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Theresa May wins 'legally binding' Brexit assurances from EU ahead of crucial votes


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13 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I was thinking more that the remainers have lost every last hope that the UK will not leave on March 29th. It has been decisively quite on here from the remain gang. I guess some will be selling their nuclear bunkers and selling of their two years supply of plasters and paracetamol.

I suspect that more than a few of us leavers also think that the uk will not leave on March 29th....

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15 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Have you not been keeping up old chap with the last 2.5 years.


Besides the special place in hell quote for brexiteers.


British people must be punished for Brexit.


Tusk and Juncker have ridiculed those who voted for leave. 

Do your research.


Pretty pathetic given the fact that the whole leave campaign basically was just (and could only win by being) a big smear campaign throwing insults and defamations at the EU in order to create hatred among the losers and  uneducated and provide them a scapegoat. Not to mention that the breeding ground was laid even before 2016 through the constant hate campaigns of the yellow press. Whereas what Brexiteers consider an insult was mainly not getting it their way. 


I hope the UK people can get rid of that undemocratic, abusive riff-raff and return as the civilized, well educated and good-mannered country that it is. 

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33 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I told you the vote was today already. If you don't believe me then I won't bother trying anymore.

yes, you told me that may-deal vote and no deal vote would be today

but you told me that yesterday before MPs commenced on their deliberations, ie tuesday



Edited by melvinmelvin
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6 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Without wanting to derail this discussion.


But you entered a trading block, essentially no different to NAFTA.


Wouldn't it have better to have all this discussion before you ratified the Maastricht Treaty, which was a commitment to political union?

Wasn't it Thatcher that signed that? That would have been the time you should have had your referendum  


Referendums aren't legally binding and have no specific place in the UK's representative constitutional democracy.

That's why they don't happen often.


At the time of Maastricht Treaty, the members of parliament actually did their jobs, regardless of whether you agree with the result or not.


This last referendum wasn't really about the people's wishes, it was about Cameron trying to spike anti EU Tories, defections to UKIP and a growth in UKIP support. He cocked up and landed us all in the <deleted> for the sake of the Tory party. And the current opposition are too anal to do anything about it either.

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I’m very much enjoying the wait to see what happens.


While we are waiting, back up the claim you just made by providing a link to anything whatsoever I have ever said about Farage’s children or his wife.


Alternatively retract the slur.


Or if that’s too much of an ask for you, tell us it’s something your friend told you.

hes friends are Chinese

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16 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Melvin is a 'decent' poster, although biased towards the remain 'camp'.


No need to alienate the few 'decent' remain posters.


Most of us miss the odd few pages, as we can't be bothered - and I suspect this is why the poster missed your earlier reply.

It was yesterday - he didn't miss it.

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Pure theatre!


TM " Jean-Claude, I lost my meaningful vote before, with a record defeat, what can we do? 


JCJ " Well babe, is eazy. Run the clock right down, keep threatening them with your deal or no deal Brexit and then we give you something or nothing at the last minute. The idiots will be so relieved that they'll vote for it out of fear and desperation! Now, pass me another cognac my lovely. 


TM " Sacre bleu JC, you've done it again!


Anyone who thinks this isn't being jointly orchestrated is naive at best. Only the end game might not be quite visible just yet. May, Merkel, and Juncker no it; not sure they would let Tusk (to honest) or Napoleon Macron (to gobby) in on it.


It's not over till the fat lady sings. We shall see what this week's votes bring!

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31 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I was thinking more that the remainers have lost every last hope that the UK will not leave on March 29th. It has been decisively quite on here from the remain gang. I guess some will be selling their nuclear bunkers and selling of their two years supply of plasters and paracetamol.

If May's deal is passed you will not technically leave on 29 March, there will be an extension to get the legislation through. 






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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

LOL. Overpriced and overrated if you ask me.

On that journey Heinz 57 Varieties was born. Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup was imported into the UK. Heinz is still exporting Baked Beans, Spaghetti and Tomato Ketchup to the UK from America and Canada. When production expands to the UK, 10,000 tonnes are produced here in the first year.

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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

If May's deal is passed you will not technically leave on 29 March, there will be an extension to get the legislation through. 










We will have our BREXIT....  the actual leaving date is of no relevance.



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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I agree, the last time I tried Heinz bakes beans I threw them in the trash can.  Far too much sugar for my taste.

On that journey Heinz 57 Varieties was born. Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup was imported into the UK. Heinz is still exporting Baked Beans, Spaghetti and Tomato Ketchup to the UK from America and Canada. When production expands to the UK, 10,000 tonnes are produced here in the first year.

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22 minutes ago, LucysDad said:


.................... and continued wet-dreaming tine for Remoaners.



Brexit is so close I can almost smell it.



May's deal Brexit. Unless of course the ERG are stupid enough to block it (and they are), in which case you'll need smelling salts to cover from the inevitable second referendum.

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Just now, AlexRich said:

May's deal Brexit. Unless of course the ERG are stupid enough to block it (and they are), in which case you'll need smelling salts to cover from the inevitable second referendum.



Based on the evidence of conversations with (Remain) friends in the UK, I don't fear a second a referendum.


There won't be one.

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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Referendums aren't legally binding and have no specific place in the UK's representative constitutional democracy.

That's why they don't happen often.


At the time of Maastricht Treaty, the members of parliament actually did their jobs, regardless of whether you agree with the result or not.


This last referendum wasn't really about the people's wishes, it was about Cameron trying to spike anti EU Tories, defections to UKIP and a growth in UKIP support. He cocked up and landed us all in the <deleted> for the sake of the Tory party. And the current opposition are too anal to do anything about it either.

Referendums are relevant and have a place in UK decision-making, particularly when a constitutional issue is to be decided. For this reason, there should have been referendums pre Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties. There should also have been one before we even went into the EEC - the main reason that we didn't have one was that Heath knew he would lose.


The result of the 2016 vote showed exactly what the people's wishes were and they were obviously ready for it, whatever the trigger for it was. 

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25 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

yes, you told me that may-deal vote and no deal vote would be today

but you told me that yesterday before MPs commenced on their deliberations, ie tuesday



It is Tuesday. They will deliberate and vote tonight. 

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6 minutes ago, Henryford said:

It was just a pathetic piece of theatre (probably agreed months ago) to try to pretend that Treason May won a great victory. They must think we are thick.


Our relations with the EUSSR are shot anyway. Personally i would never buy EUSSR wine, cheese, cars etc ever again. It's like marriage once you say you are leaving there is no going back.

Many of us on here predicted the very thing you mentioned.

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15 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

If May's deal is passed you will not technically leave on 29 March, there will be an extension to get the legislation through. 






So the word technically is the focus now. First it was the terms soft and hard Brexit. Then the referendum was advisory. Then the backstop etc etc


Eventually the UK will leave the EU in whatever shape. You can polish a turd but it is still a turd.


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Just now, Laughing Gravy said:

So the word technically is the focus now. First it was the terms soft and hard Brexit. Then the referendum was advisory. Then the backstop etc etc


Eventually the UK will leave the EU in whatever shape. You can polish a turd but it is still a turd.


I'm okay with a soft Brexit like this ... still damage, but not the damage of a "no deal".


And then the fun begins ... the many years it will take to get to a final relationship. And of course if you get a Corbyn Government that final deal will take a very different shape to the one envisaged by the ERG. An even softer outcome. 






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7 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:


Oh dear you are still banging on about the referendum. Most sensible people have accepted the result. remain lost.

The Insults come from many remainers on education, age, social class and standing, ethnicity, geographical location, spoonies. the list goes on.


By the way a referendum is a democratic act. I guess you will have nothing to whingeing about when the UK leave the EU or maybe you just like to complain.

I didn’t talk about the referendum but about the smear campaign and constant insults and defamations  Brexiteers threw and throw over the channel. 

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Just now, AlexRich said:

I'm okay with a soft Brexit like this ... still damage, but not the damage of a "no deal".


And then the fun begins ... the many years it will take to get to a final relationship. And of course if you get a Corbyn Government that final deal will take a very different shape to the one envisaged by the ERG. An even softer outcome. 






You certainly wishful in your thinking. Corbyn, you have to be joking. I thought a soft brexit was staying in the CU, SM, ECJ. You are certainly changing the goal posts.

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8 minutes ago, Henryford said:

It was just a pathetic piece of theatre (probably agreed months ago) to try to pretend that Treason May won a great victory. They must think we are thick.


Our relations with the EUSSR are shot anyway. Personally i would never buy EUSSR wine, cheese, cars etc ever again. It's like marriage once you say you are leaving there is no going back.

Yes, they do think we are all thick - but I doubt it was agreed many months ago.


The eu and May (IMO) thought the 'May/eu BRINO' deal would be enough to get the majority of MPs (who already want to remain...) to vote for the agreement.


Unfortunately for them, a few actually read the agreement and realised that it meant remaining within the eu forever....  Making it impossible for MPs to vote for the agreement....

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1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I didn’t talk about the referendum but about the smear campaign and constant insults and defamations  Brexiteers threw and throw over the channel. 

What smear campaign..... for the referendum or are you talking about the battle of Trafalgar in 1805 throwing insults over the channel.

 Or is it these ones.


From Peckham to Paris – French à la 'Only Fools and Horses'

  • Au revoir – hello.
  • Au contraire – hand on a minute.
  • Bain marie – no problem.
  • Boeuf à la mode – you win some, you lose some.
  • Bonjour – goodbye.
  • Bonnet de douche – impressive!
  • Chateauneuf du Pape! – OMG!
  • Creme de la menthe – the very best


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