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Woman's airport meltdown: Compatriot says: That's a Thai for you!


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Well done Air Asia but I wish you could enforce this rule more often. I am a "frequent flyer" with you and it is not only Thais I see trying to get oversize and overweight bags into the cabin for free. This is common practice among tourist backpackers travelling to Bangkok (DMK) from other countries where Air Asia do not have their own ground staff and have to rely on local agents (for example Mandalay in Burma). Watching them struggling along the aisle and then trying to force them into overhead lockers is unbelievable. Whilst trying to do this they invariably hold up the boarding queue. I have witnessed incidents like the one in the video on several occasions. I always pay for my 10kg bag to travel in the hold.

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From the state of her, the 14kg is largely things to eat to maintain her body weight. Therefore, it needs to be at hand. Obviously.


I would have thought the check-in crowd would have recognised a Billy Bunter and helped her out a bit. Or perhaps they reckon she could do with being separated her from her food for a while...?.


Since she's obviously a hi-so kwai-so.




Edited by HalfLight
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Her Doctor has asked the authorities to return her to his Clinic as she has missed  taking her medication!

Darling rules are rules so what bit of 7 Kilo's is the max for hand baggage didn't you understand. Throwing a hissy fit is only going to get you barred from travelling FOREVER! She should have said "Do you know who I am" that could have helped!!

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For me, as long as the bag fits in the overhead locker it shouldn’t be an issue. The weight is 14kg whether it’s in the hold or the overhead. It still has to go in the plane.

Weight and its location onboard goes into fuel and flight performance characteristic calculations. If it’s in the overhead the pilot has no data. If it’s under they know where and how much weight is onboard.
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How dare they stop her for bringing on 14KG when only 7kg is allowed! Do they not realise she is extremely important? Don't these lowlifes recognise Thai gentry? Those ignorant peasant swine who work for the airline should be flogged within an inch of their lives for embarrassing and belittling a Thai of such high standing in a public place, I hope she makes some heads roll over this disgusting display of common vermin challenging an elite personage. No wonder  Thailand is going to the dogs when the lower classes forget their place and position in the country.

It would never have happened when Sarit was around by Jimminy no, he would have machine gunned these vile peasants on the spot.

It is time to make an example of these dregs and teach the peasant classes just who the master is here in this country, they need a good flogging followed by a public beheading with Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr in attendance.

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1 hour ago, bannork said:

I'm afraid you're confusing the words ba ป่า which means forest with the word here ป้า  ba which means aunt. It's a different tone.

It means a pushy middle-aged lady.

I think you are confusing the tones. Asked a native Thai what the guy said and that's what she told me.

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All very amusing momentarily, no doubt, and material for acres of idle chit-chat and witty comment. 

But do we really want a future where vicarious, prurient enjoyment of every person's misfortune and degradation, self-inflicted or not, is relayed live to the World? Where is the positive in that?

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5 hours ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

It refers to a person who is a member of life's higher society caste society club. You see them daily driving around in 99.9% blacked out merks and BM's and they are convinced that life's rules don't apply to them as they are hi-so. The wannabe patrons of the higher society caste society club are those who come with the title of the not quite so higher society high society caste society club. You'll find these people on golf courses, graft beer bars (where all beers come wrapped in brown paper) and walking around the high society shops like Rimping with their underpaid Burmese slave/hombre buying overpriced strawberries at 800thb to the half dozen. Once their friend/slave has pushed their trolley to the till they'll then demand each of their individual items are double bagged, as their purchases are more important than any other walking thing on this earth, even if it is a Wednesday which all of us in the pasentry castes know that Wednesday is a plastic free day. God and the sweet mother earth, please bless the hi so and privileged castes who campaigned and complained about Rimping not giving out plastic and trying to do a little to stop plastic waste. These people are the true martyrs of today's high/highest society, why does anyone even shop at Rimping for any reason other than to have that status symbol that is the bright orange Rimping bag for all to see? The only bag that's more of a status symbol is the one you get if you've been to a London duty free or 'arrods. You have to purchase something at the duty free so you can get a duty free bag, high society people must then use this bag at all times so everyone knows they've been on a plane and that they've been to London.

Are the graft beer bars the ones owned by RTP? 

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5 hours ago, Sealbash said:

What is “Hi-So”?
High Society. It’s the term given to extremely wealthy Thais. These are the Thais that go to anti-aging clinics like Brio Clinic in Bangkok and pay $50k USD for stem cell therapy treatment. Yep, that’s what 1 treatment of stem cell costs at Brio. I know because I had it done there. $50k is chump change to Hi-so folks. Their offspring usually hang out at clubs like Demo and drink beers at Sway in Bangkok where you will see a parking lot loaded with Lambos, Porsches, Ferraris etc... Driving a lowly Mercedes or BMW is consider lo-so by many in hi-so. Hi1so live in a completely different Thailand where the rules of law typically do not apply to them. Anything they want, they can have by paying bribes. Most hi-so folks made all their money through corruption and criminal endeavor generations ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


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7 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I think you are confusing the tones. Asked a native Thai what the guy said and that's what she told me.

Here is the headline from Khao Sot newspaper

If you read the first word it says Aunty which is ป้า bpa or ba in Thai.

The first line says aunty causes a fuss//scene

The phrase manut bpa originated online when people started posting clips of middle-aged women using their age, sex or perceived social standing to gain advantage over others, i.e. jump the queue. they are seen as selfish.

Here are the characteristics of such a woman:

1. She is always right.

2. She jumps the queue claiming fragile health or seniority.

3. She likes free offers in shops and she'll pick up as many as she can to carry home, the whole lot if possible.

4. She'll do everything possible for her own benefit and will never let anyone take advantage of her. If so, she will create a fuss immediately.

There are a few other traits but you get the idea.

All the above are translated from the enclosed article.



airport fuss.jpg

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6 hours ago, Sealbash said:

What is “Hi-So”?

High society is the people of notable wealth that share stereotype that they are selfish and treat others poorly yet demand others treat them well.


Or something like that.


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1 hour ago, dougiemac57 said:

I am in total agreement. Air Asia state 7kg and 2 bags maximum ie 7kg for 2 bags but they continually let people on with 3, 4 5 etc.

No point in having rules and not sticking to them for everyone. 

Same as people on scooters, bikes etc. You must wear a helmet, my arse and the police just allow it to happen.

My wife also has the attitude to let her son drive the car in the village. He has no license at all and she doesn't seem to be able to take it on board that if her son drives and is in an accident her car is not insured !!


So you don't know that car / vehicle insurance is a total scam? 


Thai son has 2 cars and one bike, all have full insurance. Son's in laws never let up how he is being ripped off and throwing big money away. Same attitude re house and contents insurance and health insurance.


A couple of years back son didn't realize his brother-in-law heard him telling his wife to please transfer money to insurance company for renewal on one of the vehicle. Her brother (who she's frightened of) told her she was not to send the money and promptly asked for large handout.


Son's wife told my son 'car insurance not paid' as soon as his BIL had gone and she tried to tell my son 'it's a rip off'. Plus said she now knows where to buy fake insurance stickers.


Son now personally takes care of all insurance matters and tightly controls all money to ensure his BIL and others don't get handouts.




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A simple case of "Don't you know who I think I am." She just needs to calmly explain that she is a Thai of great importance and whatever she wants to do should be fine for everyone.  :tongue:

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All bullology. 7 kg why? If you get on as a passanger within the limit on baggage but weighing 150 Kg there is no problem. If the airline make a weight that includes the passanger and their baggage then ok. Otherwise it is an annoyance to people wighing just 60Kg and seeing a passanger with the ssme baggage and weighing 3 times your weight. You people love strict rules. Join the army.

Edited by Sumarianson
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9 minutes ago, Ulic said:

A simple case of "Don't you know who I think I am." She just needs to calmly explain that she is a Thai of great importance and whatever she wants to do should be fine for everyone.  :tongue:

"Don't you know who I think I am." Thais do that on a regular basis, they tell you they should be called DOCTOR (and their name)  because they have an engineering degree, or dentist, or vet and so forth

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