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Are computers breeding a human race destined for extinction?

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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 7:36 AM, emptypockets said:

You would have been the same if the tech was available when you were young.

i grew up in a mining town in Western Autralia when black and white television was introduced. Howls of the breakdown of society as most people socialised with backyard barbecues because there was nothing else to do. The world didn't end, we adjusted. We used to go to the drive in movies, great time until VHS came out and killed that. Them we had movie nights at a friends place, Vis face way to dvd's downloaded movies instantly killed that too. Adapt,adjust or....i

Ive still got 80 record albums and a couple record players gathering dust for sentimental reasons. I remember my father giving me a wind up record player when I was 6 or so that he brought home. The needles were really needles. HMV I think. No electronics just 78 rpm, needle and the sound thing. Colonel bogey still brings back memories.


what was bob Dylan that song.   The times they are a changing etc sink like a stone?

The million $ question is "is society better without back yard BBQs and drive in movies, or not?"

Perhaps, as I believe, tv did start the breakdown of society, and the result is just starting to be realised.

Most of what we watch on tv is 100% garbage. Big Brother ( horrible reality tv show ), anyone?


Adapt,adjust or....i

Are people happier with all this automation? I don't think so.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The million $ question is "is society better without back yard BBQs and drive in movies, or not?"

Perhaps, as I believe, tv did start the breakdown of society, and the result is just starting to be realised.

Most of what we watch on tv is 100% garbage. Big Brother ( horrible reality tv show ), anyone?


Adapt,adjust or....i

Are people happier with all this automation? I don't think so.

I watch TV and the content is a thousand times better than when I was growing up.  More education channels and history channels and the cinematography and sound is far better and immersive.  The fact that I can get 300 channels in my little town in Thailand is truly amazing as when I got here few had TV's or refrigerators.  Air conditioning has made tropical countries like Thailand livable.  I'm much happier now than when I first came here in the 1960's.   

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Lots of replies, thanks to all. Shows that many are already thinking about it.

Mostly refuting your anti progress nonsense.  We've seen it all before with the invention of the automobile, TV, Penicillin there was always a group who wanted to stop or bury knowledge.   Michael Servetus had wide ranging interests in science, medicine, theology, law, and the humanities. He made important contributions in medicine and anatomy: he was the first European to correctly describe blood circulation. He was pronounced a heretic by Protestant and Catholic Churches and burned at the stake in Geneva, Switzerland.

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This question is as old as modernization is. Simple answer: as long as you need money to consume and human labour to produce money, you will need working humans to get the system going. Machines don't buy machines. 

With the rise of unemployment you might need a local barter economy for these services that can't be outsourced globally. 

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On 3/7/2019 at 2:36 PM, marcusarelus said:

Using my cell phone and computer for menial tasks gives me a lot more time for important things like breeding future geniuses. 


The savages who haven't figured out how to use modern technology will be left in the dust looking for jobs as motorcycle taxi drivers. 

not true for people who can do it faster in their head than you can on your iPad!! Also not true for people who can think and not just believe social media on their Lenovo!!

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21 hours ago, micmichd said:

This question is as old as modernization is. Simple answer: as long as you need money to consume and human labour to produce money, you will need working humans to get the system going. Machines don't buy machines. 

With the rise of unemployment you might need a local barter economy for these services that can't be outsourced globally. 

The fundamental difference between past evolutions is that in the past there were other jobs that humans started doing instead of the ones that became redundant due to automation or mechanisation. The computer and robotics have the ability to do away with almost all human required jobs. There is almost nothing that a computer controlled robot can't do. Once AI comes in that becomes "there is nothing that a computer controlled robot can't do".

Governments are currently not even discussing the situation, and if they don't start soon, it will be too late.

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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 8:39 PM, Ctkong said:

If machines were able to replace humans not only in repetitive work but also in creative work, we humans are doomed. All civilizations goes into decline after the peak and earth humans are just after the peak of the curve. 

With automations, humans with poor work skills will be made obsolete ( read incarcerated) . Maybe like some literature proposed, earth population of 300 million is optimum . What is going to happen to the rest? 

Moreover, the more intertwined you are with machines, the further you are away from your god which resides in your heart mind. 

What is going to happen to the rest?

That is the billion $ question.

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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 9:32 PM, Thaidream said:

Just because a computer or other AI can do something does not mean it must be done that way.

I would never buy an autonomous vehicle- I like driving even with the risk.

I refuse to buy a smart phone because I dislike  being constantly tracked.  I have a cell phone and  it's a phone- you use it to call people and get calls.  Texting is a waste of time.

When I go out for a drink or to eat- i want someone to swerve me- I don't want a kiosk or some robotic entity .


If this continues on - at some point people will not have anything to do.  some countries are already talking about a guaranteed income in which a human is guaranteed money each month for doing nothing- because there are no jobs.


It's time for Governments to consider  what AI and full computerization will do to the World . I refuse to be told by a computer that I must do something......at least with a human I can tell them to piss off if I don't like it.


I have read that the Japanese  have developed a 'female' robot that looks and feels natural and  speaks  to one with emotion. I suppose  Walking street in Patttaya will have them on hand for 'rental-in the distant future.  I refuse to bar fine a robot although from what I have seen recently they may have already arrived.

I would never buy an autonomous vehicle- I like driving even with the risk

What makes you think you will have the choice? If government bans driver controlled cars, what can you do? Our right to choose is slowly being taken away- very subtle conditioning.


I refuse to buy a smart phone

What happens when supermarkets only accept payment via phone? They are already working towards eliminating checkout staff with self service machines. Some petrol stations are already fully automated.

Even worse, what happens when they ban cash money and make everything electronic?

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On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 3:51 AM, marcusarelus said:

What appears to be going down is your general knowledge not food production.

Maybe try reading your cell phone and google famines world wide.



Famines generally don't exist any more because we have the technology to transport food around the world, and that technology is currently controlled by computer. If the computers stop working that food doesn't get transported, and bingo- famines everywhere.

Also, "miracle food" is developed by computers. No computers, no miracle food. Try developing a new drought resistant strain of rice without a computer!

For that matter try developing a new antibiotic without a computer!

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The fundamental difference between past evolutions is that in the past there were other jobs that humans started doing instead of the ones that became redundant due to automation or mechanisation. The computer and robotics have the ability to do away with almost all human required jobs. There is almost nothing that a computer controlled robot can't do. Once AI comes in that becomes "there is nothing that a computer controlled robot can't do".

Governments are currently not even discussing the situation, and if they don't start soon, it will be too late.

It has been found that for instance production line robots create more jobs than they destroy, higher quality and higher paying jobs while doing away with the mind numbing repetitive and mistake inducing work. At BMW, as an example, more and more technology was gradually introduced on the production lines and the workers were upgraded with schooling and courses to deal with the change, the result was higher production with the same number of workers and higher pay as a result, in addition a new industry branch was introduced with the production, design, servicing and programing of robots. It was a win win for everybody, higher production and profits, better working conditions and pay, and more jobs being created through robot production (sold world wide) 

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On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 10:13 PM, Oztruckie said:

Think truck drivers will be around for a long time,I'm sure computers can't tie ropes,chain down machinery,strap down loads with load binders,roll out 1 or 2 tarps, depending on the load,change flat tyres,replace blown globes,load bales of wool,load grain,repair coolant or oil leaks,and do on.

You don't need Truck Drivers for all the jobs you listed. In US we already testing self driving big trucks.

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19 hours ago, soalbundy said:

It has been found that for instance production line robots create more jobs than they destroy, higher quality and higher paying jobs while doing away with the mind numbing repetitive and mistake inducing work. At BMW, as an example, more and more technology was gradually introduced on the production lines and the workers were upgraded with schooling and courses to deal with the change, the result was higher production with the same number of workers and higher pay as a result, in addition a new industry branch was introduced with the production, design, servicing and programing of robots. It was a win win for everybody, higher production and profits, better working conditions and pay, and more jobs being created through robot production (sold world wide) 

To reiterate, the "higher level" jobs you reference will ALSO be done by AI robotics. The only reason to keep humans employed would be a/ the government intervenes, b/ the company develops a social conscience ( highly unlikely ). AI robotics will be able to do everything a human can, better, faster and they don't take sick days.

Once AI starts, it's all unknown territory, and it is coming, probably sooner than most think.

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19 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

You don't need Truck Drivers for all the jobs you listed. In US we already testing self driving big trucks.

Exactly right. Some minimum wage guy can do all that.

I believe in Australia the big dump trucks in the mines already computer controlled.

In London, the light rail system has no driver- all computer controlled, and that was years ago.

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