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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Not this again .

Must we have this discussion AGAIN ?

Here we go again .

That wasnt a promise , that was a suggestion of what we could do with the savings .

   *It wasnt 350 Million a week*

That was the figure before the rebate

 *It wasnt a rebate"

Can you finish this discussion off ?


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2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

IMO Farnge has only been in it for himself - the guy is a proven coward & disingenuous for not owning the outcome of the referendum. 

What do you mean by that ?

That Ferage should have led the negotiations with the E.U.?

He wasnt in the Conservative party and the leader of the Conservative Party deals with negotiations with the EU .

  Ferage could not have led the UK inn negotiations with the E,U 

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18 minutes ago, sanemax said:

What do you mean by that ?

That Ferage should have led the negotiations with the E.U.?

He wasnt in the Conservative party and the leader of the Conservative Party deals with negotiations with the EU .

  Ferage could not have led the UK inn negotiations with the E,U 

The evidence strongly suggests the Tories couldn’t either.


Especially the Brexiteer Tories who sniped in the background refusing to step forward and lead what they had visited on the nation.

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10 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

But David Cameron never said it was 70% majority vote

I said as an example. Precisely my point, totally incompetent with establishing the rules for such as important event.

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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Waked away in order to develop closer ties to trump (you know the guy who constantly insults and demeans the UK) at least that is what he claimed at the time. The guy is a blatant self serving opportunist who lied throughout the Brexit campaign as well as appealed to bigotry.

Its a bit early for mindless rant , its 7.30 AM here now , what time is it where you are ?

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12 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

You accidentally make a very good point, but first let's clear the lie that Trump constantly insults and demeans the UK. Trump is a strong supporter of the UK, and a supporter of Brexit. Trump fully realizes the EU is a doomed entity and far removed from the trading bloc it was designed to be from the outset.


 Now, the important point is, we need to Brexit while Trump is President to enable us to get a good trade deal with the US as Trump promised. Remember Obama(the actual guy that insults and demeans the UK) said we would be at the "back of the queue" for trade deals and Trump said that was BS and that he would like to work out a deal. If we let the globalists derail Brexit and then finally get it when some democrat is POTUS then yes we could well have problems. This farce is totally on the shoulders of the remainers that are trying to derail the democratic process.


 Most Brits I know are Brexiting tomorrow, the 29th March, as they voted to do, and as was promised by Cameron when he gave them the referendum. Just imagine after the next Gen election if Labour win, and people say Oh but they didnt understand what they voted for, or oh we need another vote. Absolute insanity. Just get on with Brexit, a hard Brexit, tomorrow. Or there will be bigger problems than imaginable.

Trump’s support for Brexit and break up of the EU can be explained by answering the question cui bono.

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

You are stating that Ferage walked away !!!!!!!!!

He is now currently in Brussels , speaking , giving speeches to the E.U leaders , telling them to reject not to extend any negotiations and kick us out of the E.U

Funny how a country that wants to “take back control” and be “sovereign” needs to be kicked out. 


But I agree. We should no longer entertain this Brexit circus with our resources and money. The EU is one of the superpowers in this world and has more important things on the agenda. We must now stop Brexiteers exploiting our patience and generosity for their circus. Time to make decisions. Ideally that will lead to the UK leaving, all Brexiteers and Tories being kicked out of the country by the angry people and a committed UK coming back. 

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For three years, I've been trying to work out why so m any people can behave so irrationally and I now believe I have an answer...or at least an insight.


I was watching the TV series Baptiste and suddenly realised that fir many people there is a disconnect....they feel they are not part of and never will be part of this world. A world where French people are married to British and live in Amsterdam and speaking multiple languages, cross borders all over Europe as part of their job.........

Unable to conceive of this they then begin to fear hate and reject it......hence they become fodder for Brexitism.

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12 hours ago, nontabury said:


Where have you heard and read this opinion. Certainly not in the part of the U.K.where I live. An area that has been greatly effected by the immigration of Eastern Europeans. 



Clearly you're not up to date. Read yesterday and today's UK news.

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31 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Although you still havent worked it out and you will have to go and think again , Nigel Ferage , Brexit leader was married to an Irish woman and is now married to a German woman .

   Back to the drawing board 

I would think this rather reinforces the argument. It also explains how easily led by hypocrites people can be.


The same fallacy as

"I can't be racist, I'm married to a Thai"

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