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Britain in Brexit chaos - parliament crushes May's EU deal again


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wonder what MPs hope to achieve

now they have voted down may-deal

no reason to expect that no-deal will not be voted down


so what, what do they want?

delay for a month or so is hardly going to bring any delights on the table

delay and new referendum, is that really going to change things

delay and GE? any achievement in that?


not easy to understand what they actually want, a better deal yes, but hardly available


a weird bunch, the MPs



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Just now, melvinmelvin said:

wonder what MPs hope to achieve

now they have voted down may-deal

no reason to expect that no-deal will not be voted down

so what, what do they want?

delay for a month or so is hardly going to bring any delights on the table

delay and new referendum, is that really going to change things

delay and GE? any achievement in that?

not easy to understand what they actually want, a better deal yes, but hardly available


a weird bunch, the MPs



Maybe they want to leave with no deal ?

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18 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

wonder what MPs hope to achieve

now they have voted down may-deal

no reason to expect that no-deal will not be voted down


so what, what do they want?

delay for a month or so is hardly going to bring any delights on the table

delay and new referendum, is that really going to change things

delay and GE? any achievement in that?


not easy to understand what they actually want, a better deal yes, but hardly available


a weird bunch, the MPs



So nothing have changed , nothing new ….. the Brits don't have a clue what  next , what to do it seems ,...sad !

Edited by david555
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5 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And what would the Blessed Margaret be thrice rejoicing staying  in the EU....


"Just think for a moment what a prospect that is. A single market without barriers—visible or invisible—giving you direct and unhindered access to the purchasing power of over 300 million of the world’s wealthiest and most prosperous people." 

"Bigger than Japan. Bigger than the United States. On your doorstep. And with the Channel Tunnel to give you direct access to it." 

"It’s not a dream. It’s not a vision. It’s not some bureaucrat’s plan. It’s for real." 

"[Prior to 1973] Europe wasn’t open for business. Underneath the rhetoric, the old barriers remained. Not just against the outside world, but between the European countries." 

"Not the classic barriers of tariffs, but the insiduous ones of differing national standards, various restrictions on the provision of services, exclusion of foreign firms from public contracts." 

"Now that’s going to change. Britain has given the lead." 

"We recognised that if Europe was going to be more than a slogan then we must get the basics right. That meant action." 

"[We] can look forward with confidence to sweeping away the We can play a role in developing Europe, or we can turn our backs on the Community. 

By turning our backs we would forfeit our right to influence what happens in the Community. 

But what happens in the Community will inevitably affect us. 

The European Community is a powerful group of nations. 

With Britain as a member, it is more powerful; without Britain it will still be powerful. 

We can play a leading role in Europe, but if that leadership is not forthcoming Europe will develop without Britain." 

-Margaret Thatcher

That was from 30-40 years ago, before the developing nations emerged .

Times have changed since back then . 

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6 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

wonder what MPs hope to achieve

now they have voted down may-deal

no reason to expect that no-deal will not be voted down


so what, what do they want?

delay for a month or so is hardly going to bring any delights on the table

delay and new referendum, is that really going to change things

delay and GE? any achievement in that?


not easy to understand what they actually want, a better deal yes, but hardly available


a weird bunch, the MPs



They’re a laughing stock. Supposed to lead a country, in fact a bunch of losers without balls. 

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The vote puts the world's fifth largest economy in uncharted territory with no obvious way forward; exiting the EU without a deal,
like it or loathe it, that’s a way forward 

We’ve always done rather well in uncharted territory. Our maritime supremacy lead to wealth and treasures.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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32 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

wonder what MPs hope to achieve

now they have voted down may-deal

no reason to expect that no-deal will not be voted down


so what, what do they want?

delay for a month or so is hardly going to bring any delights on the table

delay and new referendum, is that really going to change things

delay and GE? any achievement in that?


not easy to understand what they actually want, a better deal yes, but hardly available


a weird bunch, the MPs



May's red lines should be discarded. That would open up many "softer" Brexit opportunities. Parliament will not support no deal Brexit. So it's softer Brexit ( as suggested by LAB and EU) or referendum (which would deliver Remain). Nash equilibrium analysis always pointed to N or N+

Edited by Grouse
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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

What was written on the side of a bus was a suggestion as to what the U.K could do with the savings it will make by leaving the E.U , it wasnt a promise or a certainty, just a suggestion 

The savings the UK will make by leaving the EU....... also a suggestion?? Because it doesn't seem a certainty to me. Quite the opposite in fact.

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

What was written on the side of a bus was a suggestion as to what the U.K could do with the savings it will make by leaving the E.U , it wasnt a promise or a certainty, just a suggestion 

I know what it said on the side of the bus, just as most leavers do, the problem arises when you are a remainer and they struggle with dyslexia when it suits them.

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13 minutes ago, Loiner said:

We’ve always done rather well in uncharted territory. Our maritime supremacy lead to wealth and treasures.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

That ended early in the last Century.  UK has already been overtaken by one of her old colonies, and there's an Ambassador taxi with velvet curtains just about to pass her on the wrong side of the road, horn blaring and a family of 18 on board.  ????


"Madam, please to be getting out of the way, I'm chasing that Chinaman"

Edited by Kinnock
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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

No, its is quite straight forward . 

Leave the E.U.

That is what voters wanted 

Leave the E.U.

It was a short , simple , straight forward question and people answered that question .

They want to leave the E.U



Please refrain from projecting your simplicity onto the entire populous, thanks.

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2 hours ago, Proboscis said:

Exactly - an election will only bake in the stand-off. Remember that the vote in the referendum was close and many voting remain voted remain but . . . and many voting leave voted leave but . . . 


In other words, the situation is not as black and white as some politicians would like you to believe. In such a situation I would suggest the following:


Go somewhere along the road towards Brexit now, right now, and work out the details of where the UK wants to go later. In other words, leave the Single Market and move to Custom's Union right now - call it Brexit 1. That means no backstop and no problem at the Irish border. It gets over the problem of what the country wants in the future. And it would stop the haemorage of business confidence and investment to other countries.


Yes, it would not solve the freedom of movement, fisheries and the freedom to sign separate trade deals with other countries. But it would give the country the most valuable commody of all - time - rather than being rushed into some deal or other which could cause huge problems in the future.



What you are proposing is BRINO (Brexit In Name Only)

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50 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

wonder what MPs hope to achieve

now they have voted down may-deal

no reason to expect that no-deal will not be voted down


so what, what do they want?

delay for a month or so is hardly going to bring any delights on the table

delay and new referendum, is that really going to change things

delay and GE? any achievement in that?


not easy to understand what they actually want, a better deal yes, but hardly available


a weird bunch, the MPs



That something will 'happen' in the future to let them off the hook.....


They want to remain, but know that they will face a 'backlash' from the electorate if this is too obvious.  And May's deal was too obvious......

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