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Seven foreigners arrested over illegal pre-wedding photo shoots in Phuket


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2 hours ago, Crash999 said:

Last trip to Phuket in the afternoon there was a wedding photo shoot going on in front of us on the beach. About an hour of various poses and some amusing pics of the bride trying to jump into the air. 


Finally they left and we thought we had some peace and quiet. About an hour later the same photographer was back with another couple for some sunset pics. 


Not sure if it’s the same outfit but my guess is they’ve been the source of complaints until the police finally took action.



this has been gong on for over a year<  when they cleared all the illegal chairs,massage places on Kamala beach end of last high season, i asked one of the army guys ( 3 stars, spoke good English) why the wedding photographers were working everyday?

he said  MONEY

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Last year we had a Chinese family stay with us, unknown to us she was a famous Chinese singer and she was asking to maybe come back and do a photo shoot for her latest album cover, I never knew to tell her if she brought over her own photographers they needed a W/P, Ill know next time

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1 hour ago, Cranky said:

Foreigners (falangs) should be a term strictly reserved for whitey-round-eye-big-noses. The rest are illegal Asian aliens that are guilty of all the crime and stealing all the low-paid jobs from the hard-working Thais. Or drug dealers from the dark continent of course.

Foreigner and farang are not the same.

Chinese are foreigners in Thailand.

Edited by stevenl
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They been doing this for ages.


At least employ a few thais to help and get work permits 


They are just taking the piss


Probably paid for the wedding in China 


Hence zero dollar tourists


Throw the book at them 

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35 minutes ago, Jazz5555 said:

Chinese normally get a free pass in Thailand! Which I am sure you know!! With your passive agressive question. 

Thats the point 

Your first and second point are nonsense.


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36 minutes ago, ukrules said:

There is a simple solution to this problem - don't come to Thailand with all your friends and family and money / hotel bookings.


Get married in some other country that appreciates your business and don't forget to tell all your friends about how badly you were treated by the Thais.

Eh wacth your mouth.


You can get married in Thailand these people knew they were braking the law


They were using Thailand to make profit without putting anything back in


Basically stealing 


There are plenty of legal weddings here 


Just need to go to a reliable agency 

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Because they could be Chinese and not foreign. Plus the crime is working while being foreign, not working while being Chinese.

True. Last month a Russian photographer and her boyfriend were sent back home. A local Thai agency reported her as soon as she went to Boat lagoon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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6 hours ago, KittenKong said:

Because they could be Chinese and not foreign. Plus the crime is working while being foreign, not working while being Chinese.

They are not Thai, they are Chinese therefore Foreigners.  If they were Thai Chinese with Thai passports they would not be foreigners.


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4 minutes ago, The Alien said:

"Why not call them Chinese rather than foreigners?"


I think Thai Visa wanted the readers to know "pre-wedding photographer job" is illegal for foreigners without proper work permit.

A foreigner can have a photography business in Thailand! But a Thai photographer has to be hired to take the photos, not the foreigner! It's in the list of the non allowed professions!

Edited by Constantinos
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59 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

You’re wrong. In this example they are Chinese nationals therefore they are foreign. If they were Thai-Chinese then they wouldn’t be foreigners 

But this is why the article used the word foreigner and not the word Chinese, as I pointed out.

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19 minutes ago, dave moir said:

I'm frightened to wipe my arse when I go to the toilet in case I'm accused of working!

thats funny...


After 15 years in Thailand I visited my home country last year and I did a bit of 'work' out of a family members garage and i remember at the time I looked down the driveway thinking I hope no one will spot me doing this...


..but then of course I thought what the f***!, Im in my home country I can do anything I like!


Im a free man again, a first class citizen!


After many years the 'system' can brainwash you. Frightening eh!

Edited by NightSky
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57 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

That makes no sense.  Will Immigration arrest ever Chinese with a camera?  Add the Japanese and you can now overflow all the prisons in the country.  

I think you inadvertently get to the root problem. When you (the gov) have a lot of overly-broad laws that are difficult to enforce, you can hold back and only enforce them selectively when you are pissed at someone or when it is politically expedient for one reason or another. 

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