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U.S. Social Security International Direct Deposit (IDD) Update


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And I expect your VA payment last month was approx Bt99K incurring a Bt99 interprovince Bahtnet transfer fee plus the basic Bt100 fee.

Approximately yes you know how the exchange rate has been fluctuating lately sometimes more than 100K baht a month or 102K baht a month but the exchange rate for the USD keeps fluctuating between 30 and 32 baht to the dollar this month my exchange rate was 30.2 if I recall correctly.
And I expect your VA payment last month was approx Bt99K incurring a Bt99 interprovince Bahtnet transfer fee plus the basic Bt100 fee.

Last month I received about 100,500 baht because of the exchange rate bouncing around. There’s been some currency manipulation going on as well which is effecting it for now.

Yesterday I got the Credit Advice for the social security International Direct Deposit (IDD) which was coded as BTN/Bahtnet vs FTT/International Transfer on my family member's Bangkok Bank account. Now the Credit Advice only shows the funds were sent by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (with a New Jersey address) and the last leg of the transfer was from the Bank of Thailand Bahtnet Payment Systems  SWIFT code.  


The Credit Advice does not show (nor is it suppose to) show the "entire" routing which could involve several banks.  However, I asked for and they showed me in a separate report of the complete routing along with intermediary SWIFT codes of the payment which was:


Sent by: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

First Intermediary: Citibank Europe PLC in Ireland....SWIFT Code CITIIE2X

Second Intermediary: Citibank Thailand Head Office Bangkok...SWIFT Code CITITHBX

Third Intermediary: Bank of Thailand Bahtnet Payment Systems Bangkok....SWIFT Code BOTHTHBT

Funds arrive/posted to: Bangkok Bank whose SWIFT code is BKKBTHBK


Note: apparently Citibank is the contractor/processor bank that the Federal Reserve Bank uses for IDD payments to Thailand.   And I expect above IDD routing is used for VA and OPM IDD payments as the VA and OPM also use the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to transmit IDD payments.


On 7/3/2019 at 5:51 PM, racyrick said:

Nice to hear, but I will still wait to see if any other people get their deposits with no problems and at what banks they were sent to, before I apply for this.


I want to make sure all the bugs are worked out and a regular account is ok at any bank to use.


I assume that the Bahtnet code (BTN) in the bank book will be ok for Immigration purposes.


Thanks for keeping us updated!



Yesterday I got the Credit Advice for the social security International Direct Deposit (IDD) which was coded as BTN/Bahtnet vs FTT/International Transfer on my family member's Bangkok Bank account. Now the Credit Advice only shows the funds were sent by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (with a New Jersey address) and the last leg of the transfer was from the Bank of Thailand Bahtnet Payment Systems  SWIFT code.  


The Credit Advice does not show (nor is it suppose to) show the "entire" routing which could involve several banks.  However, I asked for and they showed me in a separate report of the complete routing along with intermediary SWIFT codes of the payment which was:


Sent by: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

First Intermediary: Citibank Europe PLC in Ireland....SWIFT Code CITIIE2X

Second Intermediary: Citibank Thailand Head Office Bangkok...SWIFT Code CITITHBX

Third Intermediary: Bank of Thailand Bahtnet Payment Systems Bangkok....SWIFT Code BOTHTHBT

Funds arrive/posted to: Bangkok Bank whose SWIFT code is BKKBTHBK


Note: apparently Citibank is the contractor/processor bank that the Federal Reserve Bank uses for IDD payments to Thailand.   And I expect above IDD routing is used for VA and OPM IDD payments as the VA and OPM also use the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to transmit IDD payments.


“apparently Citibank is the contractor/processor bank that the Federal Reserve Bank uses for IDD payments to Thailand.   And I expect above IDD routing is used for VA and OPM IDD payments as the VA and OPM also use the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to transmit IDD payments.”


Yes it’s the same for the VA as well I also saw CITIBank on my last two credit advices as well since I started using the IDD system. And mine also say Federal Reserve Bank of New York and something in New Jersey as well but below that it does specifically say “Department of Veterans Affairs”. So yes I think you are probably right that sounds very similar to what my last two credit advices showed. I was thinking the same thing that CITIBank is probably their contractor or conduit bank.


When I log into my VA eBenefits account under my direct deposit account information it just says for my bank name International Treasury Services (ITS). But yes it’s probably the same for all 3 agencies that offer IDD since I believe it’s all ran by the Treasury Department. But regardless all money being sent outside the United States I believe is required to be processed through the Federal Reserve first before it’s sent to the foreign bank.







2 minutes ago, Mel52 said:

When I log into my VA eBenefits account under my direct deposit account information it just says for my bank name International Treasury Services (ITS). But yes it’s probably the same for all 3 agencies that offer IDD since I believe it’s all ran by the Treasury Department.

Yes...the ITS is the department that handles US govt payments.   When VA setup your VA IDD payment the VA actually entered your SCB banking info into an ITS payment system along with their own VA payment system.  Once setup, each and every month the VA sends payment instructions to the Fed ITS who in turn are the ones who actually sends out the payment to your SCB account.


CITIBank has a lot of contracts with the United States government including for government credit cards for TDY (government business trips). When I was in the military we were given CITIBank credit cards for official government business travel only. It used to be Bank of America that had the government credit card contract but they lost it to CITIBank something like 20 years ago I remember. Citibank does a lot of business with the United States government they have for years.






I just checked "my Social security" and it lists a change. It says something like Saving account and the last four numbers of my Kasikorn account number. Previously it listed Wells Fargo. The e-mail from my SS rep in Manila said she was making the change. Now lets see if payment arrives in August and if its marked as a foreign transfer.
That confirms the switch to IDD has occurred...your 3 Aug payment will be by IDD. My family member's SSA online acct updated just like yours in mid June and the member's 3 Jul payment was via IDD. With yours updating in early Jul you will surely be good to go for 3 Aug payment via IDD.

And just like your SSA online acct no bank name is displayed...just says it's a saving acct and shows last 4 digits of acct number. Before when being sent via ACH the bank name displayed also. Expect the SSA online acct can only display bank names when associated by "ACH/ABA routing number" and not by SWIFT code which IDD uses.
  • Thanks 1

I am going to switch my IDD from the New York branch of BBK Bank to my normal account here in Thailand.


Does anyone have the routing number for BBK Bank Thailand?


Maybe I missed it but if you change from a direct deposit account at Bank of Bangkok to your normal savings account at Bank of Bangkok (same branch) do you have to go through SS in Manila or can Bangkok Bank do it?

1 minute ago, marcusarelus said:

Maybe I missed it but if you change from a direct deposit account at Bank of Bangkok to your normal savings account at Bank of Bangkok (same branch) do you have to go through SS in Manila or can Bangkok Bank do it?

The only people who can make any change are SS Manila

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1 hour ago, Tagaa said:

I am going to switch my IDD from the New York branch of BBK Bank to my normal account here in Thailand.


Does anyone have the routing number for BBK Bank Thailand?

The direct deposit you now having going thru the NY York branch is "not" International Direct Deposit (IDD).  When using the Bangkok Bank NY branch ABA routing number your direct deposit is via Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.   IDD uses SWIFT codes....ACH use ABA routing numbers.   Two completely different funds transfer systems.


So with that said the SWiFT code for Bankgok Bank is:  BKKBTHBK



The above SWIFT code and your Bangkok Bank account number is used on the SSA IDD for Thailand form.




As I understand it, the Social Security IDD can be to ANY bank in Thailand.


Am I correct in my understanding?

39 minutes ago, Tagaa said:

As I understand it, the Social Security IDD can be to ANY bank in Thailand.


Am I correct in my understanding?

As far as I know, yes.


The form says the change of bank account request can be mailed to either Manila or Baltimore.


Is one faster or preferable than the other?

The form says the change of bank account request can be mailed to either Manila or Baltimore.
Is one faster or preferable than the other?

My experience with that Baltimore Social Security Office is they’re a lot worse than Manila. I’m not on Social Security I’m retired military and a 100% disabled veteran but my wife is disabled from a car accident in the states almost 6 years ago from an extremely serious brain injury she spent 6 months in the hospital and she’s still disabled because of it. I fought with them for years over here Disability Social Security because they dropped the ball on it after we moved to Thailand (long story). I actually dealt directly with the Baltimore Social Security Office who deals with Disability and they’re horrible, I elevated it up to their their branch Chief named Rodney Epps at the Baltimore Office and that guy is absolutely worthless he’s an idiot but I don’t want to get started on that because it’s a long story. So I’ve been dealing with them for years.

My wife turned 62 this year so I was finally able to get her Retirement Social Security set up and we just save her Retirement Social Security payments in our bank in the states with my military retirement pay. I only bring my VA Disability pension into Thailand into my Thai bank via International Direct Deposit and I only use that as our income since it’s a lot because I’m rated 100% disabled. I had to help my wife get her Social Security set up because she can’t really do it on her own. She’s a Thai citizen but she’s been a United States Permanent Resident since 1985 we met in the United States 22 years ago.

But that Manila Social Security Office sucks my wife had a pretty decent representative though but they’re still horrible and that Baltimore Office is so bad I seriously think it would probably not make much of a difference if they shut it down and fired everyone who works there. It’s quite a long story but I sort of got it worked out at least she got her Retirement Social Security but she really should have received Disability Social Security. I’ve worked with government employees before and they are probably the worst I’ve seen in the United States. They just don’t care because no matter how little work they do it’s almost impossible to fire one of them after they’ve been on the job for 2 years, after only 2 short years on the job they have tenure and it pretty much takes an act of God to fire a government employee it’s a really bad system. People complain about the VA but I thought the VA was pretty great but I do have multiple severe disabilities including a lot of metal in my back holding my back together among many other things.
  • Sad 1

And the reason why I elevated it to their headquarters in Baltimore in the first place was because the Manila Office was so bad only to find out that the Baltimore Office was 10 times worse. that Baltimore Office has some sorry mother fckers working there.....





8 hours ago, Tagaa said:

The form says the change of bank account request can be mailed to either Manila or Baltimore.


Is one faster or preferable than the other?

I would send it to Manila.  


I just had a seriously tough time dealing with the Manila and the Baltimore Social Security Offices when I helped my wife get her Social Security set up and that Baltimore Office is a million times worse so I guess I just shouldn’t get started on them because it makes me mad just thinking about that Baltimore Office. It’s a long story and I told a little bit of it but I went through hell dealing with some of the idiots in that organization I’ve never seen such stupidity and incompetence before in that Baltimore Office from my experience with them.


The Manila Office isn’t great either but in their defense they are the only Social Security Office for all of Asia and they deal with everyone living in Asia who’s eligible for Social Security and or drawing it or preparing to collect it so I’m sure they are busy but their office in Baltimore their big headquarters is worse. As little as they seem to care it’s no wonder the Manila Office and other Social Security Offices are so screwed up. But it is the government that’s life I guess.






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About 2 weeks ago I went back to Bangkok Bank for the 3rd or was it the 4th time.  I got a different staff worker who is the one that opened my account for me.  She did not mention the need to use the existing Bangkok Bank direct deposit form, nor did she say I would need to open a new account for the direct deposit.  She gave me a slip of paper with the Bank's address and routing number and printed and signed a document verifying the account.  I submitted that document along with the form from Social Security with the bank information filled in but not signed by the bank.  I explained in the email to SS Manila that the bank would not sign the new form but provided me a letter guaranteeing the account.  I was not sure if the lack of signature would be an issue but figured it was worth a try.  I was in Koh Chang last week and got an email stating they received my documents and to allow 1-2 months processing time.  I logged into the MY Social Security account today and the banking information has already been updated.  I expect the change to take place for the September payment.  Next task will be how to show these as international transfers as from what I have read they do not show that way on the bank books.

1 hour ago, Scott424 said:

 She gave me a slip of paper with the Bank's address and routing number and printed and signed a document verifying the account.  I submitted that document along with the form from Social Security with the bank information filled in but not signed by the bank.  

The SSA-1199 OP107 IDD for Thailand Direct Deposit form does not use a "routing number" like the Bangkok Bank New York branch ABA routing number of 02008691.   The IDD form uses a "SWIFT code" of BKKBTHBK.


Maybe when you said routing number you really meant SWIFT code.  But if you did mean routing number and used the 02008691 number that means you submitted the standard SSA-1199A direct deposit form used for the ACH system which requires the special Direct Deposit account at Bangkok Bank.  If an ACH US govt payment is attempted to a regular account HQ Bangkok Bank will spot that and put the transfer on hold...send you a letter saying your must come in and open a direct deposit account otherwise they will send the payment back in approx two weeks. 


Now if you did use the IDD form and SWIFT code but had it sent to your Direct Deposit account you will still have all the same restrictions on the account just like if the money was arriving via the ACH system.  If sent via IDD to a regular account then no restriction AFAIK. 


When paid via the IDD SWIFT system the coding/description you will receive will be BTN/Bahtnet; not FTT/International Transfer like when paid via ACH.








Good catch Pib, I did indeed mean to say I used the Swift code, so I should be good to go as this account is not a direct deposit account.  Will try to edit my comment.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Scott424 said:

She gave me a slip of paper with the Bank's address and routing number and printed and signed a document verifying the account.  I submitted that document along with the form from Social Security with the bank information filled in but not signed by the bank.  I explained in the email to SS Manila that the bank would not sign the new form but provided me a letter guaranteeing the account.  I was not sure if the lack of signature would be an issue but figured it was worth a try.  

Yeap, providing a SSA-1199 with all the i's and t's dotted and crossed can be hard sometimes like you are not anywhere close to your bank.  Actually the SSA is suppose to accept and document containing the necessary info....like even just a letter form you providing the necessary info...does not even have to be on a SSA-1199 type form UNLESS your supporting office requires such....wants to minimize the possibility of bad info...and fraudulent submission which can be reduced by requiring a complete SSA-1199.  Heck they can even accept the info over the phone/fax "if they want to."


Below link/snapshot to the SSA-1199A OP107 IDD for Thailand SSA instructions provided more info.






2 minutes ago, Scott424 said:

Good catch Pib, I did indeed mean to say I used the Swift code, so I should be good to go as this account is not a direct deposit account.  Will try to edit my comment.

My next step regarding my family member's payment which started via IDD for the 3 July payment but still going the Direct Deposit account is to see if Bangkok Bank will convert the account to a regular account which would remove restrictions like the no debit card allowed restriction....and prevent the need to open another account and submit a new IDD form.  


When originally submitting the IDD months earlier the same account number was used/retained because we didn't have time to open another/new account....plus my family member really didn't want to....didn't really care....is fine with having to use the passbook to go get money.   But now realizes getting the restrictions removed would be a good thing.   

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