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Two Russian Women Killed At Jomthien Beach


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the wife just ran into the room.. 'two ladies from russia killed in pattaya, jomtien...' it's just been on the Television news (again?)

yeah... all i needed to here was 'russian lady' & 'pattaya' in the same sentance as 'murdered'

these were not tourists me thinks...

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these were not tourists me thinks...

Rather incredible and insulting all these assumptions here. Pattaya is a big destination for Russian package tourism.

If you guys for example would have had a look at 'Luang Ching Pan Jor' one and a half weeks ago, there was a case of two russian female tourists who were attacked in Pattaya by thugs trying to steal their handbags. One of them was stabbed badly, nearly died, but was saved.

No hits, no prostitution, just the usual crime in Thailand's disneyland.

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Loke, you wrote this...

And if two Russian ladies have been given a drunken beach chair concessionaire a hard time, perhaps laughing at his (to them!) utter ridiculous demands for rent in the middle of the night, he could very easily have been worked up to a level where he'd grab his motorcycle, drive home and get his gun to show those farang b****s...

Followed by this...

So, here's my opinion: Before going around slandering ppl one don't know, it would be prudent to evaluate the facts presented for one in advance. And one might not have look so stupid and shameful, as one must do now.... Keep your prejudicial racist mouth shut if you haven't got anything good to say.

Question: Why didn't you follow the advice you gave in the second paragraph when you wrote the first paragraph??

Maybe you didn't read this: "But all above is also just speculations - showing off my own particular prejudice and urge to compare the case-facts presented, to my personal experiences and gut-feel.... Please regard my speculations as such, and I'd be the last to be offended if you just ignore them."

You didn't read or just chose to ignore my "if", "perhaps" and "could" and you didn't choose to ignore my self-stated and self-admitted "particular prejudice" which however IS based on personal experiences, as I've been put off a beach chair and threaten in the middle of the night by a drunken beach chair concessionaire who just wanted "night-rent" - and this in fact more than once.

Maybe you should go read my post again, or go back to school and learn to comprehend simple texts before you point to your obvious ignorance... IMHO you are exactly one of those who needs to have an opionion about just everything, and urge to show it off no matter what, but lack the intelligence or patience to evaluate and analyze properly the very thing you do opinion. <sigh>


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this is very very bad news. bad news for pattaya tourists. i love going to jomtien beach with my daughter, but now will maybe think twice, might be better of staying at home. jeez. "amazing thailand"

He Pattaya girl, this is really ridiculous what you write ! This has nothing to do with your daughter or the average tourist, believe me ! And Jomtien beach is 6 km long ! so place enough for your daughter to play...

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Watch this space......tragic, RANDOM killing of 2 Russian ladies out to watch the sunrise. Drunk Thai wannabe with 9mm approaches ladies who have seen it all before and don't take him seriously so he shows just how serious he is by unloading said 9mm into said ladies. Wrong place at the wrong time. Tragic, Senseless, Mindless but unfortunately not uncommon in the beautiful beach side resorts of Pattay and Jomtien. Last week a knofing, this week a shooting, next week a bombing?....I'm glad I made my move to the jungle a couple of years ago.....RIP.

Lots of Mafia theories and whatever popping up here but from what little facts we do have it seems to me that it is more likely that a Thai man approached these ladies with predatory intentions and they resisted or screamed and he panicked and shot them.

Alcohol and/or ya baa and anything is likely to happen.

I expect that Pattaya will continue to experience high levels of crime and violence.

Poverty, envy, lack of opportunity, lack of education, entrenched corruption, a history and culture of violence, and a lack of will to fully prosecute Thais for crimes against farangs all leads to more of the same in store for those who choose to visit Thailand.

Caveat emptor

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There has been a lot of speculation as to the why's and wherefore's of these appalling killings. I can add a couple of facts which may help. Despite the fact the girls were here on 'holiday' the mobile phone found at the scene contained over 100 local telephone numbers. The girl's "holiday' was paid for not by themselves but by a company.

These killings took place at around 4.30 am local time and entire shooting sequence lasted about 9 seconds, the film from the local security cameras unfortunately is obscured by tree branches and only the fleeing rider's legs are visible, no identifying features or number plate.

Speculation time now but it does sound to me as if these weren't regular tourists and maybe some of the conspiracy theorists on TV are not too far wrong.


the camera nearly directly above the scene has clear clean line of sight

there are no trees

however this camera is not working or ????????

there are another 3 cameras in the same stretch of road and perhaps one of these caught the image

If the a/hole turned up Chiyapud Rd then the camera will catch the image - many crims remove the plates here and many wear a full face helmet

Edited by BlackJack
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A very sad state of affairs. R.I.P. to the two ladies.

Whatever the reasons for the killings this despicable crime once again highlights the risk of people being in lonely areas during quiet dark periods.

People should apply common sense and not make themselves easy targets for the criminal.

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Lots of Mafia theories and whatever popping up here but from what little facts we do have it seems to me that it is more likely that a Thai man approached these ladies with predatory intentions and they resisted or screamed and he panicked and shot them.

Alcohol and/or ya baa and anything is likely to happen.

I expect that Pattaya will continue to experience high levels of crime and violence.

Poverty, envy, lack of opportunity, lack of education, entrenched corruption, a history and culture of violence, and a lack of will to fully prosecute Thais for crimes against farangs all leads to more of the same in store for those who choose to visit Thailand.

Caveat emptor

are you a racist? why do you think it was a Thai man? resistance, what restance? where do you get these ideas from? I dont know what world you come from but I hope you never do Jury Duty, you will have them sentenced before the trial has begun.

wake up to the real world!!!!

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oh oh, that is really bad news here. After Samui now here. This will not improve tourism from nowhere. Especially young women will stay away. Another "Thailand special"

:o He castelleone, maybe you're not a newbie on this forum, but it seems that you don't know to much about life here, do you ? These things happen here, unfortunately, on a regular base, but of course it's not always in the press, although....

This is not just about young tourists or backpackers, but 2 of those MANY Russian hookers, probably they didn't give their full salary to their (Russian) pimp... God bless them (the 2 women...)

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These killings took place at around 4.30 am local time and entire shooting sequence lasted about 9 seconds, the film from the local security cameras unfortunately is obscured by tree branches and only the fleeing rider's legs are visible, no identifying features or number plate.


the camera nearly directly above the scene has clear clean line of sight

there are no trees

however this camera is not working or ????????

there are another 3 cameras in the same stretch of road and perhaps one of these caught the image

If the a/hole turned up Chiyapud Rd then the camera will catch the image - many crims remove the plates here and many wear a full face helmet

My information came from my g/f who has spent the day in Jomtien for a local paper, her information in turn came from the police at the scene. Which cameras are working and which are not remains to be seen. It may be worth mentioning that the police are entertaining the local press with food and drink as I write, so it seems fairly clear that the story that eventually comes out will be "approved".


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are you a racist? why do you think it was a Thai man? resistance, what restance? where do you get these ideas from? I dont know what world you come from but I hope you never do Jury Duty, you will have them sentenced before the trial has begun.

wake up to the real world!!!!

Maybe because the reported suspect was Thai. It's a little different how people have concluded without a doubt that the girls were mafia or prostitutes based on their nationality.

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Thai wiskey for two russian tourist. Guess they was on a budget but they were staying in the area

most russian's stay.

( Pattaya city news) ( this seems to be words from witness's mouth)

We spoke with a Security Guard who works at the nearby Ananya Condotel who mentioned that he remembered seeing the two Russian Women at around 4am. They were drinking and would occasionally go for a swim. Just before 6am, the Security Guard heard screams from the two women and 4 shots were heard. He then saw an unidentified Thai man leave the scene on a motorbike.

Later on Saturday Morning, Police Lieutenant General Asawin, the Region 2 Commander of Police came to Jomtien to inspect the crime scene. He took a few moments to speak with the press and confirmed that a dedicated murder investigation team has been assigned to this case. The team is currently inspecting CCTV pictures from cameras located along the beach and a separate unit is producing detailed profiles of both victims in conjunction with the Russian Embassy.

He confirmed that the pair checked into the Dragon Beach Resort Hotel located only 100 meters from the murder scene, on 16th February and were due to check out on 3rd March. It is believed at this point that they traveled alone. Information concerning a possible suspect points to a Deckchair attendant working in the area who failed to appear for work on Saturday Afternoon. Suggestions of a possible dispute between the Russian victims and the attendant are being investigated and Police confirm they have full details of the attendant and are currently searching for him.

We expect further updates on this murder case over the coming days and will of course bring them to you here on Pattaya City News.

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A Thai man speeding off on a motorbike, now that is something you hardly ever see around Pattaya.

I believe it says "leave the scene", as in of the murder ( now this is not unusual for Patters)

Still leaves about 5 million Thai men without an alibi

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At last finally people are talking with some information. I was really disappointed at mass judgment passed by many readers about the victims. I fully agree with those few who voiced their concern over the unsympathetic way the forum readers have commented about victims.

It hurt to see that even in this age, people are so racially biased. God forbid, if one these commentators were to meet an accident and similar derogatory comments were to be passed on him/her just because he/she is of a specific nationality, what would be the reaction.

In my earlier post, I did mention there is something missing in the story and lets wait for a while to get more information. Unfortunately I forgot to express my condolence at the same time. I do now. No matter what the reality turns out to be, may their soul rest in peace.

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I certainly don't condone this act of violence, and we don't know all the details yet, but I am afraid you will see more of it. The Russians are invading this land more and more. In Pattaya and Bangkok, Russians are more visable than other foreigners. I don't know if the Thai Tourism Board is promoting itself there or if it is just word of mouth that more and more are coming here. And we all know the Russian mafia is the worst in the world.

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Thai wiskey for two russian tourist. Guess they was on a budget but they were staying in the area

most russian's stay.

That bottle is a common feature of a mid- or low-range hotel mini-bar. There's no way to tell if it was their drink of choice bought from a store, or just the thing closest to hand when deciding to go to the beach.

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