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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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15 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Conservative Maggie Throup calls for online government petitions to be reformed, saying public opinion on important issues like #Brexit can be "manipulated" with "unverified signatures from across the world"



A point of order followed PMQs in which a member in the Petitions dept questioned this claim.

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6 minutes ago, nausea said:


I would've thought 1 million in London and 200 in Nottinghamshire spoke for itself. Not that I care, a short, sharp, shock is just what the UK needs. Go out without a deal I say. 

There almost certainly weren’t a million people on the People’s Vote march


An estimated 1 million people marched for a People’s Vote on Saturday 23rd March.


It’s impossible to say with precision how many people attended the march. However experts in crowd estimation put the number at between 312,000 and 400,000.


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7 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Farage addressing the EU parliament today:



 Nigel Farage the only politician who comes out of this utter shambles with his standing risen to a new hight. It’s a national disgrace that he was not put in charge of the negotiations from day one.

 Now watch the anti British brigade come out with their usual spiel

They’ll start of by saying he’s never won a seat in Parliament, which is perfectly true.

 As we all know the British electoral system does not favour the breaking of political monopolies. Although there was strong evidence to show that he was cheated in one of the by-elections.He has however stood for election as a MEP, useing the proportional representation system to increase his vote over the last 20+ years. And hopefully he will lead the Brexit party, should the need arise, to obtain our freedom from the E.u.






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13 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

As has been explained previously, your suggestion has two 'remain' options, so leavers would be forced to vote for a remain option as their 'second choice' - which is why I'm against your 'second choice' idea.


Having said that, I support the idea of another referendum with only the first two options.

Two Remain options? No, it doesn't and never has. No matter what you think you may have explained previously. My suggestion has always contained exactly the same three options..


I repeat, these three options are:

  1. Brexit with whatever deal has been agreed between the UK and EU,
  2. Brexit without a deal, or
  3. cancel Article 50 and remain in the EU.

That's two Brexit options and one Remain!


Which means, as I have said many times previously, if support for Brexit is still as strong as it was in 2016 then this would favour Brexit as very few, if any, Brexiteers would put remain as their second choice. 

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4 hours ago, nontabury said:

Where have you heard and read this opinion. Certainly not in the part of the U.K.where I live. An area that has been greatly effected by the immigration of Eastern Europeans

Do tell, how has your area been 'greatly effected' by the immigration of Eastern Europeans?


Road sweepers speaking Romanian?


Polish grocers?



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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Two Remain options? No, it doesn't and never has. No matter what you think you may have explained previously. My suggestion has always contained exactly the same three options..


I repeat, these three options are:

  1. Brexit with whatever deal has been agreed between the UK and EU,
  2. Brexit without a deal, or
  3. cancel Article 50 and remain in the EU.

That's two Brexit options and one Remain!


Which means, as I have said many times previously, if support for Brexit is still as strong as it was in 2016 then this would favour Brexit as very few, if any, Brexiteers would put remain as their second choice. 

What would be the point of voting "Brexit with no deal " ?

The M.P.s have already voted NOT to go through with it .

Why have another referendum, the Politicians have already shown that they will not abide by it and just ignore what the voters vote for 

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3 hours ago, vinny41 said:

There almost certainly weren’t a million people on the People’s Vote march


An estimated 1 million people marched for a People’s Vote on Saturday 23rd March.


It’s impossible to say with precision how many people attended the march. However experts in crowd estimation put the number at between 312,000 and 400,000.


 Still a lot more than the couple of hundred max who turned up to listen to Farage on the same day!


BTW, why do you have to shout!
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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

What would be the point of voting "Brexit with no deal " ?

The M.P.s have already voted NOT to go through with it .

Why have another referendum, the Politicians have already shown that they will not abide by it and just ignore what the voters vote for 


I have already explained all that; but will do so again just for you.


The point of including Brexit with no deal is because it does seem to be an option many people want. As shown by the many posts here advocating it. Personally I think it would be a disaster for the UK if that option won; but I believe in democracy which means giving the people the choice of all the options.


By making the referendum legally binding, as was done with the 2011 AV one, then Parliament will have to take whichever course the people voted for.


Got it now?



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20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Thaivisa isnt really the place to get a comprehensive view of what the UK population thinks or wants .

   Voters in the UK voted to leave the E.U. , it was only after the vote that the deal or no-deal came into the equation .

  The "deal or no deal" was just a way for the Government to stay in the E.U. 


So what did you think voting leave would mean?


Did you fall for the lies of Boris and his gang that leaving simply meant ditching the bits we didn't like but keeping the bits we did?


What exactly did you expect to happen?


Those who voted to leave didn't know under what terms we would leave. Didn't know what our relationship would be with our largest trading partner if we left. Neither did Vote.Leave!


Even Rees-Mogg has now admitted that; and admitted it was a huge mistake.

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Oh yeah , lets have another vote then, as long as we really mean it this time .

As long as you promise to abide by it this time ....................

As i have already said, the main reason why we need another vote is because Parliament simply can't, or wont, decide.


As Parliament wont decide, let the people do so.



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42 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

People that voted Leave did understand what they were voting for 

Leave the EU, Leave the single market, leave the custom union , Leave the ECJ 

So, no deal?


You voted to cut all ties with our biggest trading partner with no idea with what or who to replace them? 




What do you think would happen when we lost our largest trading partner with noting to replace them?.


50 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

David Cameron !!28 TIMES!! "Leave Single Market" (June 2016)

(Font size reduced by 7by7 to normal as per forum netiquette)

I didn't realise that Cameron was part of the leave campaign! 

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14 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


At the end of the day, Remain means we keep our options open. If the EU were to become the autocratic dictatorship you fear, then we could always leave.



How would we be able to leave ?

The people voted to leave :

The Politicians didnt allow that ,

The E.U didnt allow that .

How are we supposed to leave the E.U ?

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

How would we be able to leave ?

The people voted to leave :

The Politicians didnt allow that ,

The E.U didnt allow that .

How are we supposed to leave the E.U ?

 At the moment we will be leaving; it is not the EU who are stopping us, it is Parliament who wont agree on the future relationship between us and the EU.


Something the EU have already agreed upon.


The only thing which will stop us leaving is if we are allowed to make a democratic decision on the terms of leaving and instead we democratically decide to remain after all.


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