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malaysia visa run by air

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hi. I dont know your nationality but one of my Turkish friends went there for non-o 90 days.

his flight was morning to malaysia and back to bkk evening. They questioned him hard in malaysia. He got rid of it because it was his first trip. And also people around me suggest to stay 1 night in malaysia.


Another friend went there (cameroon passport) they interview with him for hours and then let him go but put some red note on his passport saying thats his last entry to malaysia.


So, sometimes nationality matters i think. If i were you i would stay 1 night there just to avoid any conflicts. Otherwise i didnt hear any problem about 90 days there. Just long time interview if your not spending 1 night, and they might block your next entrance if you go there often. 


I dont know but this is what happened to my 2 friends. 

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4 minutes ago, alfonsalfons1 said:

Does he really need to enter Malaysia? Can't he check in for his return flight air-side at the KL airport? Or even better, do online check-in? 

You are officially supposed to actually enter another country before returning to Thailand. In the past, Thai immigration would have checked for the relevant Malaysian stamps. These days, you are likely to get away with returning without passing Malaysian immigration. This is because, with the advent of the Advance Passenger Information System, Thai immigration tends just to check you were on the incoming flight and no longer checks for stamps. That said, I would recommend doing it properly.

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2 hours ago, BritTim said:

You are officially supposed to actually enter another country before returning to Thailand. In the past, Thai immigration would have checked for the relevant Malaysian stamps. These days, you are likely to get away with returning without passing Malaysian immigration. This is because, with the advent of the Advance Passenger Information System, Thai immigration tends just to check you were on the incoming flight and no longer checks for stamps. That said, I would recommend doing it properly.

That is something I would not say is a good idea.

Fly to Malaysia, KL or Penang and stay one night.

Would be bit stupid risking getting denied entry and paying twice just to get two stamps in your passport.

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