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Stop Brexit: A million people sign UK petition to stay in EU


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4 hours ago, Spidey said:

I know you know. My post was aimed at the Brexiteers who can't accept the fact that migrants from the EU have had a net positive effect on both the economy and society.



I visit Boston in Lincolnshire once or twice a month. While there I tend to pick up a copy of the local rag. Quite often it reports on local crimes that have actually reached the local court. You would be amazed at the percentage of Europeans that are convicted of different offenses. 

 I would guess that it’s about 70%. And then people wonder why Boston had such a high turn- out to vote Brexit.

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3 hours ago, bomber said:

organised crime will always exist,brexit or no brexit and the majority of poles etc are not connected to it

See my previouse post. Although to be fair most of the Poles are decent folks. In fact some have told me they don’t understand why we allow the undesirables in. A couple have even admitted they voted for UKIP.

Edited by nontabury
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30 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I’ve heard many remain voting people, say exactly the same.

Which is good, because although Brexit is very important, off greater importance is Democracy.

Democracy does not mean you cannot have a vote.  In this case you would be voting on the final Agreement / Remain / or Reject deal and leave (three questions - each with two options head to head).   We don't vote for a government and then it stays in forever, we don't prevent governments from falling after failing.  Right now the parliament has failed ... voting no on everything...  It is time for a new general election and a new referendum (since it is unlikely the general will break a deadlock) to resolve the deadlock. 


The only thing the government seems to agree on is they are against everything.

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

The security forces have much more technology these days .

All phones can be listened too and traced and cameras are everywhere .

All private conversations can be listened too and suspects can be monitored 24/7

Give it a rest Max ... you want Brexit at any cost (to others, not yourself, of course) ... and you'll argue black is white if you think that will get you there ... stop kidding yourself on.

Edited by AlexRich
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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

No, we voted leave and the Government didnt deliver .

No point in any more votes , they failed to deliver what the people voted for and there would be no point in asking the people again .


How about some truth? You don't want the "people" to be asked because you know they'd reject Brexit ... we all know it ... that game is up.



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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

I’ve heard many remain voting people, say exactly the same.

Which is good, because although Brexit is very important, off greater importance is Democracy.

So, like me, you'll be delighted to have a second referendum? 


Yet another brexiteer "false flag" bravado about how they'll win another referendum. You won't.

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Just now, AlexRich said:


How about some truth? You don't want the "people" to be asked because you know they'd reject Brexit ... we all know it ... that game is up.



I have no idea how people would vote again and neither do you  , but what would be the point in asking people again ?

   The M.P's have already stated that they will not deliver what was voted for , so, just have the one question this time :

   Do you want to remain in the E.U.

Thats it, either tick that or dont , but , no other options though 

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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

I hope they are better than the so called experts who predicted we would be very foolish not to join the EURO, a decision that people on both sides of the then argument, now agree,we made the right choice. Similarly those so called experts who failed to see, and in many instances denied the possibility of the 2008 economic recession. And of course we all know what we were told, would befall the British economy, if we were to vote in 2016 for Brexit.


joining the euro would of been great,€1.60 is better than €1.15 just think of all the cheap imports and all the money saved over them 20 years going back into the UK economy,win win win,2008 was a worldwide issue with the US as much to blame as anybody

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

No, we voted leave and the Government didnt deliver .

No point in any more votes , they failed to deliver what the people voted for and there would be no point in asking the people again .

they dont have to ask the people again,they can just cancel it full stop,thats what the  sovereign democratically elected UK govt can do,all this talk of germany,EU,Brussels being in control is total rubbish,its all in your mind helped by spoonies drinkers filling you full of shti

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:

Give it a rest Max ... you want Brexit at any cost (to others, not yourself, of course) ... and you'll argue black is white if you think that will get you there ... stop kidding yourself on.

Its quite clear that these days , the security forces have more powers to monitor people .

They can listen in on all phone calls these days , that wasnt possibly 30 years ago 

Are you disagreeing with that ?

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6 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Not talking bout poles..illegal alb####ns..rom$$$$ns and bul&&&&&ns


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


It’s less than clear who you are talking about, but if these individuals are indeed ‘illegal’ then I struggle to see how their remaining presence in the UK is a fault of the EU.


The UK government have complete control of police and law enforcement within the UK. 


Perhaps you you can explain why the apparent failure of the UK to deal with criminals is the fault of the EU or a fault of UK membership of the EU?

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7 hours ago, AlexRich said:


She cannot do it without parliament, who will force her Government out. The only thing she can do is call an election ... and the zealots want a crash out because they fear what an election would mean for Brexit.



She can't call an election,it's called the fixed term another one of Cameron's bright ideas,the only way she can get an election is if Corbyn calls for a vote of confidence in her government and he wins or a super majority of MP's vote for it good luck with that one.

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8 hours ago, yogi100 said:
8 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Thanks, you're proving my point for me, too!


Although none of these examples have anything to do with Brexit nor accusations that employers favour East Europeans over Brits!

It's got everything to do with Brexit because anyone who can obtain an EU passport can gain enter Britain and put British people out of work.


That is one of the main reasons why so many of us voted to quit the EU.

All the examples you provided from the press were cases of discrimination benefiting British citizens.


So how will Brexit stop that?


Apart from a rise due to the so called Great Recession of 2008, the UK unemployment rate has steadily been falling for most of this century.




As you can see, since peaking in 2011 the rate has steadily fallen so unemployment is now below the level it was before the various Eastern European countries joined the EU in the expansions of 2004, 2007 and 2013!


So how is EU membership putting British people out of work?


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8 hours ago, yogi100 said:

And on white people where mugging is involved. Their target of choice are the elderly and women.


Two women have been mugged within 100 yards of my house in London in the last six months. That's only the ones I've heard about. It's an experience many people especially women can never get over yet it's never mentioned in the press any more.


But keep quiet about it or you'll be accused of racism especially if you refer to these scumbags as negros instead of some PC claptrap like disadvantaged young black men. The fact that you'll be telling the truth does not matter and is neither here nor there.

 Again, nothing to do with the EU! Yes, some EU nationals in the UK are criminals, some are in gangs. But the crimes you are talking about are, in the main, committed by British citizens or, when they are committed by immigrants, committed by immigrants from outside the EU.


If you really believe leaving the EU will reduce crime in the UK then there really is no hope for you!


I wonder how many Brits living in one of the other 27 have committed crimes; I bet the answer isn't zero!


Of course, the ethnicity of criminals is mentioned in the press. When describing attackers in order to identify them, when they are arrested and again when the case comes to court.


9 hours ago, yogi100 said:

If we remain in the EU with its open door policies this sort of problem is only going to get even worse.

There is no such thing; unless you mean the Schengen agreement.


The UK is not a member of the Schengen area. We control our own immigration laws and rules when it comes to non EEA or Swiss nationals.


Where EEA and swiss nationals are concerned, British citizens have exactly the same rights in those countries as their nationals do here. Ask any member of a British retirement enclave in Spain!

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Why are you do apprehensive??
My friends in Glasgow..Liverpool..London are getting on with their lives quite happily.
With respect..think positive NOT negative.

They were on top of them in the 70s and 80s, during the bombings in the City, Brighton, Birmingham ... etc. You are naive in the extreme if you believe that this cannot return or that it can be prevented by security forces. No one in Northern Ireland wants a return to those days, and no reassurances about security forces from people who don’t have to live with the consequences will change that.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Catching them in the act/gathering enough info on them to present to the PF's office is the name of the game.
The illegal Alba@@#ns are very nasty evil people.Utterly ruthless and big players in the hard drug business.
The Rom####ns and Bulg$$$$$ns are involved with asian crime gangs in Glasgow..child prostitution..people trafficking..forced marriages etc etc.
Trust me..sadly I know.

It’s less than clear who you are talking about, but if these individuals are indeed ‘illegal’ then I struggle to see how their remaining presence in the UK is a fault of the EU.
The UK government have complete control of police and law enforcement within the UK. 
Perhaps you you can explain why the apparent failure of the UK to deal with criminals is the fault of the EU or a fault of UK membership of the EU?

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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7 hours ago, AlexRich said:


The two leaders of the Leave campaign, Johnson and Gove, have different views on what people voted for ... so how can you or anyone else claim that you know what people voted for ... ask any of them in the street and they'd give you a different answer. And that is why parliament is a mess. People voted based on a range of promises, but one thing we can say for certain is that no one promised no deal on WTO terms without a transition. No one voted for that because it was never on offer. 




And because the politicians believed the polls and bookies who convinced them it was going to be an odds on certainty that we'd vote to remain in the EU.

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9 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s less than clear who you are talking about, but if these individuals are indeed ‘illegal’ then I struggle to see how their remaining presence in the UK is a fault of the EU.


The UK government have complete control of police and law enforcement within the UK. 


Perhaps you you can explain why the apparent failure of the UK to deal with criminals is the fault of the EU or a fault of UK membership of the EU?



Do you not realise it’s harder to smuggle 200 cigarettes into the country, than 200 illegal immigrants.

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10 hours ago, sanemax said:

Its quite clear that these days , the security forces have more powers to monitor people .

They can listen in on all phone calls these days , that wasnt possibly 30 years ago 

Are you disagreeing with that ?

What if they avoid phones Max? Or they use fully encrypted messaging services ... do you think they are completely stupid?

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4 hours ago, yogi100 said:

As there is free movement of people within the EU we have no way of knowing who is who nor wherever they may be at any time.


A Polish or Romanian murderer, rapist or psychopath can get on a coach or a plane and be in central London or Manchester in just a few hours and no one will be any the wiser.

Will closing the door to everyone eliminate murders, rapes and the work of psychopaths?

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