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Stop Brexit: A million people sign UK petition to stay in EU


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On 3/29/2019 at 9:30 AM, vinny41 said:


Fury at Labour donor’s bias against Brit brickies with ‘Polish-only’ job ad for building firm

Wealthy benefactor's move infuriates British tradesmen sick of being 'undercut by foreign workers'





You seem to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find examples of discrimination and posting them here. Not just ones relevant to the EU such as the above, but also ones which have nothing to do with the EU such as your earlier ones on homophobia and racism.


It's good to have a hobby.


But yet again, I'm going to debunk you.


Your post is yet another example of a Brexiteer reading just the headline and then leaping to the wrong conclusion without reading the full article. Or maybe you did read the full article but hoped others wouldn't?


The job ad for Croydon was removed after 12 hours on Tuesday. Dr Ansari, who lives in a six-bed mansion in Caterham, Surrey, insisted the advert was a mistake.


He added: “A new person put it on. We employ all different types of nationalities. I’ve spoken to the staff member and we may not be using her again. I don’t know why she did it.

 Now, I accept that he may be lying about it being a mistake. But it was removed. 


Why? Because had it remained and had he admitted he wanted Polish workers only he would be breaking the law and thus subject to legal sanction.


It seems that "Scaffolder Josh Turvey, 26, from Camden, North London" chose to sell the story to the Sun rather than report the ad to the relevant authorities.

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18 hours ago, nontabury said:

The Polish women does exist, although to be fair I din’t get to know about it first hand.

So she's mere hearsay.


18 hours ago, nontabury said:

What I did not tell you,and the reason should become clear to even someone wearing blinkers such as yourself. On the 11 th of this month I took a Thai friend, who is Thai university educated for an interview. The job was nothing special, however she was interviewed by a Polish women( not the same company as in my first example) unfortunately she did not get the job. So yesterday in a underhand way, I discovered the position was given to a Polish women who had only been in the country since February. Now I Don’t blame the Poles for giving preference to their fellow citizens. I blame the Brits for not looking after their own people. And to repeat, this information was not gathered 2nd hand.

Maybe the Polish woman was better qualified for this particular job than your friend who, as a university graduate, may have been over qualified for it. You say it was "nothing special." Many employers are reluctant to employ graduates for such jobs because they believe the graduate is using it as a stop gap and will be off as soon as something more suitable comes along.


As I have already told you, if any employer is discriminating on the grounds of race, gender, sexuality or nationality than they are breaking the law. If your friend feels that she was unfairly treated then she should report them. First stop; Citizens Advice. 


Will you report back what they tell her?


Or, more likely in my opinion, will you make some feeble excuse for not taking the matter any further?


18 hours ago, nontabury said:

Furthermore I have in the last hour returned from taking another friend to a regional hospital. Now people like you are always going on about how the NHS relies on Europeans staff. Well while in the hospital I did notice that all the staff I heard talking were British, except for one Asian doctor. 

 However, most of the patients and accompanying visitors, were, even to my amazement, talking in an Eastern European accent.

 "All the staff I heard talking" not all the staff. How many porters, cleaners etc. did you hear talking? How many doctors, nurses, and other medical staff in the entire hospital, on duty and off, did you hear talking? What were you doing eavesdropping on them anyway?


How do you know the Asian doctor, who you presumably assume is Asian due to the colour of his skin, is not British?


How many patients and accompanying visitors did you eavesdrop upon? Why were those whom you did talking to each other in English with East European Accents rather than in their own language? Or were you sneaking around and eavesdropping on their confidential conversations with the medical staff?


Your story is so full of holes it makes a string vest look solid!


Unless you really were sneaking around listening in on confidential conversations!


18 hours ago, nontabury said:

Perhaps in a couple of years time,when they’ve received their British passports, they can join your political party “ Brits hate Brits”.

Yet again you accuse me of hating my fellow Brits and by association hating my country.


I am a patriot, I love my country. Just because I believe we are better off in the EU than out doesn't change that. Despite your childish, pathetic attempts to say that it does.

Edited by 7by7
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15 hours ago, yogi100 said:
On 3/29/2019 at 9:30 AM, vinny41 said:


Fury at Labour donor’s bias against Brit brickies with ‘Polish-only’ job ad for building firm


And that is why the working men of Britain support Brexit.


I refer you to my post above and the quote from the article


The job ad for Croydon was removed after 12 hours on Tuesday. Dr Ansari, who lives in a six-bed mansion in Caterham, Surrey, insisted the advert was a mistake.


He added: “A new person put it on. We employ all different types of nationalities. I’ve spoken to the staff member and we may not be using her again. I don’t know why she did it.”


Like vinny41, you really should read the whole article rather than just the headline.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


I refer you to my post above and the quote from the article


Like vinny41, you really should read the whole article rather than just the headline.

I think you find that is the standard reply when some gets caught out like when someone is caught saying something on facebook or social media standard reply when caught I have been hacked

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18 hours ago, yogi100 said:

It's nothing to do with grammar.


It's more of a matter of trying to comprehend the mind of someone who writes in an dialect or some sort of back slang only he is familiar with. 


You don't happen to be Russian or Polish by any chance do you?

sitting by the pool in sunshine using a mobile and drinking i will sometimes use short hand for convenience,when i asked why not sell ya house iam sure you knew what i meant,if not you need help

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17 hours ago, yogi100 said:


And that is why the working men of Britain support Brexit.


All these office wallahs and the so called pro Europeans have not been affected by this scab worker culture. Neither have the politicians nor the people in all branches of the media. They'd soon be getting their fingers out if Romanians were nicking their 80K a year jobs.


We're a divide nation totally lacking in any loyalty to the working class from those who think they're a rung further up the ladder than the rest. We're becoming more divided than ever we were under the traditional class system. And it is causing resentment and hatred that is increasing every week. 


The government are to blame. As soon as CMD threw in the towel a pro Brexiteer should have been elected and been told to get us out ASAP regardless instead of the shilly shallying Theresa May and her lackeys have been getting away with in the obvious hope that we'll eventually give in and agree to remain.


It would be all over and done with now, as it is they're still jibbering and jabbering nearly three years on.

its not scab labour its the free market,someone getting a job some 50-90% cheaper means he has money left over to spend on other things,a few more trips to spoons amongst other things,even a trip to issan to join the owls party,btw ive never met a eastern european plumber,joiner or electrician in my area,london is different but thats another story and should not be representative of the UK

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

Dance around facts as much as you like, but first remove your blinkers,as you seem to keep tripping over yourself.




I'm not the one claiming people I know have been discriminated against yet refusing to do anything about it.


I'm not the one making wild claims about the nationalities of people I see around me! 


When is your friend going to take action about discrimination you claim she suffered?


If all the staff at the hospital you visited are British, doesn't that destroy your and vinny 41's argument that employers discriminate in favour of East Europeans?


Even if all the patients you saw were East Europeans, they were exercising the same right to healthcare in another member state as British nationals have and use in all of the other 27.


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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

I think you find that is the standard reply when some gets caught out like when someone is caught saying something on facebook or social media standard reply when caught I have been hacked

I know, which is why I said


3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

 Now, I accept that he may be lying about it being a mistake. But it was removed. 


Why? Because had it remained and had he admitted he wanted Polish workers only he would be breaking the law and thus subject to legal sanction.



You obviously didn't read the whole of my post, just as you didn't read the whole of the article!


Or maybe you did read all of both, but are hoping others didn't. But I doubt that you are capable of being that duplicitous.

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Could be that you view it from a personal perspective , rather then from the British nation as a whole .

   The U.K is quite capable of manufacturing without the need to ask anyone else how to do it .

   You seem to have gone into "positive discrimination mode" , suggesting that Britain and British people are somewhat inferior to non British people and that British people need to ask Non British people how to build things  , that is "positive racism/xenophobia  "

facts show we are not capable,so if/when nissan,toyota,bmw leave who will replace them,JAL is about all that would be left and they could well follow,sorry but your totally wrong and once again living in the past and hoping that the glory days might return.

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1 minute ago, bomber said:

yes i know that,my comments were a sarcastic remark to the brexiteer who stated on here a while back that it was east europeans committing these crimes.

I know you know. My post was aimed at the Brexiteers who can't accept the fact that migrants from the EU have had a net positive effect on both the economy and society.



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1 hour ago, Spidey said:


It might have been Loiner trying to find his leaving party? Or that other one, who was berating me for not having the legal skills to understand that we would indeed be leaving the EU on 29 March 2019.


It's fine to have an opinion, but why do some persist on telling us all what they want to happen when the evidence in front of them is telling them otherwise?



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6 minutes ago, evadgib said:

That's on par with the photo of fatty in UJ rig re originality once again from you. ????


Here's proof that all is not lost from your unfortunate direction:



Another prat won't make much difference to the cause.




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13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

That's on par with the photo of fatty in UJ rig re originality once again from you. ????


Here's proof that all is not lost from your unfortunate direction:


cannot see what mr morgan can do to stop brexit if thats what our sovereign govt elect to do.

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19 minutes ago, bomber said:

facts show we are not capable,so if/when nissan,toyota,bmw leave who will replace them,JAL is about all that would be left and they could well follow,sorry but your totally wrong and once again living in the past and hoping that the glory days might return.

What are the "facts" that show that the UK are incapable of building cars ?

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

How about answering this?


parliament want to remain,has it not sunk in yet,our great elected british sovereign bulldog MPs will make sure we remain more in than out purely for the sake of jobs and the economy,issue's most brexit voters had little interest in 3 years ago and still dont today,luckily more than enough experts have rightly predicted what will happen with crash out

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