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How Do Bargirls Get Visas?

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my advice is tell the truth BUT add nothing

Where do you work....in a shop

where did you meet.....in a bar

why do you want to go to UK......to see the sights and visit my fiancees house and meet the folks.

If your GF looks like a BG.....sorry buy you know what i mean one thinks the people at the embassy have seen more than all the members at this forum put together and they know what is what.

Seems from their site that they are interested in A. Who pays to live whilst in UK and B. When the applicant is returning.

Easy to say but worrying will not help.

Be natural and truthful, nicely presented and probably a litt;e humble.

There was a programme on the tv about the UK embassy at it was shocking how some of the boyfriends were behaving.

A visa is a priveledge not a right. As many people in Thailand know.

Post again in 4 days ??

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Yes a visa is a priveledge,BUT! it is not fair that myself being from the UK and most westerners can just get on a plane and go where they want.

Yet an honest Thai person can not do the same.

I think they should have the same rights! :o

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They simply have to lie, Though some embassies are not that fussy and waive what they assume to be the obvious.

Are you trying to kill someone through worry? (How many people a year are killed by visa worries?)

For a UK visa, having been a bargirl is not a big problem for a settlement visa. However, lying that one was not a bargirl when applying for a tourist visa makes it much easier for the visa officer. He can give the applicant's not being 'wholly candid' as a reason for not issuing a visa.

Actually, one husband / fiancé had to lie that he met his partner as a bargirl. The official told him that if he stuck to his tale of how they met (which was true), the visa application would be rejected on the ground that the application contained a lie.

A policeman at Bangrak told me that they kept a record of the bargirls in their area (which includes Patpong). It can include personal details, such as number of children, and their lovelives. Does that list ever falls into the embassies' hands?

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From my indirect experience, I've heard that BGs tend to get their visas (actually may have been fiance visas... maybe that makes a difference), whereas my cousin, who has a good job and works for AIT got turned down flat. I can't understand it myself.

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From my indirect experience, I've heard that BGs tend to get their visas (actually may have been fiance visas... maybe that makes a difference), whereas my cousin, who has a good job and works for AIT got turned down flat. I can't understand it myself.

Often the bona fides get knocked back, whereas bar girls going on a working holiday get through the net. A cynic ( like me ) might think some people on the embassy staff are on the take. Close their eyes and tick the boxes.

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Yeah, I heard that. In fact, I heard one of the staff from the embassy (in Bangkok of course) got fired for such underhand (no pun intended - it is a good one though :o) activities.

######... wish we knew who to 'tip'.

Ooooh, didn't know dam+n was a bad word.

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Get her paperwork together properly. Either research online or visit your embassy and get the info you need in order to do it right the first time. Don't just toss some BS together. Do it right and present it professionally.

Show COMPELLING evidence that she has reason to return to Thailand (property, young child(ren)/elderly parents she supports etc..)

If she has relatives in the country you're applying for then you'll probably have a harder time as the consular officer will immediately be suspicious that she may want to go shack up with her aunt/cousin/mother/father/brother/sister.

If, however, one of her reasons for visiting your country is to visit a relative, then be open and honest about it.

Try to get any and all pay records from the bar she works at. 10,000 baht a month is a pretty good job in LOS for a young Thai girl, and some BG's may be able to document making that much. You never know till you ask.

Get a return trip itinerary for her from a travel agent on their letterhead and include that with the application.

Sure, you can write up a letter of financial guarantee that you will pay all costs associated, but if you have any business interests in Asia, and/or a lease agreement or rent receipts that show you spend a lot of time in LOS then document and include that as well.

I'm inclined to think the latter/letter would have more effect if you and she are living together, and you can also show evidence of that.

Make sure she doesn't show up in her Soi Cowboy finest outfit when she delivers her application. If she's that immature, then she deserves to be shot down.

Above all, be honest.

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Great thought Taxexile!

Bigspuds, if you could give us her email addy, then maybe we could all help out & book appointments promising BIG BAHT.

She could print those out and show them as compelling evedence to return!

JUST JOKING MATE!!!!!!!!! :o

I know she's not like that. My ex-BG isn't. :D

Really, she isn't.............

I mean REALLY, she isn't!


All joking aside, I've got an absolute jewel of a 30 year old (I'm 37) beautiful 99 lb, 4 ' 11'' wife of 2 1/2 years that is as good as gold, and I must confess, I met her in a bar. Tina Bar, on Sukhumvit, Soi 22 to be exact. I wouldn't trade her for anything.

She'd been working in the Superware plastics factory for 11 years, making a pittance, and her cousins talked her into coming to work the bar scene.

The story I got was that she'd only been working there 1 month when I met her, and that's been pretty well verified in my mind over the 3 1/2 years I've known her. Soi Cowboy is just around the corner from Sukh. Soi 22 and she'd never heard of it.

The past is the past to me. I don't dwell on how many blokes she may have shagged before, nor does she dwell on how many sheilas I may have shagged.

She & I are happy with each other, and do our best to do all we can for each other any way we can.

If, God forbid, she and I ever do part ways, it will have nothing to do with her stint as a bargirl, nor will it have anything to do with me shagging everything in sight back in my own younger days.

I think it would have been cool as ###### to have had tons of Asian women come to the bars in the USA when I was in my 20's and want to shag my brains out and then flip me $25 or $50 on their way out the door the next morning!

While I'm at it, I have to admit that a short-time with a woman 15 or 20 years my senior was as good as any to me when I was in my early 20's. I actually preferred them as they weren't so giggly and fickle.

They knew what they wanted, just a shag, no strings attached.

Why many Westerners want to feel that Thai BG's are scum will remain a mystery to me.

I guess maybe most haven't seen as many different cultures as I have, and think the "American Way" is the only way. I can look back and see that fault in my own attitude when I first became an ex-pat 6 years ago.

Much like my wife, I never went to University, but I'll top six figures USD this year, and my wife is a very smart lady that is instrumental in a burgeouning business I'm setting up.

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Why many Westerners want to feel that Thai BG's are scum will remain a mystery to me

You'll not catch me referring to Bar Girls as 'Scum', I do however call them Prostitutes rather than bar girls and I do advise guys against marrying prostitutes.

But once a guy has married any women, regardless of who she is, where she is from or what she did in the past then I say 'a man's wife is a man's wife'.

If we believe in marriage, and I do, then we are bound to give them all the support we can, it is hard enough being married when things are going your way, the last thing anyone needs is people gunning against them.

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Back to the thread.

As El D said - show compelling reasons for return. Many girls are knocked back because there is no valid reason for return (they rent a room, no kids, no property owned, no business, no regular job).

This is especially true of the British Embassy, while France and Germany are a bit softer, and the Netherlands quite easy. (Experience ofmyself and many friends).

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The past is the past to me. I don't dwell on how many blokes she may have shagged before, nor does she dwell on how many sheilas I may have shagged.

Just as well then because if there was ever a competition you would lose hands down.

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and I must confess, I met her in a bar. Tina Bar, on Sukhumvit, Soi 22 to be exact.

...there is no accounting for taste, better you than me. :D

Back on topic:

Yes, presuming you can provide a financial guarantee, the main hurdle will be to convince the embassy that she will return to Lol, having been a Bg or not is of secondary concern. Does she have children, or are there children in the family who might have been living with her?


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Who makes the decision on granting the tourist visa? Is it the (Foreign) Embassy in Bangkok or is the decision made in the country to which the person wants to go?

Depends on the country. For USA, decison made in Consulate. I think some go back to home country (Ireland & Holland?)


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For Tourist visas it has been the same for all countries I applied to: staff at the embassy make the decision. If an interview is conducted, the interviewing staff will make a recommendation (approve or decline) wich will usually be followed by a higher ranking officer who will sign the letter or visa you receive.

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None of her past conquests bother me at all, i have notched up a few marks on my bedpost in my time too. That dont bother me, in fact in a way i have respect for BG's, going out and having to do what they do to support htemselves and their families. I know i couldnt do it with some old 60 yr old fat woman, no matter how rich she was.

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That dont bother me, in fact in a way i have respect for BG's, going out and having to do what they do to support htemselves and their families.

if people really do have such respect for what service girls have to do (having to do what they do) then why dont they just give them the money to help their families but show that respect by not making them go through the "ordeal" part of the transaction of actually sleeping with you( having to do what they do to )??

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Is it really this hard to get a visa for you're bar-girl gf?

At my embassy, you will have to sign guarantee papers, that it is you that are responsible for her need of stay and that you guarantee that she will go back to los before the given date.

If so is not done....it will be a crime case, and when they find the lady, you will have to pay her ticket back.

Just tell that she is a housewife, and its all done (if not dress like a ho' when staying at the embassy, ofcourse)

If the guy's want to take a shot at a bar girl, let them do. After all, its their lifes.

Wish you all good luck with the visa application, no conerning the girl is a ho' or a lawyer (hmmmm....i would taken the ho' though, hehe) :D

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my advice is tell the truth BUT add nothing

Where do you work....in a shop

where did you meet.....in a bar

why do you want to go to UK......to see the sights and visit my fiancees house and meet the folks.

If your GF looks like a BG.....sorry buy you know what i mean one thinks the people at the embassy have seen more than all the members at this forum put together and they know what is what.

Seems from their site that they are interested in A. Who pays to live whilst in UK and B. When the applicant is returning.

Easy to say but worrying will not help.

Be natural and truthful, nicely presented and probably a litt;e humble.

There was a programme on the tv about the UK embassy at it was shocking how some of the boyfriends were behaving.

A visa is a priveledge not a right. As many people in Thailand know.

Post again in 4 days ??

My GF got hers yesterday. It was simple, just tell the truth, "where did you meet," "in a bar," "which one,......(answer on Soi 33)""(immigration seem to know all the bars)how long ago?" "18 months" "how long you work in bar?" "1 month," "what did you do before,?" "haidresser," "why did you work in bar?"" My husband left me destitute-no choice as I have a son to support", all the truths and she got it same day, I think the problems arise when you answer the question how long have you been together and the answer is 2 or 3 weeks or months Honesty pays these people are trained to recognise body language so if they think you are lying then you wont get it, no matter how small the lie.

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Who makes the decision on granting the tourist visa? Is it the (Foreign) Embassy in Bangkok or is the decision made in the country to which the person wants to go?

In the case of Ireland the decision is made in Ireland, Dept of Foregin Affairs and Dept of Justice. Nearly always refused on first application and you have to appeal the decision.

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Problem can be that sometimes you may not know the truth.

First time I took my then g/f to UK I didn't know she was actually married! :o Her reckoning was that I would not have had anything to do with her if I knew.

We told embassy staff what I thought was the truth (met in bar, etc.) but . . .

Got the visa though

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