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Over 20 dead in U.S. polar vortex, frostbite amputations feared


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17 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Maybe because for the first 25 or 30 years of the leftist Gore Bull Warming Alarmism...they kept telling us we would be getting warmer winters and then snow would be a thing we only would see in history books. Ski resorts would be going broke. 

     When that failed to materialize, they had to change their story.

    Now Gore Bull Warming makes it colder also. 

     If you knew anything about the study of History... there have always been disasters and extreme weather. 

   Ask the Chinese about past massive floods, or the Spanish about lost fleets of ships and destroyed towns in the Caribbean from hurricanes in the 1500’s, 1600’s, and 1700’s and 1800’s. Or the “dust bowl” and heat that hit southern Canada and the U.S. mid-west in the 1930’s. Or the flooded Mississippi River almost 100 years ago...and on and on ad infinitum.

Or the last mini 'ice age' as it's known 10,000 years ago.

Everything in nature goes through cycles, I believe, and we are at the point of possible big climatic changes. That's why I prefer to use change rather than warming. I do think that the massive burning of fossil fuels is a factor that is adding to the rate of change, how much? No idea.

I also believe it's too late to change anything even if that was remotely possible in the sense of changing what nature is doing.

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On 2/1/2019 at 9:18 PM, Catoni said:

Maybe because for the first 25 or 30 years of the leftist Gore Bull Warming Alarmism...they kept telling us we would be getting warmer winters and then snow would be a thing we only would see in history books. Ski resorts would be going broke. 

     When that failed to materialize, they had to change their story.

    Now Gore Bull Warming makes it colder also. 

     If you knew anything about the study of History... there have always been disasters and extreme weather. 

   Ask the Chinese about past massive floods, or the Spanish about lost fleets of ships and destroyed towns in the Caribbean from hurricanes in the 1500’s, 1600’s, and 1700’s and 1800’s. Or the “dust bowl” and heat that hit southern Canada and the U.S. mid-west in the 1930’s. Or the flooded Mississippi River almost 100 years ago...and on and on ad infinitum.

Winters have been getting warmer on average. And as for saying that " snow would be a thing we only would see in history books. " A very few climatologists predicted that it would come to pass so soon. Well under 1 percent. So if "they" refers to them, I guess you're being truthful. By any reasonable criterion, though, you're telling a falsehood.

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23 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

A very few climatologists predicted that it would come to pass so soon. Well under 1 percent. So if "they" refers to them, I guess you're being truthful. By any reasonable criterion, though, you're telling a falsehood.

A great many mainstream media outlets parroted the idea of "no snow in future". Virtually all of them. Including a long hysterical screed in the New York Times, a former newspaper, in 2014. 




That's where the public gets its information; not direct from "climatologists". By any reasonable criterion, therefore, he's telling the plain truth.

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1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

A great many mainstream media outlets parroted the idea of "no snow in future". Virtually all of them. Including a long hysterical screed in the New York Times, a former newspaper, in 2014. 




That's where the public gets its information; not direct from "climatologists". By any reasonable criterion, therefore, he's telling the plain truth.

That article you linked to said nothing at all like that snow was a thing of the past. Nothing at all like what Catoni claimed:

"The same could happen in the United States, where in the Northeast, more than half of the 103 ski resorts may no longer be viable in 30 years because of warmer winters. As far for the Western part of the country, it will lose an estimated 25 to 100 percent of its snowpack by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not curtailed — reducing the snowpack in Park City, Utah, to zero and relegating skiing to the top quarter of Ajax Mountain in Aspen."

So if you're going to invoke reasonability as a criterion, it was a falsehood. An outright undiluted falsehood. I use "falsehood" and not "lie" because it may be that Catoni is ignorant. I can only guess why you mischaracterized that NYT article. Dyslexia?

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10 minutes ago, Catoni said:

The only ones telling falsehoods are the paranoid alarmists who keep making climate predictions and then move the goalposts when they don’t come true. (Like James Hansen saying back in 2008 that the Arctic Ocean would be ice free in the Summer months in five or ten years.)

    Or changing Global Warming to Climate Change when warming took a “hiatus” for many years. 

  (Had to come up with a name that would cover anything that happens or doesn’t happen.)

     What the leftist Gore Bull Warming/Climate Change Alarmists have now is the best of both worlds. Gore Bull Warming/Climate Change causes everything in climate and weather.....AND its opposite. 

    So they can’t lose ...5555555 ????????

It's a great job though, you can predict anything you like, then when it's totally wrong, you still get paid and then get to predict anything you like again. All the time being flown around the world on expenses.

I'd like to have employment like that.


Let me have a go ....... Polar bears are facing extinction!

No wait, not only are they not facing extinction but there are so many around that people are being killed and eaten by them.

Edited by BritManToo
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