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EU's Barnier makes last ditch Brexit offer, Britain 'not impressed'


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55 minutes ago, vogie said:

I was stating what would happen, it is no secret that a no brexit would seriously harm the EU.

I think you are suggesting what you want to happen to the UK.

I could care less on what happen to the UK......the comment was to point out the one side opinionated minds of the brexiters

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26 minutes ago, Loiner said:

You're all coming with us and you'll love it. Democracy in action - the will of the majority.


Will you be coming too, or are you just an interested observer with a passionate opinion?

I generally don’t join suicide cults, thank you. Please don’t send any more leaflets or show up uninvited in front of my door with your gospel singers. 





Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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50 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Why. It depends on when he was put into the position, what options he was to ask for, what the cabinet and the PM would expect and most importantly how well he was briefed/ backed up.

Ah, there is always somebody else to blame........ He was a cabinet minister, and as such should not accept insufficient briefing/backing. - if that was the case at all. That was HIS responsibility.

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1 hour ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I am fine with people having the freedom to commit suicide. Just don’t take others with you. 


A similar view from a Dutch newspaper, De Volkskrant (posted earlier in another thread):


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8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Leaving the EU without a transition plan in place is the epitome of 'cutting off your nose to spite your face'.

Hogwash - the problem is that the UK government have spent all the years arguing with each other rather than doing their elected job and trying to instigate 'their' majority remainer will over the Brexit 'populist' vote by deliberately coming up with ideas nobody can agree with.





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42 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

This is wonderful stuff from the Conspiracy Theory ward in the asylum.

"Globalist oligarchy's errand boy Barack Obama"

"Sclerotic superstate and its unelected Brussels mafia"

Surely you could have treated us to some more delights, I was having fun reading them. How about:

Big Pharma, The FBI Russian witch hunt, The Zionist banking conspiracy, The Middle Eastern terrorists hiding amongst the Mexican immigrants, The "Vaccines cause Autism" fraud Doctor, Global Warming conspiracy, 70 million Turks about to "Invade" the UK (Leaves no one in Turkey BTW), the Illuminati, Pizzagate, Flat Earther movement. Oh yes I nearly forgot...... the Anunnaki, a race of blood drinking shape shifting alien reptiles. 

Why stop at "Globalist oligarchy's errand boy" when you are onto a good thing?

Blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptiles? You must mean the European Commission who have been sucking us Brits dry for decades.


Brexit, were it to happen, would go down as the biggest anemia cure in history.


Oh, and since we are talking conspiracy theories, you must know that the phrase was dreamed up by the CIA half a century ago to discredit alternative explanations to the "lone killer" nonsense trotted out by official sources.


Now THAT'S what I call a conspiracy theory!


Pip! Pip!

Edited by Krataiboy
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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

The referendum was democratic and won by the Leave vote, even if you didn’t like it. No trolling there.
Where was your fraud?

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Where was the fraud, seriously?


You really shouldn't be commenting on a subject if you're that far out of touch with it.

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2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I generally don’t join suicide cults, thank you. Please don’t send any more leaflets or show up uninvited in front of my door with your gospel singers.

You're not going to just stand and watch are you? Safely from your own side of the Channel I suppose? Where are the Remainers' friends when they need you? You are such a part of the support team that you should join for the grande finale, and the after party too! 

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22 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Yes, seriously. Was it ballot stuffing, or rigging by miscounting? These would be serious allegations that the Electoral Commission should know about. I did hear some rumours about students double dipping with both home and Uni addresses being used. I also thought the government hid it rigged, but tell me more.  








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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

You're not going to just stand and watch are you? Safely from your own side of the Channel I suppose? Where are the Remainers' friends when they need you? You are such a part of the support team that you should join for the grande finale, and the after party too! 

Why would I travel to the Channel to watch the circus? 

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

The only problem I have with posts from remainers and eumainers is that it is all one sided, it is as if the UK has nothing to offer the EU. Both sides may be on the losing end of a no deal, but having said that many believe that it won't be the armageddon that project fear are predicting. If the EU doesn't want to negotiate in a grown up manner, that doesn't mean we have to take anything they throw at us. What has happened to our personal pride, if we can't sit down and talk like grown ups, lets walk away, good god, lets not do any more grovelling.

Most MPs voted to trigger art 50, which simply means leave the EU, lets get on with it, none of this, soft brexit, brino or halfway house brexit, let us just go.

You and I are not as far apart as it seems some times.  If, when the referendum was called, people were told the truth (from both sides) about what Brexit would mean and then voted the way they did then none of this arguing and bitterness would exist.  If it was "This is what happens when we leave, vote yes or no".  That would have been a fair and honest way to do it.  No grovelling involved (which is humiliating) and nobody could complain at the result.


I understand your frustration, we are all frustrated, but just leaving with no deal is something that neither side will accept.  I am vehemently against May's deal even though for me personally it would be "reasonable" and I could operate my business in the UK without de-camping to mainland Europe.  But I think it is bad for Britain and leaves us as a vassal state.

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