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Explainer: Mueller says no collusion. Barr says no obstruction. What's next for Trump?


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23 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

What next for Trump? Well seeing as 2020 is in the bag already (thanks Dems and deep state) I suppose he can chill out and play more golf with Kid Rock and his mates.  6 years is heaps of time to secure the southern border, sort out the fake news outlets and continue with all his economy successes. Just a great time to be alive to see this all happening. Go Trump!

Yes, he can chill out for a while, but now has work ahead: Revenge on those responsible for the failed coup.   Note that he is already wreaking havoc on his enemies, starting with Michael Avenatti.  The SDNY charge was in the works for only two weeks, obviously under Barr.  After the Trump exoneration, Barr pulled the trigger.  Expect more revenge, ie justice.

Edited by Kelsall
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1 hour ago, Kelsall said:

Yes, he can chill out for a while, but now has work ahead: Revenge on those responsible for the failed coup.   Note that he is already wreaking havoc on his enemies, starting with Michael Avenatti.  The SDNY charge was in the works for only two weeks, obviously under Barr.  After the Trump exoneration, Barr pulled the trigger.  Expect more revenge, ie justice.

Are you claiming trump influenced the timing for charging Michael Avenatti for fraud against Nike - if so provide the link/s.


Trump has a proven history of criminality. I suggest it won't be too long for it all to catch up with him and family.

Edited by simple1
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This result is crazy, Trump was filmed on air saying along lines of of "Russia if you are listening dig up some dirt on Hillary"...I think they chose the low road to avoid a civil war in USA as the country is so split now like the UK with the Brexit farce.....also notice that Cambridge Analytica interference in Brexit seemed to not get much consideration over social shaping on social media to tip the vote towards leave.


Maybe civil war via social division is the new Russian mode of operation...aka divide and conquer.

Edited by freedomnow
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13 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It seems to be a common theme. Having an election or referendum. A winner emerges. The elite dobn't like it so do everything to discredit it and starting calling them populists.


I agree that those who lost, should look at why and not at who is to blame. Sadly it seems to be a new world culture and not just in politics.

When self-esteem is valued over self-awareness. ????

Edited by skatewash
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13 hours ago, sanemax said:

They should let Donald get on with his job , Trump haters and Remainers need to accept the democratic process , accept they lost and allow the World to keep turning , otherwise it en up with a Thai style red/yellow wars

If he has broken the law, he needs to pay the price.  I did, and millions of others have.  If he did not, he should be accepting of, and assisting any investigation, but you see him and his buddies fighting everything.  Trump is a pathological liar after all.  If you think any of this will end, I’m afraid you will be disappointed because, like him lying about his charity, there are serious questions about where the campaign money came from and went to.  Nobody should be above the law regardless of party affiliation, or other factors.  Someone that lies so much, and is so arrogant, will be taken down eventually 

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On 3/25/2019 at 5:25 PM, dundas said:

Only Americans can elect a US president, but the rest of the world have had to watch, preferably from a distance, a 'leader' like Trump – a narcissist, liar, cheat, buffoon and bully, a man who hobnobs with dictators, takes the word of Vladimir Putin ahead of his own  intelligent chiefs, and kills bad news stories by paying off prostitutes. Don't know what it says about Americans, but it doesn't auger all that well for the rest of us who don't even live in the US. 

Don't worry about it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moon pie.

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10 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It seems to be a common theme. Having an election or referendum. A winner emerges. The elite dobn't like it so do everything to discredit it and starting calling them populists.


I agree that those who lost, should look at why and not at who is to blame. Sadly it seems to be a new world culture and not just in politics.

The opposition has much to much invested in there global dominance! Enter Mr. Trump

Edited by riclag
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16 hours ago, Kelsall said:

Yes, he can chill out for a while, but now has work ahead: Revenge on those responsible for the failed coup.   Note that he is already wreaking havoc on his enemies, starting with Michael Avenatti.  The SDNY charge was in the works for only two weeks, obviously under Barr.  After the Trump exoneration, Barr pulled the trigger.  Expect more revenge, ie justice.

There is a long list, Clapper and Brennan should be at the top of the list from the so called Intel Community, then start down the line at the Obama DOJ and FBI.

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2 minutes ago, beechguy said:

There is a long list, Clapper and Brennan should be at the top of the list from the so called Intel Community, then start down the line at the Obama DOJ and FBI.

Yeah, Brennan is a perjurer as well, in addition to Clapper. Broadcast on C-SPAN. Still they are due their due process. Unfortunately they were never charged and people lost faith that their government could be held accountable.

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Gen clapper is a patriot Donald is a draft dodging grifter who showed extreme ass kissing to a hostile foreign power so you want hang a guy who is showing due diligence and caution with this dumpster fire of a president unbelivable

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9 minutes ago, Tug said:

Gen clapper is a patriot Donald is a draft dodging grifter who showed extreme ass kissing to a hostile foreign power so you want hang a guy who is showing due diligence and caution with this dumpster fire of a president unbelivable

I think we can agree about Donald anyway.

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Look at your own personal situation. Is everyone here squeaky clean?  Never fibbed about something?  Never made a tax error?  And with so many laws on the books would you be comfortable if you were being investigated for years on end by all sorts of government agencies?  Would they find anything?


As Stalin used to say "show me the man and I will show you the crime".  Why do you want to support a system that supports this kind of thinking?

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17 minutes ago, Guitarzan said:

He is the most vetted President in all of history.  If they haven't found something yet I wouldn't hold your breath dude. I know I know,  tax returns right?  Don't you think if Trump had committed tax fraud the weaponized IRS would have been all over him years ago?  


Dream on!


The IRS can go back as far as they want to prove tax fraud. That generally doesn't happen because they tend to deal with irregularities as they arise, giving full notice of the irregularity they think they've found and lecy a bill for righting the irregularity. If one thinks it is defensible they have the option to fight it, presenting evidence. It doesn't tend to drag out forever. The Taxpayers Bill Of Rights has changed the way the public interacts with the IRS.  They may disagree with your take on something but they don't run roughshod over you like the old days.



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hurray the dem liars schiff, waters, shumer etc got caught of guard like fake news media cnn, mscbnc, nbc...coz the mueller report will be released in full to be accessible  all americans confirmed by president mr.  trump as well as lindsey graham .parts of the reports will be redacted like grand jury tc.. great thing the president does not want to look even at the report prior to public release. then we will see a second special counsel appointed to look into the clinton foundation etc. lindsey graham promised.




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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

hurray the dem liars schiff, waters, shumer etc got caught of guard like fake news media cnn, mscbnc, nbc...coz the mueller report will be released in full to be accessible  all americans confirmed by president mr.  trump as well as lindsey graham .parts of the reports will be redacted like grand jury tc.. great thing the president does not want to look even at the report prior to public release. then we will see a second special counsel appointed to look into the clinton foundation etc. lindsey graham promised.




The Mueller report will tell us who’s been lying.


Which is why Mictch McConnel and William Barr are trying their hardest to keep it secret.



Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

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