but only if dealt with wrong, hey so can a chainsaw and a push bike!!!

the list goes on, and as for break pads so now we use kevlar products well what a supprise that is now a topic for cancer.

what is safe???????

Germany has banned all mineral oils as they cause cancer but not vasiline... petrolium jelly, then we take vasiline and use it on our babies!! Diesel has been linked to cancer.

I sit under a asbestos roof every day and I dont stress, as there is more danger from walking down the road than from the roof!!!

now dont get me wrong I know there can be death as a side effect I am not saying it is a safe product, but most weed killers are not safe but you dont have a problem with your mother using them!!

I look at the amount of asbestos used in this world and wonder how bad it really is, how long has it been used???

it is even safe enough to eat!!! if you handle it properly then you wont have a problem, you proberly have more chance of dieing in your sleep than dieing of asbestos but we dont ban sleep!!!

personaly I think it is a great product, and I bet it has saved many more lives that it has cost. there are not many products like it and there is not much that can replace it.

one has to ask how much of the media hype has killed this product? how bad is it really?

how many people have died because of asbestos and how many people have died whilst having intercourse?? are we going to ban that to?????

now in saying that I will proberly die as a result of asbestos exposure, ok

people tell me that smoking will kill me, so I ask the simple question, so if I dont smoke does that mean I wont die???

the interesting thing is that with the advance of medical science we no longer attribute death to natural causes we give it a reason, and because of all those reasons we look at things different, we look at everything as a killer.

well the cold hard facts of life are that even the purest of people WILL DIE!! its just a case of what we die of!

you can try and life a clean life and stay away from asbestos and all the other things in life that may kill you but to do that you have to live in a bubble, not leave the house and pray that the house doesnt burn down or a drunk driver come through your wall!

people be nice asbestos isnt bad, its how people use it that is bad !!!


well this posting should get a few people worked up and know doubt I will be told how bad I am and how missinformed I am. but I I am a realist!!!! go and have a moan about nucular fuel, we put that in a container that is safe to drop it from 50 ft, then we load it in a plane and fly it at 30,000 feet !!!!

welcome to the real world people products have been killing people for years, some of the biggest killers are the everyday things, Beer, Cars, Smokes but the biggest killer of all is living !!!!


Considering the average life expectancy for African Asbestos Miners was 30 years of age,you obviously know nothing of the Health Risks.

Why do you think most of the World has banned it?

cause its BAD! are you an idiot? must be.

For the record,I think your reply was mean't for the Poster,two posts before mine?

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