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Benzodiazepine Withdrawal


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I have a friend who is desperately trying to come off a high dosage of Benzos, using a tapering method. 

I feel she is going too fast. Coming from 30 mg of Diazepam a day to 20 mg, then she wants to go to 10 then 0.

I've known other to come off this drug but at much reduced taper, and can see from the internet that 10% drop per week is recommended. 

I also see that Buspar or Tefranil are recommended for this withdrawal. I have been in Thailand for a long time and have no faith in the doctors that she has seen. One wanted to cold turkey and go on an antidepressant and the other said to crossover to librium. 


Could she buy Buspar or Tefranil OTC in Thailand?


Great thing that she is wanting to come off these drugs as she has a history of alcohol abuse, however, I worry about abrupt withdrawal and seizures.


Any experience or advice welcome. 

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16 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

My apologies, I didn't mean to put you out.

Sure choose a taper based on an internet stranger. Doesnt sound like a good idea but ..up to you


"culd she buy Buspar or Tefranil OTC in Thailand?"


Why would her doctor recommend it if you couldn't buy it? I would go with what her doctor tells her to do.

And a doctor telling her to go cold turkey is just nonsense 

Edited by madmen
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1 hour ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Coming from 30 mg of Diazepam a day


How long was she on 30mg a day? 30mg of valium a day isnt that much. Problem is that valium has an extremely long half life compared to other benzos (like xanax) so the taper should be longer in time between drops. Like 2 weeks in-between drops. 30 to 20 to 10 is ok. Or even 30-25-20-15 etc.... Problem is sticking with it. 


But the end of the day benzo withdrawal (like alcohol) can be fatal in serious cases (30 mg a day isnt serious imo) and if you ask a knowledgable medical professional they are ethically bound to kind of go overboard in treatment. 


If it were me and I was in this situation, I would try cold turkey. Its the fastest way. if thats not manageable, then take 5mg or 10mg when absolutely necessary. 


31 minutes ago, madmen said:

I would go with what her doctor tells her to do.


Ok sure... But then:


32 minutes ago, madmen said:

And a doctor telling her to go cold turkey is just nonsense 


So... Good talk. 

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That the particular doctors she saw were not good, hardly means there are no doctors in Thailand able to help her.


I strongly suspect the doctors she saw were not specialists in addiction medicine, which is what she needs.


This one is excellent and has been able to help many TV members:




The last thing you should do for someone in her situation is to encourage more self-medication with psychotropics. That is exactly how she got in this bind to begin with. She does need medications to both address withdrawal effects and, quite likely, treat the underlying problem for which she took benzos in the first place, but these need to be prescribed by a doctor with appropriate specialization, who will also oversee the pace of tapering.


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Personally, I don't believe in replacing one drug with another and don't know where you can buy the mentioned drugs in Thailand. I guess Buspar is available some places.

I successfully came off about a 200 mg a day diazepam addiction, plus other drugs and booze. My taper took me 5 years and I'm happy I took so long for several reasons. DON'T cold turkey unless in hospital with experienced doctors.


I agree, doctors in Thailand are generally useless. I've had the head of one university psychiatric hospital tell me I could drink normally(I'm an alcoholic). Another, senior doctor at Rama 4 hospital told me that Clonazepam was only slightly addictive and was safe for alcoholics to take. They are 30-50 years behind the west. There are a few who have studied abroad that have some understanding of addiction.


One thing that I've heard that helps in addiction, is the following tea called Rang Jeud. Something to do with increasing in dopamine.



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benzo withdrawl......forget Buspar and Tefranil......they .are also addictive and you have to taper of these as well.......you(or your friend??) really want to stop......reduce by 5mg every week until down to 10mg...the 5mg for 2 weeks and then 5mg every 2 days for a week and the every 3 days for  2 weeks and then STOP....drink a few beers, go for a walk, have sex ,watch funny movies...do stuff....you won't sleep well for a month but you will be getting better each day.....you or whoever it is has to want stop....dont go on other meds....same thing will happen again....dont listen to Thai doctors,,,they love giving pills out....

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14 minutes ago, chanangrak said:

benzo withdrawl......forget Buspar and Tefranil......they .are also addictive and you have to taper of these as well.......you(or your friend??) really want to stop......reduce by 5mg every week until down to 10mg...the 5mg for 2 weeks and then 5mg every 2 days for a week and the every 3 days for  2 weeks and then STOP....drink a few beers, go for a walk, have sex ,watch funny movies...do stuff....you won't sleep well for a month but you will be getting better each day.....you or whoever it is has to want stop....dont go on other meds....same thing will happen again....dont listen to Thai doctors,,,they love giving pills out....

I could never have done this while I was working. I'd suggest 30, 25, 20 then 17.5, 15, 12.5, 10. Two weeks to a month between, depending on how you feel.

After 10 is where the real fun starts!

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The doctor I have recommended trained in the US in addiction medicine and is most definitely not "useless". This is  his area of specialty.


Again, strongly advise against trying to do this solo.


Self medicating was the original mistake, don't compound it now.



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