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Despite report findings, almost half of Americans think Trump colluded with Russia: Reuters/Ipsos poll


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5 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

why ?? coz of fake news media spreading collusion lies, dems spreading collusion lies like schiff on tv "collusion details are in plain sight " may be he was drugged by russian agents saying that 5555


what will be done 1. mueller report will be released to the puplic 2. special counsel will be appointed to probe hillary clinton foundation 3. people like creepy porn extortionists avanatti will be brought to justice. 4. fake news media like cnn or wapo will be sued.




Let’s see the report, then we’ll know who’s telling lies.

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1 minute ago, roobaa01 said:

dear, dear oh my god the president said already on tv 1 he couldnt be bothered about the release 2. he evenly wanted to read it prior to release.




Dear, dear oh god above.


You haven’t twigged yet that the Barr letter is not the Mueller report.


But don’t worry the Congressional Judicial Oversight committee have figured it out.


You might get a clue why that matters from the name of the committee.


Enjoy your moment, it isn’t going to last.

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3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I have plenty of 'original thought' regarding Trump as many on TV will testify to. I've tried on numerous occasions to fight fire with fact only for it to literally bounce off most Trump fans in a deluge of 'get over it, he won' and 'but, but Hilary'.

I came across this a couple of weeks ago and it eloquently put what I have been thinking about Trump fans for quite some time and I thought it appropriate to remind some of them that a small victory in the Mueller investigation does little to mitigate the literally hundreds of other instances when this sad excuse for a man has dragged the office of POTUS in to the gutter.  

As pointed out by Simple1 (above), I think the conclusion of this again sums up my own thoughts as you have to be really stupid not to see through this snake oil salesman but I actually think that most of his fans are not stupid which then begs the issue of their own, questionable moral and prejudicial character.

The American President and by association the American people are the laughing stock of the world. And the continued defense of this abomination on the grounds of 'but the economy' does little to persuade anyone that these 'fans' are either choosing to be willfully ignorant or they themselves are a bit racist, a bit xenophobic, a bit homophobic and a bit misogynistic.      

OK, thanks for your response. 

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3 hours ago, jcsmith said:

The news didn't make up the tower meeting. They didn't make up the letter clearly saying that it was about Russia's effort to help get Trump elected. It didn't make his son respond that he loved it, and forward it to all of the higher ups in the Trump campaign... who then took the meeting. It didn't make Trump side with Putin over his own intelligence. Nor did it make Mike Flynn get tied up smoothing things over with them... Nor did it make Trump refuse to do anything about Flynn until forced by it leaking. It didn't make Trump go on national TV and ask Russia to help with the emails. Or Russian hackers spam the internet right after the Access Hollywood Tape came out to change the subject. They didn't make Trump look like a whipped dog any time he's with Putin. Nor did they make him have numerous meeting with Putin with nobody else other than translators present, or him taking their notes. It didn't force him to fire Comey and then admit on national TV that it was over Russia. Nor did it make him invite the Russian ambassador to the white house right after and tell them that after firing Comey it should help alleviate the tension. Nor did it make him hand off top secret intel from Israel to the Russian government, who was backing the opposition. It didn't force Stone to work on back deals with Wikileaks, nor did it force Jared Kushner to seek a secret backchannel with Russia. It didn't force Trump to be working on a Moscow Tower Deal all the while lying to the American public that he had no dealings in Moscow. It didn't force him into shady dealings with the very bank that has been caught laundering money for Russia. 


While Trump may have evaded committing a crime here, all of the above is true. And it is damning.

Thank you for trying to point facts out to the Trumpers but yet again it will fall on deaf ears.

None of these facts seem to matter any more. The institutions that allowed ALL of us to have the freedom that we now posses are under constant fire from what Trump says.

I always knew who were the proper media whilst I was growing up, because as i was growing up, they represented the decent man. They said racism was BS, woman should have the same rights as men and who gives a shit if you prefer your own sex other than the opposite. Then Trump came along.

He shone a light on them all didn't he? They had hidden in the shadows for decades as progressiveness passed them by but all of a sudden, all their prayers were answered. They were emboldened by a man who also talked their racist, misogynistic, 'god geeze wasn't it great to be white and brought up in the 50"s.' BS. A man who was going to 'clear the swamp' and and make it all better when the real fault as always was with themselves. Even if they were just a product of their own upbringing.

The worlds a <deleted> up place. You either add to that or you try and help, it's not that difficult was what I originally typed but who is kidding who?

Game on.





Edited by johnnybangkok
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15 hours ago, attrayant said:

I have a bit more confidence in the public to be able to see the difference between opinion, "newsertainment" and objective reporting.

ABSOLUTELY DISAGREE! The majority of Americans have been brainwashed (intentionally) to be very polar. This divides the country and makes it easily controlled. Example: The Mueller report specifically stated it did NOT exonerate the president of crimes. There was evidence that showed he DID commit crimes but not enough rope to hang him. Some of the first words out of Trump's mouth were "I am completely exonerated." There will be people like me who really hate this president's policies and know his behavior IS criminal, and others who will attack me and say Trump is completely innocent even though time and time again evidence has been shown to the contrary. People have lost the skill of critical thinking and now take sides based on emotion rather than evidence.


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18 hours ago, Guitarzan said:


Why didn't Mueller know that?  LOL!  

Let reserve judgement until we hear from Robert De Niro, Alex Baldwin, and Barbara Streisand. 

There are currently investigations pertaining to this issue, and many others ????

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Collusion was never the only thing. For the last year and a half, we have been looking at the conflicts of interest that pervade President Donald Trump’s administration. That trail has led us from Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, to PanamaIndia and, yes, Russia, where we reported on how Trump’s associates appealed to the Kremlin for help at the same time the Kremlin was preparing an attack on the 2016 elections.




Good listen 

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Despite report findings, almost half of Americans think Trump colluded with Russia


And more than half don't believe the official version of 9/11. Obviously just a nation of inveterate sceptics.

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"...Despite report findings, almost half of Americans think Trump colluded with Russia: Reuters/Ipsos poll..."
I do not find this poll result surprising; unfortunately, a simple statement by Barr is not and will never be enough to convince many/most people; there is too much cynicism, to much information already released which must be accounted for (and hasn't been), and too much partisanship.
There must be public hearings with Mueller testifying; nothing else will satisfy.
And, there remain questions regarding the issue of Obstruction of Justice; the case against having charges for that is... inexplicable to me. 
Again, there must be public hearings with Mueller testifying; nothing else will satisfy.
The whole reason that there is a Special Counsel Law in general and having Mueller personally in that position specifically is to remove the politics from the questions. By not having Mueller testify/answer directly, the questions remain.
And, they will continue to remain until he does...

Nothing will ever be enough, period.

The orange buffoon must go!!!

Impeach 45 today!!!!
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6 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Despite report findings, almost half of Americans think Trump colluded with Russia


And more than half don't believe the official version of 9/11. Obviously just a nation of inveterate sceptics.

Well we have solid evidence that Illiberals here on TVF do not understand that the Barr letter is not the Mueller report.

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22 minutes ago, chokrai said:

What we do not understand is how anyone over the age of 30 can believe all this Liberal nonsense that the Democrats/CNN have been screaming about for two years. 


Perhaps it's because Trump, a U.S. president in name only, fawned over Putin like a submissive schoolboy toady, a shameful and arguably treasonous performance virtually unprecedented in U.S. presidential history.


And to match that, a good portion of Trump's former inner circle -- former campaign manager, former deputy campaign manager, former national security advisor, and former longtime personal attorney -- have been prosecuted and pleaded guilty or been found guilty of various illegalities, mostly in connection with pro-Russian interests.

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Perhaps it's because Trump, a U.S. president in name only, fawned over Putin like a submissive schoolboy toady, a shameful and arguably treasonous performance virtually unprecedented in U.S. presidential history.
And to match that, a good portion of Trump's former inner circle -- former campaign manager, former deputy campaign manager, former national security advisor, and former longtime personal attorney -- have been prosecuted and pleaded guilty or been found guilty of various illegalities, mostly in connection with pro-Russian interests.

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"...as it relates to criminal charges...I accept that...


...but...just because you are criminally a non-colluder doesn't mean that we don't want to know what evidence Bob Mueller found about efforts you and your team and your family and your business took to work with the Russians.


We have a counterintelligence interest for national security reasons...but also a constitutionally equal role to play to understand if that conduct is conduct that we want in a president...


...We have to make sure any U.S. person, certainly all the way up to the president...


...The president should be taking a victory lap that the best day of his presidency is that he was not charged with a crime...if he still committed offensive conduct that does not meet the conduct we want for our president, Congress has a Constitutional equal role to play to hold him accountable."


Here's the same good Congressman on Fox



Rep. Eric Swalwell‏  @RepSwalwell

"In America, you’re not rewarded with a get out of jail free card if you bury evidence. Getting caught with a shovel in your hands tells us you’ve hidden something important. No one has ever dug a massive hole to only fill it back up with nothing but the same dirt."

Edited by thaicurious
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This is hilarious... let's see they ask 500 dems their opinion and get 350 completely wacko responses that have to be thrown out and 150 outrageous responses which are counted. they then factor in margins of error and come to a conclusion of nearly 50% of American's have some opinion. Get real.   fake statistic

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