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EU says UK must justify any Brexit delay


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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

I wasnt in the UK at the time so I may have missed them, but , what were the promises made ?

  (Please dont mention THAT bus , that wasnt a promise , it was a suggestion )

So, what are the "promises" made to secure Brexiters vote that were never kept ?

Here's a few


1) We would gain control of our borders


2) We would control our money


3) Trade deal would be easy including rolling over existing EU negotiated deals


4) Norway or Switzerland deals were possible templates


5) 'uge USA deal


6) we would regain Our sovereignty 


Do you want me to update you?

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7 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

As I said, you are not worth the effort. I could spend several hours pulling out contradictory quotes from every prominent Leave campaigner ... one example is Rees Mogg suggesting in the commons that we have two votes, one on getting out, and one on the deal. I could quote Fox and Hannan and Davis and Johnson. But why would I bother? 

Yes, why bother, just make up random quotes again that fit you narrative , put those made up quotes into quotation marks for effect and people would then think that you were actually quoting someone , rather than writing it yourself and trying to pretend that someone important wrote it 

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

You stated "lies" were told and I am asking you what "lies" were told .

The big lie told was that the referendum result would be enacted upon .

We voted to leave , the Gov voted against leaving .

The vote was to leave , not to leave with any agreements .

The Gov should have followed the will of the voters and voted to leave without any agreements

Leaving with no deal was NEVER mentioned 

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Just now, Grouse said:

Here's a few


1) We would gain control of our borders


2) We would control our money


3) Trade deal would be easy including rolling over existing EU negotiated deals


4) Norway or Switzerland deals were possible templates


5) 'uge USA deal


6) we would regain Our sovereignty 


Do you want me to update you?

1 . Yes, Other Europeans wouldnt have the right to enter the UK

2 . The Money that we give to the E.U. and they tell us what to spend it on, we can take control of our own money .

3 . That was a prediction about future negotiations 

4 .  They WERE possible templates .

5 Dont understand what "uge" means 

6 , We would 

    Yes , please do "update " me 

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Neither did I as I was unsure at the time.


If there is another referendum, I will vote as I'm so angry at politicians trying to find a way around the original referendum result.


If they get away with it, they will be even worse in the future ????.


They need to be reminded that they are supposed to represent their constituents......

I was disenfranchised by that '15 year' malarky, having had papers go AWOL when I scraped in for the first election a year or so earlier.

Edited by evadgib
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On 3/15/2019 at 3:47 AM, Loiner said:

Keep going Nigel, the UK government have been shown to not be up to the job.
What’s Princess Tony doing on his European travels? Is he obstructing the UK government or working against the UK people?

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

i knew that Blair bloke would come in useful at some point in his life

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

1 . Yes, Other Europeans wouldnt have the right to enter the UK

2 . The Money that we give to the E.U. and they tell us what to spend it on, we can take control of our own money .

3 . That was a prediction about future negotiations 

4 .  They WERE possible templates .

5 Dont understand what "uge" means 

6 , We would 

    Yes , please do "update " me 

the UK govt is sovereign now other than few menial nothing laws,the noise made about this menial issue is deafening,what aspect of peoples lives are you expecting to change as i cannot see anything being any different,99% of the population are expected to abide by the laws made in the HoC just like its been for years,they have a lot more to worry about from what our clowns come up with than any EU trivial laws.

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Yes, why bother, just make up random quotes again that fit you narrative , put those made up quotes into quotation marks for effect and people would then think that you were actually quoting someone , rather than writing it yourself and trying to pretend that someone important wrote it 

They were simply examples of the type of nonsense being spouted by various campaigners, off the top of the head but pretty consistent with the nonsense being told to voters ... which you well know but pretend not to. I could spend time giving actual quotes that are even worse than that but what would be the point? Just wasting my time for no benefit. 


I learned on here some time ago that those who ask for links and quotes, etc are only really interested in wasting your time. When you give them them they either don’t reply or spout nonsense in a response. “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ...” ... here I am stuck on TV with you.


Edited by AlexRich
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Just now, AlexRich said:

They were simply examples of the type of nonsense being spouted by various campaigners, off the top of the head but pretty consistent with the nonsense being told to voters ... which you well know but pretend not to. I could spend time giving actual quotes that are even worse than that but what would be the point? Just wasting my time for no benefit. 


I learned on here some time ago that those who ask for links and quotes, etc are only really interested in wasting your time. When you give them them they either don’t reply or spout nonsense in a response. “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ...” ... here I am stuck on TV with you.


OK, so you dont copy and past links and quotes , because its a "waste of time" , but its not a waste of time to make some quotes up and then falsely  claim that the quotes that you made up were other peoples lies ?

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

You seriously think voters wanted BRINO, plus paying 39bn for the privilege?


Having said this, no doubt another known poster will be along soon to pretend that leave posters have never given any reason for why they are against the eu/may deal....

You seem to think that you could go to the EU, get everything that you want, and not have to countenance anything that they might want? And if you don’t get that outcome, it’s not because that outcome was never achieveable, it’s because of some remainer plot, a conspiracy to deny the “will of the people”, people many of whom voted Leave for different reasons ... Leave was never defined, it was whatever you imagine it to be. It certainly wasn’t a no deal exit.

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

Not true IMO.


Most voters assumed that the uk and eus' first priority would be a trade deal. 

I wasnt in the UK at the time and I dont know what most Brexiters thought .

BTW , how do you know what 8 million people were thinking ?

Was there some kind of questionnaire or something or is this another Alexrich "Most voters assumed the first priority would be a trade deal" kind of thing . 

  ( Its in quotation marks, so, someone must have said it )

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Just now, sanemax said:

OK, so you dont copy and past links and quotes , because its a "waste of time" , but its not a waste of time to make some quotes up and then falsely  claim that the quotes that you made up were other peoples lies ?

You know what they were ... they were examples of the sorts of nonsense spouted about Brexit. So stop pretending that you were somehow misled ... like people who seize on something that someone they don’t like said and then pretend to be offended and hurt. It’s a bad trait to have as a human being. 

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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

You know what they were ... they were examples of the sorts of nonsense spouted about Brexit. So stop pretending that you were somehow misled ... like people who seize on something that someone they don’t like said and then pretend to be offended and hurt. It’s a bad trait to have as a human being. 

As I wasnt in the UK at the time and I didnt really follow the campaigns , I dont really know who said what , so, no, I dont know what people were saying .

  One of your quotes, a google search found no results , which makes me believe that no one ever has said such a thing .

  But you cannot accuse people of lying , if you cannot state which people were lying and what lies they told

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On 3/15/2019 at 7:48 AM, watso63 said:

The troughing pigs in Westminster won't, can't or are unable to follow simple instructions given to them by the people they are duty bound to serve

Hmm, which half of the population are you referring to? Clearly almost half said no, perhaps they were the sensible folk who normally vote, not a bunch of eager 13 year-old mentalities, sucked in by all the social media hype...


The pigs were allowed to walk away, Cameron being the biggest of all. Exactly what information led him to think it was even possible, let alone a benefit to a tired, aging old imperial power with outdated governance.

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

You seriously think voters wanted BRINO, plus paying 39bn for the privilege?


Having said this, no doubt another known poster will be along soon to pretend that leave posters have never given any reason for why they are against the eu/may deal....

You have absolutely no idea what the 39 billion is for have you? You think this country agrees to hand over money for nothing? It's not housekeeping money.

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48 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I wasnt in the UK at the time and I dont know what most Brexiters thought .

BTW , how do you know what 8 million people were thinking ?

Was there some kind of questionnaire or something or is this another Alexrich "Most voters assumed the first priority would be a trade deal" kind of thing . 

  ( Its in quotation marks, so, someone must have said it )

What has become increasingly obvious is that a majority of the electorate didn't even know what they are for breakfast. Frankly, universal suffrage is overrated 

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On 3/15/2019 at 2:45 PM, Laughing Gravy said:

Your evidence for this is what exactly?

The door on a public toilet, on the common, doesn't count either.????


      Public  toilets, and politics mix well. 

        Full of it , shiet .   Nothing new .  

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5 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Johnson & Gove ... two big lies on a bus (1) that we pay 350m per week, we don't and (2) sly words to give the impression that it would all go to the NHS.


Liam Fox ... trade deals easiest in the world, we'd roll over the non-EU deals before leaving.


David Davis ... the deal we would end up with would be better than we have currently.


All of them ... the EU need us more than we need them? German manufacturers and Italian Prosseco makers would put pressure on their governments. 


... I won't go on ... of course I could ... but with you there is no point whatsoever. All rubbish designed to make people feel that Brexit would be in their interests.



We are just going around in circles .

As I stated yesterday , the sign on the bus was a suggestion and not a promise .

Liam fox stated that new trade deals with the E.U , "SHOULD be easiest in the world" , "Should be" , not a promise that they WOULD be .

  European companies are putting pressure on their Governments to get a deal done 

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31 minutes ago, sanemax said:

We are just going around in circles .

As I stated yesterday , the sign on the bus was a suggestion and not a promise .

Liam fox stated that new trade deals with the E.U , "SHOULD be easiest in the world" , "Should be" , not a promise that they WOULD be .

  European companies are putting pressure on their Governments to get a deal done 

Going round in circles? More like your explanations put you in a hole and digging.

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