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Stop Brexit: A million people sign UK petition to stay in EU


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Yip..especially the ones involved in serious organised crime in my home city and many other UK cities!!

I know you know. My post was aimed at the Brexiteers who can't accept the fact that migrants from the EU have had a net positive effect on both the economy and society.

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1 minute ago, evadgib said:

I can't see EU allowing this nonsence to continue past 12 April, not least cos they're petrified of Farage & the thought of Robinson gaining a platform too.


OMG petrified of tommy,spoons has got the better of you,but maybe i can understand the female Euro MPs being worried,

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7 minutes ago, evadgib said:

How about any of you answering this?



The problem that the "leave" vote threw up was very different from "remain", which was simply no change. A vote to leave was never a simple task, it was something that had to be negotiated with a counterparty, so there was never any equivalence. Remain involved no negotiation, no compromises, no trade offs. 


And those that blithely state that you "just leave" are either fools or being deliberately dishonest. There would have been legal action taken in international courts, immense reputational damage, problems with our WTO status, economic damage, and never ending trading issues with our biggest trade partner, not to mention that Irish issue, which would have resulted in the return of the men with guns. Whatever way you look at it remain was a simple decision, leave an incredibly complicated one.


His question makes no sense, the two decisions are not equivalent. And that's why we are in this mess. The scenario he is throwing up would never have happened. 






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7 minutes ago, evadgib said:

I can't see EU allowing this nonsence to continue past 12 April, not least cos they're petrified of Farage & the thought of Robinson gaining a platform too.


Do you honestly think they want to hand Farage his prize? 

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" the return of the men of the guns " Please give one iota of proof for your assumption.

The problem that the "leave" vote threw up was very different from "remain", which was simply no change. A vote to leave was never a simple task, it was something that had to be negotiated with a counterparty, so there was never any equivalence. Remain involved no negotiation, no compromises, no trade offs. 
And those that blithely state that you "just leave" are either fools or being deliberately dishonest. There would have been legal action taken in international courts, immense reputational damage, problems with our WTO status, economic damage, and never ending trading issues with our biggest trade partner, not to mention that Irish issue, which would have resulted in the return of the men with guns. Whatever way you look at it remain was a simple decision, leave an incredibly complicated one.
His question makes no sense, the two decisions are not equivalent. And that's why we are in this mess. The scenario he is throwing up would never have happened. 

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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

May urged to embrace no deal Brexit (breaking news )






She cannot do it without parliament, who will force her Government out. The only thing she can do is call an election ... and the zealots want a crash out because they fear what an election would mean for Brexit.



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7 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

" the return of the men of the guns " Please give one iota of proof for your assumption.


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There has already been a car bomb in northern ireland, not to mention packages in the mail.


You think that no deal, which will result in borders (despite what the UK and Ireland state) will not bring back the troubles? 






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It might have been Loiner trying to find his leaving party?

Nah, after my party I cold still find my way home.
It looks like any one of the illegals who jump off the back of wagons. This one took the wrong exit from the back of a Eurostar.
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1 minute ago, evadgib said:

Think of it as ejecting an assassin bug from a termites nest.


I don't really care whether people support leave or remain, I'm well past that. But the discussion really needs to be about what looks possible. The EU would never hand Farage the prize he wishes for, in fact, every time he opens his mouth it makes that outcome least likely. The EU will continue to extend until an agreement is reached. The only thing that might change that is a General Election that ushers in a Brexit Tory Government ... and I really don't think that is likely ... as I believe they will lose seats, not gain them. 




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9 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

I don't really care whether people support leave or remain, I'm well past that. But the discussion really needs to be about what looks possible. The EU would never hand Farage the prize he wishes for, in fact, every time he opens his mouth it makes that outcome least likely. The EU will continue to extend until an agreement is reached. The only thing that might change that is a General Election that ushers in a Brexit Tory Government ... and I really don't think that is likely ... as I believe they will lose seats, not gain them. 

I think they'll gladly be shot of him/us.

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27 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

There has already been a car bomb in northern ireland, not to mention packages in the mail.


You think that no deal, which will result in borders (despite what the UK and Ireland state) will not bring back the troubles? 

Bombings, shootings, racketeering are very much part of the fabrique there and have never really gone away. There will not be a return of 'the Troubles' for a number of reasons inc the substantial rule changes post 2001 

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58 minutes ago, evadgib said:

I can't see EU allowing this nonsence to continue past 12 April, not least cos they're petrified of Farage & the thought of Robinson gaining a platform too.

Sounds like there's a lot of things you have trouble seeing.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

In a word NO.
Security forces will already be " on top of them " watching and waiting " if I'm any judge. Please
do not go thro your life being intimidated..or thinking as an appeaser, it's the wrong way to go.


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They were on top of them in the 70s and 80s, during the bombings in the City, Brighton, Birmingham ... etc. You are naive in the extreme if you believe that this cannot return or that it can be prevented by security forces. No one in Northern Ireland wants a return to those days, and no reassurances about security forces from people who don’t have to live with the consequences will change that.

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5 hours ago, bomber said:

so you want more power to the clowns the same clowns you expect to make Britain great again,i think you need to wake up and realise these clowns are not the what you think they are,British is not best and never will be,your living in the past old man,you need a reality check


 For once I’m going to agree with you, I’m only surprised that no other remainer has raised this point. My only worry in regards to Brexit, is the quality, or should I say the lack of quality of our political elite.

 To parrot quote a German General in www1, and others before him.

 “ The British are Lions led by donkeys”




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23 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

They were on top of them in the 70s and 80s, during the bombings in the City, Brighton, Birmingham ... etc. You are naive in the extreme if you believe that this cannot return or that it can be prevented by security forces. No one in Northern Ireland wants a return to those days, and no reassurances about security forces from people who don’t have to live with the consequences will change that.

The security forces have much more technology these days .

All phones can be listened too and traced and cameras are everywhere .

All private conversations can be listened too and suspects can be monitored 24/7

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