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High school student dies after being hit by motorcycle on Zebra Crossing outside school


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18 hours ago, z42 said:

So if he went through a red light, he should be MADE to take responsibility.

What are these useless plebs in brown for exactly. RIP to the unfortunate victim and condolences to the family 

Further, why aren't the plebs in brown making sure that all vehicles stop at pedestrian crossings, not just drive through, which is rampant everywhere in Thailand. Even worse in this tragic case the pedestrian lights were on red.


RIP to the girl and all condolences to her upset family.

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11 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


This is actually a world-wide thing. I've never understood why cyclists believe that traffic laws don't apply to them, but then complain about the way they are 'threatened' by other road users.

It isn't.


And has nothing to do with cyclists.

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On 2/9/2019 at 10:14 AM, rkidlad said:

Very sad story, and this rider’s attitude really epitomizes the attitude of many riders and drivers here. 


When I’m driving here, I’m always consious of pedestrians around me. It was how I was taught to drive. I’m the one in this big machine so I have to be super careful. Unfortunately, the attitude here for many drivers is, “I have a vehicle - get out the way!”. 

And yet another example of the selfish, lack-of-driving skills in this country. Difference between sound driving abilities and get the <deleted> out of my way. Here's a thought...."when" these drivers commit these offenses, then you are not allowed on the road until you learn how to <deleted> drive- cars or bikes not withstanding. I don't know what's more egregious....the capsizing of boats (overloaded) with Chinese tourists OR the lack of getting bad drivers off the road.


Come to the USA and see how long you last:)

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38 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Unfortunately the driver was not a farang....




and since it was not a "farang", your point was what? I "think" you meant that Thai drivers just walk away (so that wai is BS) without any shame or conscience. Thank God, I'm not thai....

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And so much for Buddhism....still waiting for any semblance of that. No difference from a hypocritical Christian....same- same:) And Btw....I had a conservation with a Thai woman who moved to Turkey. Why she would want to do that is still a mystery. She-being a Christian and the populace being Muslim. Because of a job opportunity (as she stated)? I'll be damned if I relocate to a country where I am the minority- especially Turkey. One must be in dire straits to do so...but what the hell do I know? Complaints, etc. and then logically one asks "why" would you entertain moving to a country that is so different and averse to your thinking?


And this is how I deal with women - no responses.......no logic......and if I dare to ask a logical question, then I am essentially black-balled.

And I am very laid back....intelligent, yet like to speak about "issues". Al I can say are two things...if this is how it will be, then I will retreat. And if all of this lack of empathy is rampant, then more reason to throw in the towel. And I understand that there are good women....perhaps I've been cursed at that prospect:).

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On 2/9/2019 at 10:04 AM, rooster59 said:

A motorcyclist had gone through a red light and hit her daughter as she was crossing the road outside Withayalai Naksin school. The rider refused to take responsibility for her care


The motorcyclist had blamed Baimon for not paying attention as she was chatting on her phone.


Thai people need bigger fines and jail time for this 

And they need to learn to take responsibility for their actions 

RIP young lady 

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On 2/9/2019 at 11:00 AM, Graemej100 said:

Is that what a Zebra Crossing is for? Pedestrians to be able to walk safely.

No it's not. It's a way to gather pedestrians so they can pass the road in one place, instead of just randomly try to cross the road at any point they like. It reduces traffic congestions.

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On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 2:18 PM, RichardColeman said:

Did this to my daughter, I doubt the idiot would see another sunrise

I not have children, but I only Imagination that something like that happen to someone I care about.

I guess it would make a difference of the acting of this person. Even he is sorry I would be very angry.

Without respect, I am not sure what I would do to this person…..


Of course an accident can happen. But when you drive without any care of life.. hmmmmm

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On 2/9/2019 at 11:06 AM, geriatrickid said:

No mention of whether or not the deceased donated her organs.

Perhaps not the appropriate time, but Thailand has a serious shortage of organ donors. Today, hundreds of children are in need of an organ donation and will die without  it. One donor can literally save the lives of many kids.

The media should mention that one can  give the gift of life whenever they report these tragedies. Saving another life can bring some semblance of peace to the grieving family as their loved one will still help others, even in death.

'No mention of whether or not the deceased donated her organs.

Perhaps not the appropriate time'


Completely and utterly the wrong time.  A disgrace.

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It is my personal belief that "Zebra Crossings" in Thailand might just as well be removed. They are totally ignored by Thais who, I am sure, do not understand their significance. I once stopped at such a crossing for some elderly Thai people and all I got was a barrage of car horns from traffic behind me - ignorant bast..ds!!

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