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Chiang Mai third most polluted city


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19 hours ago, Formaleins said:

A lot of the problem is localised- which is why so many do not see it as a huge problem. There certainly is a MASSIVE difference between where I am and the air around the City. It also depends a lot on the local weather too. I certainly would not make excuses for it, it is terrible and I would hate to be bringing up a young kid in that atmosphere. As far as me personally, it has only really ever bothered me twice in more than 10 years, where I found my eyes watering due to the smoke. I am a pack a day smoker so I probably do more harm with cigs than what I get from the pollution. Whhat can be done? Around our village there is a burning ban with a fine and USUALLY it is effective, Chiang Mai is supposed to be the same, but the law is enforced arbitrarily at best. People with young kids must have a really grim time, you cannot get babies or youngsters to go around in N95 masks 24/7. The law needs enforcing across the board, no excuses, not that I ever expect that to happen.

For the laws to be enforced we would need an administration free from corruption and free from indifference. Some competency would help too. Not going to happen with the army in charge. Prayuth needs to get out for the nation to move forward. 

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On 2/13/2019 at 4:37 AM, AlexRich said:

As much as I love Chiang Mai this is the issue that would keep me away for half of the year ... and yet when this topic is mentioned on TV you get plenty resident ex pats on here suggesting that it’s not much of a problem. Sorry, but it is the major drawback for anyone considering settling there.

I agree 100%. I lived in Chiang Mai for about 8 months - and loved it - but come the middle of February I was, almost, ordered by a doctor to 'get out'. Being asthmatic the pollution was just terrible. A shame really because I would move back there in a flash if it wasn't for the pollution. 

And every year you read the same old twaddle from the Thai authorities about how they are going to 'save the earth'. I think they just pull out last years comments and repost them.

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On 2/13/2019 at 4:37 AM, AlexRich said:

As much as I love Chiang Mai this is the issue that would keep me away for half of the year ... and yet when this topic is mentioned on TV you get plenty resident ex pats on here suggesting that it’s not much of a problem. Sorry, but it is the major drawback for anyone considering settling there.

They have no choice. The fact is many are pensioners trying to stretch a small pension and chiang mai is one the cheapest cities in Thailand that suits westerners with a huge expat community . People wont admit to it though so they say its all ok

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