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Junta’s three-year peace effort in South fizzles to embarrassing end


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I see many parallels with what happened in Northern Ireland where a section of the population wanted to reunite with Eire in the south.


occupation of the North by British soldiers solved nothing. The struggle was tainted by sections of the population on both sides changing from religious and political motives to using disorder as an excuse for gang and criminal behaviour to make money. Many terrorists/freedom fighters were no more than criminals, contributing a portion of their proceeds of crime, largely robbery, extortion and drug dealing,  to buy weapons and bombs for the struggle, but keeping a large share for themselves.


The only tactic that worked was to withdraw troops whilst negotiating with the republican and loyalist terrorist/political  leadership to reach a compromise. You can’t beat them militarily, only by talking, Jaw jaw not war war. A significant effort was also made to bring the civil populations together to support the peace initiative.


Thsiland should really talk to the UK government about the best tactics if they are serious about solving the problem. They may have to accede to some demands like losing sovereignty or giving self-government, but so what? Thailand cannot make any income from these provinces and spends vast amounts on the military to contain the situation.

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On 2/28/2019 at 6:33 AM, Pique Dard said:

i respect all religions, but sometimes it's hard, very hard when you see people being decapitated, innocents being shot down because they practice another religion, yet all these relegions celebrate the same God! moreover, God has never created a religion, not that i know of...

It's not about religion it's about money and power. 

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Just give them back their stolen lands 


Same story really as in the east north The esarn still regard themselves as Lao. Even in Australia, go to a Lao temple; and see most of the attendees are Thai nationalized Esarn living freely now as if they are again Lao.


The Central bleached skinned ChinaThais treat the different looking East Northern esarn, & Southern malaystocks as lowest class citizens - just the same way as they cannot appreciate any other thing of value, when they got it (given it) for free. 

They need to go visit West Irian Jaya to see for themselves what it is like for oppressed peoples to survive in the lands stolen from under them. 

Edited by tifino
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