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Why Is The News Reader On Pattaya People Channel So Bad ?

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The new newreader is alot better - however he sounds in such a hurry!!!

probably wants to avoid any undue criticism from this site, unlike the unfortunate geordie guy! Probably scripts written by some of the naff spellers who seem to be abundant on every forum

I have been listning to the news on pattaya people channel and the news reader is talking one word at a time with no feeling in his voice and seems to be reading from a paper with no full stops ? he's taking breath in mid sentance, I would guess his accent is a geordy or something like that ? no affence ment to goerdys or indeed to the news reader ( probably a nice guy ) but come on mate, news reading is not for you.

a girl once said to me after i said why are these people i have working for me so stupid she replied if you pay peanuts you will get monkeys........ :o


I think the female newsreader's English is terrible. She uses a kind of Indian Singapore-English pronunciation where the emphasis is on the wrong syllable and mispronounces / butchers so many words, most consistantly the word "colonel", which is used in many crime and community-related stories. Someone should tell her it's said this way: (colo·nel kûr'nəl).

I find it so painful that I switch to anything else.

It is quite funny because i was going to start a thread on this exact same topic.

I truly believe that there are 7 year olds who could do a better job than this clown on the news.

I can't bare to listen to this guy it is just way too painful.

Pattaya People get rid of this retard and put someone on who can at least read basic English.

The reason the Newsreaders at Pattaya People are so awful, is because no one who is any good will work there. The wages Neils Colov pays are Crap. The Video Editors are useless and the Cameramen/Reporters pathetic! And as for the SO CALLED News Stories well.........Birthday Parties, Clubs opening, Motorbike Accidents and meetings in City Hall. OK so what else happens in Pattaya? You may well ask Pal........

Watch Pattaya Mail......thats a bit better. I SAID A BIT!

I have been listning to the news on pattaya people channel and the news reader is talking one word at a time with no feeling in his voice and seems to be reading from a paper with no full stops ? he's taking breath in mid sentance, I would guess his accent is a geordy or something like that ? no affence ment to goerdys or indeed to the news reader ( probably a nice guy ) but come on mate, news reading is not for you.

The reason the news reader is so bad at PPTV is all to do with money and the lack of it

I can speak with some authority on this matter as I was the news reader at Pattaya People TV for over a year, and though some of you may or may not have enjoyed my delivery, you did understand every word I said. I know that because I met many of you personaly.

The reason every other newsreader has quit at PPTV is quite simply because the dictatorship at the top still believes that running a business with virtualy no working capital means you screw all those in your employ (including the Thai staff) until they simply throw in the towel.

There are so many ex news readers from PPTV we've formed a club called The Pattaya Ex Clots Club which meets every Sunday morning under the bushes just round the corner from the Dolphin Roundabout.

The replacement strategy foir news readers at PPTV is simple, just walk around and find some person who has no experience in broadcasting or journalism at all, then offer him or her the job. See, easy.

The payment of fair and reasonable wages is the key to all of this nonsense, and I could write about that topic but I think most of you know.

TV is an expensive business and if you want to have a position of influence and stature within the community by owning a "media group" read ("one man band") then you must be prepared to pay professionals the right money.

If you can't pay then don't play, especially in Television production.

Television was not designed for egomaniacs as a vehicle to big note themselves to their friends in foreign countries.

It's a medium intended to inform, educate and entertain.

Non of which applies to this particular organization.

Sycophantic dictatorial editors do not encourage good new stories thus the nightly diatribe you are being served up via the "news" program.

It's a disgrace to the media as a profession, and a slap in the face to those of you who have turned a blind eye to this farce called "news" and the shabby presentation of it, because if the wrong person is in the story, you won't be hearing about it on PPTV.

Lock up your parrots that's my advice because if the talent scout at PPTV find's out it can talk it'll probably be doing the news tomorrow night. Who's a pretty boy then!

Pay peanuts, get....well you know.

I have been listning to the news on pattaya people channel and the news reader is talking one word at a time with no feeling in his voice and seems to be reading from a paper with no full stops ? he's taking breath in mid sentance, I would guess his accent is a geordy or something like that ? no affence ment to goerdys or indeed to the news reader ( probably a nice guy ) but come on mate, news reading is not for you.

And the fat bald guy who reads the Pattaya City News reads SO fast that I, a native English speaker, can hardly keep up with him!

Doesn't he know that a lot of viewers are not fluent in English, and cannot understand a bloody word he says?

For Christ's sake somebody tell him to slow down.........

I think the female newsreader's English is terrible. She uses a kind of Indian Singapore-English pronunciation where the emphasis is on the wrong syllable and mispronounces / butchers so many words, most consistantly the word "colonel", which is used in many crime and community-related stories. Someone should tell her it's said this way: (colo·nel kûr'nəl).

I find it so painful that I switch to anything else.

Here Here!

I have been listning to the news on pattaya people channel and the news reader is talking one word at a time with no feeling in his voice and seems to be reading from a paper with no full stops ? he's taking breath in mid sentance, I would guess his accent is a geordy or something like that ? no affence ment to goerdys or indeed to the news reader ( probably a nice guy ) but come on mate, news reading is not for you.

The reason the news reader is so bad at PPTV is all to do with money and the lack of it

I can speak with some authority on this matter as I was the news reader at Pattaya People TV for over a year, and though some of you may or may not have enjoyed my delivery, you did understand every word I said. I know that because I met many of you personaly.

The reason every other newsreader has quit at PPTV is quite simply because the dictatorship at the top still believes that running a business with virtualy no working capital means you screw all those in your employ (including the Thai staff) until they simply throw in the towel.

There are so many ex news readers from PPTV we've formed a club called The Pattaya Ex Clots Club which meets every Sunday morning under the bushes just round the corner from the Dolphin Roundabout.

The replacement strategy foir news readers at PPTV is simple, just walk around and find some person who has no experience in broadcasting or journalism at all, then offer him or her the job. See, easy.

The payment of fair and reasonable wages is the key to all of this nonsense, and I could write about that topic but I think most of you know.

TV is an expensive business and if you want to have a position of influence and stature within the community by owning a "media group" read ("one man band") then you must be prepared to pay professionals the right money.

If you can't pay then don't play, especially in Television production.

Television was not designed for egomaniacs as a vehicle to big note themselves to their friends in foreign countries.

It's a medium intended to inform, educate and entertain.

Non of which applies to this particular organization.

Sycophantic dictatorial editors do not encourage good new stories thus the nightly diatribe you are being served up via the "news" program.

It's a disgrace to the media as a profession, and a slap in the face to those of you who have turned a blind eye to this farce called "news" and the shabby presentation of it, because if the wrong person is in the story, you won't be hearing about it on PPTV.

Lock up your parrots that's my advice because if the talent scout at PPTV find's out it can talk it'll probably be doing the news tomorrow night. Who's a pretty boy then!

Pay peanuts, get....well you know.

Neils was puzzled when you left one day and didn't come back! Hahahahahha.....

Pattaya People TV is a Joke.

  • 1 month later...
I think the female newsreader's English is terrible. She uses a kind of Indian Singapore-English pronunciation where the emphasis is on the wrong syllable and mispronounces / butchers so many words, most consistantly the word "colonel", which is used in many crime and community-related stories. Someone should tell her it's said this way: (colo·nel kûr'nəl).

I find it so painful that I switch to anything else.

Absulutely true. But at least one can understand her which is more than I can say for that Howard guy on Pattaya City News. He gabbbles at such a rate that I a native English speaker, can only get every other word. It drives me nuts!

Trouble is he is one of the owners of the station I am told. So there is nobody to tell him to SLOW DOWN!!!

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