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I hope he's not from the same school as the IT minister, we'll be well screwed then :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Do correct me if I'm wrong - but isn't immigration under the control of Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

If there is no new policy there, the new immigration can't make his own decisions. He'll be a good soldier :)



Embassies and Consulates come under the wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Immigration is the Immigration Police, under the Interior Ministry.

Embassies and Consulates come under the wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Immigration is the Immigration Police, under the Interior Ministry.

A strange division of responsibilities.

Embassies and Consulates come under the wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Immigration is the Immigration Police, under the Interior Ministry.

A strange division of responsibilities.

Same in Japan......

Embassies and Consulates come under the wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Immigration is the Immigration Police, under the Interior Ministry.

A strange division of responsibilities.

Same in Japan......

In fact I can't think off hand of a country where this division, foreign representation handled by the Foreign Ministry/ Department of State and Immigration by the Interior Ministry/ Home Office, is not the case.


/edit for spelling//

imm is under the Interior Ministry, but the new head of immigration can't change policy unless he is also the head of the interior ministry.

Changes to immigration policies are made at three levels:

1. Parliament decides on changes to the Immigration Act.

2. The Interior Minister signs Ministerial Regulations issued under authority of the Immigration Act .

3. The Director General of the Police Department signs orders issued under authority of the Immigration Act, usually on the advice of the Immigration Commission, of which the Commander of Immigration Division is a member.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Immigration is under Justice Ministry since earlier this month.

Let’s see if parliament will pass a law to amend the clauses in the Immigration Act

B.E. 2522 that refer to the Minister of Interior.

Section 5 : The Minister of Interior shall be in charge and have control for the executive of this Act and

shall have power to appoint competent officials , and Issue Minister Regulations ; to fix fees and other

expense not exceeding rates annexed to this Act and to fix other activities for the execution of this Act.

Such Ministerial Regulations shall become effective after having been published in the government


Section 6 : The immigration Commission will consist of the Under Secretary of the Minister of Interior as

Chairman and the following members :




The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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