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Britain in Brexit chaos - parliament crushes May's EU deal again


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"Those who suffer from bad policies, from failings of the ruling classes, are always those who are at the bottom of the pyramid, coz they are unable to transfer their funds abroad, relocate their headquarters abroad, or have one to apply for their children for a german passport!"

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Can you be more precise ?

1 ? 5 ? 20 ? 50 ? 100 ?

You tell me

If I tell you will you be my best friend forever? No, forget that, you've already shown your colours as a latent paedophile in another thread.


By their own calculation, around 70. It's not possible to give a precise number as they are not obliged to declare their membership. The group is known as the ERG (European Research Group) and is chaired by Moggy.



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51 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



It was obvious that the message on the side of the bus was pointing out that the uk was wasting a lot of money on an extra layer of corrupt bureaucracy via the eu.  Or at least it was obvious to me, personally.


I didn't vote in the referendum for various reasons, but as a result of the farce (mostly by brit. politicians) - if there is another referendum, I will vote - to leave.

I suggest that if there is a referendum, voting to leave would be on the back of May's deal only.

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1 hour ago, Kinnock said:

Without Honda, Nissan and Toyota and with the City financial institutions already moving to Luxembourg, UK will be lucky to make the top 10.


Perhaps Putin will take pity and annexe England.


56 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

He's not done a bad job of annexing the brains of some of our compatriots with his troll farms and disinformation campaigns. Reminds me of when Castro got rid of his criminals to the US in the 80s by framing it as refugees from Communism. 


41 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


These types of comments seriously annoy me.....


How on earth can anyone believe that Putin managed to brainwash more than 17m voters???


Perhaps a few youngsters are addicted to reading and believing everything they are told on FB etc. - but certainly not older voters!

I agree you certainly can't say that Putin's "Cyber warfare" affected 17m people. That they helped him achieve his aims (Unwittingly in the vast majority of cases) is beyond doubt though. You only need a small percentage to swing elections of course. 

My son studied for his physics MSc with a student who later became a leading light in Cambridge Analytica. After the election he boasted to all his acquaintances how CA won it for Brexit. Oh yes, and where did Aaron Bank's £8m come from, will we ever know? I guess the Tories are not gong to suggest that tax haven accounts can be inspected, it might start a terrible trend.

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Just now, stephenterry said:

A Big Blue passport that would be made in France by a French/Dutch company - if the UK leaves the EU. 

How are we supposed to go to France to get our passports , if we are applying for a new passport and we dont already have one?

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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

How are we supposed to go to France to get our passports , if we are applying for a new passport and we dont already have one?

Be sure to Inc a smiley when playing the pillock or they'll think you're serious and tar all of us with it.

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:

How are we supposed to go to France to get our passports , if we are applying for a new passport and we dont already have one?

You pay £2000 and you will be transported to a French beach of your choice in a rubber dingy.

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1 minute ago, stephenterry said:

I am also a British citizen and hold a British passport. I've read probably most of the voluminous posts and no leaver has spelt out exactly how they would personally benefit - neither have you. iI you post on these threads you can be assured that posters will respond to you. That you like my tone or not is neither here nor there.  


Being out of the EU won't benefit me, because the Pound will be devalued. 

I've asked the same question numerous times on various thereads and always get similar answers. Brexiteers voted with ther hearts, not their heads and now can't justify their vote.

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3 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

I am also a British citizen and hold a British passport. I've read probably most of the voluminous posts and no leaver has spelt out exactly how they would personally benefit - neither have you. iI you post on these threads you can be assured that posters will respond to you.


Being out of the EU won't benefit me, because the Pound will be devalued. 

The pound devalued benefited me until recently as I was paid in Thai baht so could send moire money back to the UK.


You haven;'t read the threads as I have stated a few times now as many posters have mentioned on numerous occasions.


"That you like my tone or not is neither here nor there.  "

Your wrong you will not get another reply.


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23 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

The EU will only agree to an extension if there is a clear reason. That means new elections or a new referendum. If this decision does not happen within 2 weeks, the UK will only have 2 options: No Deal Brexit or Retire Art 50. The EU is also fed up with the UK politic circus. Only costs effort, money and time.

I've no doubt that you believe that ????.

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23 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

A Big Blue passport that would be made in France by a French/Dutch company - if the UK leaves the EU. 

Do you want to tell him that about 80 countries have blue passports,and that the blue UK one will be the same size as the burgundy one the UK use as a EU member.

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4 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The problems are that:-


1) We've already had a referendum, the result of which was to leave


2) why should there be another referendum when we've already had one


3) you can bet your bottom dollar that a new referendum will be along the lines of that suggested by another poster.  i.e. a secondary vote between remain/leave/accept May and the eu's deal.


Remain and accept May/eu deal is pretty much the same thing  - albeit paying 39bn for the privilege.....

I) Correct, but we now can't agree on how to leave.


2) It's the only way to break the parliamentary deadlock. MP s would agree that the result was bindinf.


3) A no deal Brexit isn't an option. The main objection, to May's deal, by Brexiteers, is around the NI backstop. A no deal Brexit would result in an immediate hard border as we would be out of the customs union. Something that no one wants. Therefore the referendum could only be between May's deal and remain.


If you think that there is little difference between Mays's deal and remain, just vote remain. You know it makes sense.

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7 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"No, forget that, you've already shown your colours as a latent paedophile in another thread."


????  I think you need to provide evidence to support this slur!

Sorry, it was said tongue in cheek after your comment that it was wrong and not normal to allow my 6 year old son to sleep in the same bed as me.

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3 minutes ago, adammike said:

Do you want to tell him that about 80 countries have blue passports,and that the blue UK one will be the same size as the burgundy one the UK use as a EU member.

Well it's Blue and Gold, like before the Burgundy one. He can get them in the UK from October 2019, providing they don't get held up for weeks in the 200 mile log jam at Calais/Dover.

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No other alternative.
As there will be no more negotiations, the only plans are:
Revoke Article 50 and regain our sanity.
Call a general election,

A second referendum,
Bring it on!

The other alternatives. You forgot the Leave No Deal option at two points:

- When EU refuses to delay article 50

- When you have your imaginary second referendum.

Bring them both on!

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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Just now, dick dasterdly said:

The 'how does it benefit you personally' has been asked a few times.  The problem is that most of us are relatively wealthy  - but still care about the poorest in the uk.


Those of us living in Thailand have been hit badly by the fall in exchange rates - but still care about the poorest in the uk whose wages (in real terms) are ever decreasing - partly as a result of immigration from poor eu countries.

A nonsense that has been debunked many times.


I voted remain because I care about the future of my 2 children who live and work in the UK.


Brexit would result in a major downturn in the economy, wholesale loss of jobs and quite likely a wage freeze. My daughter works in the NHS, as does her husband, a double whammy for them.


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