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Golden Tree Snake Came By For A Visit


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I was outside my office getting a drink when I heard something get knocked over and fall down. I went back inside just to time to see this little fella dropping down from the roof onto the floor.

Called my wife and asked her to come home because I couldn't move things around the room and catch the snake at the same time..proved to be a mistake because all she did the whole time was perch on top of a chair screaming.

Anyway, I eventually moved everything out of the room and chased it around a bit with a soft broom until it decided to hide in one of the bins I had tipped over on the floor. 

Threw the lid on and set it free in a patch of overgrowth a few km down the road.

Looked it up online, it's a golden tree snake. Apparently they enjoy eating torkey geckos which makes sense because we have a family of them living downstairs.

Sorry for the poor quality photo..


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35 minutes ago, ThaiWai said:



Do not follow this posters advice.  This type of snare can easily hurt or kill the snake and if you injure the wrong breed you might be breaking the law also.  Snakes perform a vital function and the alternative is not something you would want.  There are regional facebook groups on facebook dedicated to identifying, conserving and relocating snakes in Thailand and educating those who encounter them.  I recommend you join one nearest you and get educated.  





Screen Shot 2019-01-25 at 9.24.58 PM.png

and if you get it wrong and piss off the wrong snake you are going to have a bad day, allow the snake to leave on it's own as it might be distressed and doesn't know what it wants to do. red necked keelbacks are bad for this, they tend to play dead but they are venomous although back fanged. 'touch wood' keelbacks are the only venomous snakes we have found in our garden but we get lots of rat snakes, Indo Chinese & Oriental but they don't hang around long they are so fast on the move (and according to Vern Snakes of Thailand) they will strike fast as well. leave them alone and normally they will leave you alone although a friend said he had to kill a spitting cobra because it spat at them and they hadn't done anything.

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28 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

In Ayutthaya suburbs ? A local black cat chose to guard our porch while we were back in Pattaya. Along comes snake poisonous, who picked the wrong porch. It was poisonous but apparently the cat was wise in it's ways. We got a full report by a construction gang working on house next door. Now my wife puts out cat food. When the bowl runs dry he lets her know it's refill time. We have two INSIDE cats, one just still a kitten 6 weeks, the other around 2 + years. Yard man recently found one he claims is poisonous but the size of his little finger. He was going to kill it but my wife told him to return it to woods not too far away. My wife does not like to kill natures beasts, surprised I've lasted this long.

You are a lucky man to have found someone with a good and loving heart. Cherish her every day. May you both live a long time to enjoy her kindness.

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These are very common snakes in Thailand. If
you see any snake during your visit, this will
probably be the one. A high portion of
identification requests I get at
ThailandSnakes.com comes from people that
saw this snake.
This snake can flatten the body and glide
through the air a bit. They sometimes jump from
a hundred feet up a tree. These are probably the
fastest tree climbing snakes in Thailand. Try to
catch one and see!"

© 2014 Vern Lovic - ThailandSnakes.com


Lovely pic of one in Vern Lovic's free downloadable e-book, "Thailand Snakes", downloadable from the website noted above. I recommend it to anyone with even just a passing interest in the fauna around them

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1 hour ago, SantiSuk said:

Lovely pic of one in Vern Lovic's free downloadable e-book, "Thailand Snakes", downloadable from the website noted above. I recommend it to anyone with even just a passing interest in the fauna around them

Thanks, I'll check it out. I have a lot of experience with Australian snakes but little to no knowledge of Thai snakes unfortunately.

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