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Marriages Of Convenience

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Ok, quite recently this topic was all over the news, what with the British government cracking down on sham marriages, trying to stem the influx of foreign nationals. I read that the foreign partner that comes to settle in the UK needs to be here for two years to before being able to apply for British residency... or maybe citizenship. I forget the difference.

Anyway, what power do the British government have against those who slipped through the net, then sure enough divorce as soon as two years comes round and the foreign partner applies for and receives their British citizenship? Surely they can say "Ah hah! So it was a sham marriage after all, we're gonna boot you out now." Do they have no power if the couple see two years out?

Or is this just a case of the same, old, inept British government merely putting on a show for the public. The government needed to be actively seen as trying to cut down asylum seekers and such? Much like the figures published today, dictating that the number of asylum seekers had fallen :o That's a good one! What was the line... the asylum figures were "in most respects reliable," LMAO.

Must learn to condense my sentences.

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Oooh oooooh! I just thought of an EVEN BETTER scenario! Where she marries you just to get a 'green card' then does away with you after the two years. Can the UK national do anything here or what? Surely he's got some rights?

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Surely he's got some rights?

Of course he has.

He has the right not to get legal aid and get a good legally aided kicking in the divorce court.

He then has the right to sell his house that he bought before he met the delightfull woman he married and give at least half to her.

He also has the right to watch her go back on the game with her two passports U.K. and Thai knowing the government can't boot her out out even if they wanted to.

You see he has loads of rights.

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I dont know for sure, i've got no experience on this subject,

But, i would imagine the British govt has the right to do more or less what ever it pleases. Its not unheard of for the Uk govt to revoke a citizenship, they just cant revoke it if it leaves the person without citizenship of another country (violates human rights).

I would imagine they wouldnt do it for the scenario you explained, but if the person in question was to really piss off the govt then yes, they could find their british passport revoked.

Again this is just speculation/guess work, but there has been a case in the news recently of someone getting their british citizenship revoked by the home secutary... so yes its possible, but unlikely

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Female dominated society of the European Union and USA is like that.

Equality for women is the primary concern....I do not know, how this can be called equality...?

But when I posted that remarks on this forum a while ago, I was immediately attacked like a blind man, who cannot see all his advantages as a man.

Simply said, as a man you are always on risk....you have to pay and you depend solely on the mood of the woman...this is a fact. Emancipation, feminists.....

As a man you can do however something about it:

1- all what you own is not yours.... always in the red in your bank account...

always mortgages, loans on your home, car, always unpaid invoices....

2- all what you really own is outside the country

3- if this does not help, and it is too late, take everything overnight and move to another country

4- take any modest girl from Asia, never marry her legally and let her sign a paper, that she is a temporarly visitor in your house....

and so on.....

As a divorce specialized lawyer told my friend a time ago, a man should always do his best to be an a*shole towards a woman. This is the best protection.

Be an a*shole and keep your property....makes sense to me.

Laws will always work to favor the woman....you might be out of your own house and 80 percent of all you owned some months ago is not yours anymore and you do not even know why....


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Its not unheard of for the Uk govt to revoke a citizenship,

This is true, they are doing it now with a native born Egyptian who has U.K citizenship.

The reason has nothing to do with being ripped off by a Thai wife or otherwise but the fact he preaching to his converts outside a mosque every Friday to bump off white English people.

The good news is that the U S A is trying to extradite him on terrorist charges.

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