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On 2/12/2019 at 5:11 PM, Sydebolle said:

Cannot be. Thailand has no prostitution - by law - and the fidels are not scr"*ç%"ing around but being faithful husbands of maximum four wives. Utter nonsense - it seems! 

???? I betcha just saying.

In this world irregardless of faith, language, races or religion. The holiest ground in every corner of the world will have the most happening nightlife underground.

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16 hours ago, TTL2 said:

???? I betcha just saying.

In this world irregardless of faith, language, races or religion. The holiest ground in every corner of the world will have the most happening nightlife underground.

Lets all move to Vatican city then ????

  • 4 weeks later...
On 12.2.2019 at 08:46, Kerryd said:

In früheren Artikeln wurden die "Tugenden" anderer Grenzstädte mit im Grunde denselben Merkmalen gepriesen. Viele verrückte auf der thailändischen Seite.


Erinnert mich ein bisschen daran, wie es in Ägypten ist. Wir fuhren an Nachtclubs in Kairo vorbei, die um 10 Uhr noch stark waren, voll von Saudis, die am Wochenende vorbeikamen und ihre Frauen zum Einkaufen in die Einkaufszentren schickten, während die Männer in den Nachtclubs Party machten.

Same i see in BKK many Times!

On 2/12/2019 at 2:46 PM, Kerryd said:

Previous articles extolled the "virtues" of other border towns with basically the same features. Lots of nooky available on the Thai side.


Reminds me a bit like how it is in Egypt. Going past nightclubs in Cairo that were still going strong at 10 am, full of Saudis that would come over for the weekend - sending their wives off to the malls shopping while the men would go party in the nightclubs.

The Saudis are about on the same level of the Thais, when it comes to fake purity. Except, they have to deal with draconian laws at home, a leader who is a serial killer, and a society as repressive as it gets. Let us hope the authorities here stick with proclamations, declarations, fake puritanism campaigns, and keep it at that. 

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