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Want To Be An Artist

Jeffery Stanthorpe

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Thanks, I have attached one more of my works fro your appraisel :D

Instead of the more technical aspects of my previous charcoal self portrait I have attempted a more emotional theme of abstract representation of the inner turmoil within the artist.

I think the work speaks for itself.

thanks for your input everyone :o


Jefferey, I am no expert but does this signal a change of direction in your art?

I hope not as your last work was much more my cup of tea.

In fact I must admit I took the liberty of printing it off and framing it. It is now on my wall.

Your last drawing said to me 'desperation' and ' cry for help' but this one is far too abstact for me to get meaning

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Where are the shrapnel wounds in your head? And the bottles of pills?

hi, just to share my art knowledge :D The work is abstract, which means it doesn't have to exactly be the same as reality :D

it is done by emotional input rather than technical input :o

Quite thrilling new direction with this one, Jeffery. :D Are the character's vivid, angry swords and cigar a transposed metaphor for the evils of modern society's restrictions and greed? Perhaps to highlight the plight of amputee lesbian Nicaraguan dwarf coffee planters in S. America, perhaps? I like how the image's head blazes with fire and anger. A masterpiece. :D

Edited by kmart
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Where are the shrapnel wounds in your head? And the bottles of pills?

hi, just to share my art knowledge :D The work is abstract, which means it doesn't have to exactly be the same as reality :D

it is done by emotional input rather than technical input :o

Quite thrilling new direction with this one, Jeffery. :D Are the character's vivid, angry swords and cigar a transposed metaphor for the evils of modern society's restrictions and greed? Perhaps to highlight the plight of amputee lesbian Nicaraguan dwarf coffee planters in S. America, perhaps? I like how the image's head blazes with fire and anger. A masterpiece. :D

While I agree that the underlying angst portrayed in this masterpiece is reminiscent of his earlier works especially his studies of lesbian amputees I cannot help but wonder if this may be in fact a forgery as I find it hard to discern his unmistakable signature.

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:o What a wonderful thread.

So much sensitivity and creativity. I will shut up lest I soil the precious seeds of greatness that are being sown here.

I'll just stay in the background and piss meself. :D

5555555555555555555555 - you're all art, sir.

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It's a very good likeness.

What is it?

its a self portrait ! basically what that is, in artist circles, is when you make a drawing of yourself :D i have gone for the charcol effect

It shows great potential

thanks for your input :o although i can see room for improvement in certain aspects of the work, hence the posting :D

Seeing one piece of work does not give someone enough to be able to advise you. To really be able to give advice I must first know what you are trying to accomplish with your work....it can be hard to come up with a statement about what you're trying to do because sometimes the artist is not fully aware of what it is they are trying to accomplish....so....I think it would be good if you could talk a bit about the "room for improvement in certain aspects" that you see in your work....then perhaps it will be clearer to you and me what it is you are wanting to accomplish and then perhaps I could give you a different point of view that might help in some way....or maybe not.


Thanks, I have attached one more of my works fro your appraisel :D

Instead of the more technical aspects of my previous charcoal self portrait I have attempted a more emotional theme of abstract representation of the inner turmoil within the artist.

I think the work speaks for itself.

thanks for your input everyone :D


It's too small....can you post it so I can enlarge it to full size...I can't see the detail at all.


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it would be a crime to keep your work from the public eye..

i suggest creating an album in the users gallery so as we may all stare in wonder - but you must upload larger images

keep it up :o

I agree. There is too little cultural debate in this forum. Time for a little enlightenment.

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It's a very good likeness.

What is it?

its a self portrait ! basically what that is, in artist circles, is when you make a drawing of yourself :D i have gone for the charcol effect

It shows great potential

thanks for your input :o although i can see room for improvement in certain aspects of the work, hence the posting :D

Seeing one piece of work does not give someone enough to be able to advise you. To really be able to give advice I must first know what you are trying to accomplish with your work....it can be hard to come up with a statement about what you're trying to do because sometimes the artist is not fully aware of what it is they are trying to accomplish....so....I think it would be good if you could talk a bit about the "room for improvement in certain aspects" that you see in your work....then perhaps it will be clearer to you and me what it is you are wanting to accomplish and then perhaps I could give you a different point of view that might help in some way....or maybe not.


Thanks, I have attached one more of my works fro your appraisel :D

Instead of the more technical aspects of my previous charcoal self portrait I have attempted a more emotional theme of abstract representation of the inner turmoil within the artist.

I think the work speaks for itself.

thanks for your input everyone :D


It's too small....can you post it so I can enlarge it to full size...I can't see the detail at all.


It's a forgery, or else he's taken an original and added to it.

Obviously the central theme is a square target doodle and he's added the twiddly bits.

BTW where is the tell all signature?

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Congratulations Jeffrey, very few artists achieve such recognition in their lifetime.

I am actually afraid to turn off my computer in case you post your latest work and I miss it.

I hope it is a Thai landscape.

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I would be interested to know why you made your signature to create the illusion of breasts on your torso, not that there is anything wrong with that.

The elctro-robot seems to promote a great deal of inner angst and confused identity issues; for example the two feet in rightward direction, while the being is obviously left leaning. The robot is in a fully defensive posture but cannot conceal the empty dark core at its center.

An obvious oedipal complex and a cry for help at that. Try inducing past life memories. :o

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Where's the lesbian amputees? Can you repost that Jeffrey old boy, I seem to have missed it.

Jockstrap, your post is actually quite a bit of fresh air. A bit like a fresh fart amongst the otherwise pretentious mumblings of pseudo artists trying to catch the spotlight at the great Jeff's expense.

I hope we can keep culture out of this thread. Art and passion needs to fly free, not be raped and violated by creepy culture.

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How about you all ?

Been feeling manic so mulling over the idea of a hobbie, seen quite a few artists shops in Pattaya so might take up sketching or something.

Have done a self portrait of myself although I may need to refine my technique, ( See up-loaded sketch and give opinions and tips pls) :o

Is there lIke training classes I can to take, maybe I can make some money from this hobbie and give cash to to the starving kids in Africa or something .

Thanks for your inadvance for your input :D


I am a very famous Bull Shit Artist My work is sold all over the world and with my extra money I give to poor Muslims children. I can teach you how to be a famous Artist if you promise to give the money to me.

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If I know anything about art, and I don't, I would have to say these are the most emotionally gripping, images of our time. Very haunting works indeed...kudos. :o

Indeed. Jeffery is the "Crayon Of A Generation" in this respect. His art redefines the genre, and encapsulates the zeitgeist of this era. :D

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Garro, I'm feverishly trying to open your attachment but nothing happens. I wonder if you know how many people around the world are waiting with bated breath to feast their eyes on YOUR masterpiece. It's about time somebody offered competition to Jeffery's scintillating talent.

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  • 1 year later...
Thanks, I have attached one more of my works fro your appraisel :D

Instead of the more technical aspects of my previous charcoal self portrait I have attempted a more emotional theme of abstract representation of the inner turmoil within the artist.

I think the work speaks for itself.

thanks for your input everyone :D


Is it a bbq corn on the cob (maize) street seller? :o

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If you are interested in art look into wet canvas it is a artist forum with a huge amount of information on any type art you can immagin with in excess of 100,000 readers at a time and in excess of 1000 post per day. It is really impressive and has a world of information on the arts.

take a look wetcanvas.com

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I'm from California . Im currently taking up an immersion film course at the International Academy of Film and Television. What took me all the way to cebu was my genuine interest in filmmaking and since i visited the city in the summer of 2004, I've always wanted to get back for a longer stay. The training here is completely hands we work on professional sound stages, use state-of-the art High Definition filmmaking equipment, and make really tough creative and technical decisions. We basically eat, breathe and sleep filmmaking. Here are some snapshots of our sessions.




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