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Boris Johnson says PM May's Brexit deal is 'dead': Evening Standard newspaper


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6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

He is right Bill, my point being that any Tom, Dick and Harry can do it and shows what a load of rollicks it is. If I can do it from China anyone can do it and shows just how invalid it is. I can't believe people are getting excited by an online petition that can and is easily manipulated, hence my 3 votes.



“The Government Digital Service have a number of ways of identifying and preventing fraudulent activity based around blocking, removing and monitoring signatures as appropriate.

“Some types of fraud are monitored to ensure that it does not affect the integrity of the petition. Evidence of fraud may affect whether the Petitions Committee choose to act on the petition.

“We do not comment in detail on fraud. Ideally someone who has tried to fraudulently sign the petition would never realise that they have failed.


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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:

“The Government Digital Service have a number of ways of identifying and preventing fraudulent activity based around blocking, removing and monitoring signatures as appropriate.

“Some types of fraud are monitored to ensure that it does not affect the integrity of the petition. Evidence of fraud may affect whether the Petitions Committee choose to act on the petition.

“We do not comment in detail on fraud. Ideally someone who has tried to fraudulently sign the petition would never realise that they have failed.

This quote from the Govt. Digital Service is supposed to be reassuring?


In other words, "ideally" they can delete any petition 'votes' they don't like - without even the petition 'voter' being aware?! ????

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8 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Obviously you haven' been keeping up with the news the last 3 years. Are you saying the EU are not trying to reverse the result. if you are you do not know what you are on about.


I was also referring to the EU in general with all referendums that have happened and their influence on governments to ignore results.


I tend not to use google as they are too biased. EU influenced, but if you are going to talk rubbish, it is best to get your facts right.





So actually you do talk nonsense. 

As it should be well known even to you there was only ONE referendum. 

Also you did not haven one single answer to my questions.

You are simply one of those "loud speakers" without any knowledge about facts. 

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23 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

No to those with any intellect and common sense that people are angry with the self serving MP's like the weasel Grieve. Just wait until the next GE.

A dozen or so can expect same....if a GE doesn't purge them beforehand.

Back to Grieve:


Edited by evadgib
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Get over it...


Brexit is dead...


So is the Tory Party, traditional financial backers turning their back on the party in droves, reportedly down to £1.5 million in the coffers, that would hardly cover the cost of one leaflet delivered by unpaid party workers to every household in the country (26.5 in England, Scotland and Wales), that is if they have enough party workers left to deliver it. 

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I hope Boris becomes PM. I've had it with all these humourless professional PC politicians in it only for themselves.

We need a clown in chief in every western country to lighten things up.

You mean like America...????

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I hope Boris becomes PM. I've had it with all these humourless professional PC politicians in it only for themselves.

We need a clown in chief in every western country to lighten things up.

UK's version of Trump. Too many Tory MPs detest him for him to have even a sniff of a chance.

Which "clown" would you choose for your home country? I know there is no shortage of candidates.

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On 3/29/2019 at 4:34 AM, Letseng said:

I'm still trying to find a leaver who can explain how Britain will benefit from leaving? So far I just got replies like "we want our own rule, do our own trade deals, fishing etc." Days of the Empire are over, British fishing industry will not go back to a guy with a boat, how many deals has Fox organised: Liechtenstein, Israel, may be Cuba, and 4 other countries of no great consequence. What is going to change as EU rules were integrated into British regulations  trade rules etc? These are there to stay otherwise you can't trade with the outside world.

This presently ongoing Brexit circus is not going to convince the world that Britain will be a reliable trading partner. 

Btw I'm not a Brit and I'm not an EU fanatic but ppl should look at reality. Why did Rees Mogg move his company out of Britain and to an EU country?


If you had read these numerous Brecit threads, you would know that the points you have made,were covered many times.

 I do thank you though,for pointing out, that you are not a Brit and surprisingly want us to remain in your so called union. But do not worry about your stance too much, as you will find that the majority of those on Thai visa, who are opposed to the the implementation of our Democratic vote, are like you, non- Brits.


 So what do the Majority think about the shenanigans that are taken place in the House OCollaborators




Edited by nontabury
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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Are you speaking on behalf of yourself, or as you usually do, as a supporter of the murdering IRA.

Get a grip nontabury, I've never read that he supports the IRA murdering anybody, or the UDA, or UVF  doing it or anyone else. The troubles are supposed to be in the past, crazy fringe groups notwithstanding. If Ireland votes one day for reunification then good luck to them. Their problem is getting the vile Paedophile priests and the looney creationist wing of the Protestants out of politics. The last thing they need is the added problem of Brexit to f##k up all their lives.

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2 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Get a grip nontabury, I've never read that he supports the IRA murdering anybody, or the UDA, or UVF  doing it or anyone else. The troubles are supposed to be in the past, crazy fringe groups notwithstanding. If Ireland votes one day for reunification then good luck to them. Their problem is getting the vile Paedophile priests and the looney creationist wing of the Protestants out of politics. The last thing they need is the added problem of Brexit to f##k up all their lives.

Pedophile Priests is not just an Ireland problem, like all perversity excused as religion it is a global problem.

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7 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Get a grip nontabury, I've never read that he supports the IRA murdering anybody, or the UDA, or UVF  doing it or anyone else. The troubles are supposed to be in the past, crazy fringe groups notwithstanding. If Ireland votes one day for reunification then good luck to them. Their problem is getting the vile Paedophile priests and the looney creationist wing of the Protestants out of politics. The last thing they need is the added problem of Brexit to f##k up all their lives.


 Probably because unlike me, you have not been following his anti- British post on Thai visa over the years.

  Though he’s never mentioned that the Irish, who voted against the Lisbon So called agreement, were made to reverse their decision. And if they had not, the E.u would have made things pretty bad for them.

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2 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

There is no IRA anymore. But I support everybody for reunification 

There actually is an IRA still. It's sleeping and we advise Brexiteers not to wake it up.

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5 minutes ago, Spidey said:

There actually is an IRA still. It's sleeping and we advise Brexiteers not to wake it up.

That is the point. 

A border between the 2 Irelands would mean all former fights would start again. 

This is what TM tries to avoid

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10 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:



That is the point. 

A border between the 2 Irelands would mean all former fights would start again. 

This is what TM tries to avoid

I wouldn't credit May with that. It's at the insistence of the EU, who have the interests of the UK and Ireland at heart, unlike the government. Hopefully, on Monday,  parliament will opt for a permanent customs union combined with a second referendum and that will be an end to the NI problem.

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46 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I'm a Brit, I voted in the referendum. I voted remain. Does that make me a closet "Johnny Foreigner"?


I genuinely believe that you don't even realise what a racist piece of **** you really are. Born a xenophobe, die a xenophobe. You're a complete embarrassment to my country.


Go tell it to Tommy Islam.



Thank you for proving my point.

3 people agree with you


Sawadee1947-  Irish

mfd101-  again not British






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