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UK's May under pressure to rule out long Brexit delay


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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Farage is currently in the E.U. Parliament as an M.E.P , he asked them quite forcefully last week , for them to end his tenure there .

  He requested that they refuse to give the UK an extension and thus ending his stay in the E.U Parliament......................they refused his request 

Mr Farage has been representing far more clear picture of status of the English people, than anyone could have predicted in their wildest dreams.


Mr Farage is a fool. 


IF God is about to save the Queen, who the heck is going to save England?


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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Farage is currently in the E.U. Parliament as an M.E.P , he asked them quite forcefully last week , for them to end his tenure there .

  He requested that they refuse to give the UK an extension and thus ending his stay in the E.U Parliament......................they refused his request 

I can't thank Farage enough for putting in this request. Some on the EU may have been wavering (Their patience is growing thin), but when this loathsome vermin requested no extension it virtually guaranteed that the UK would be granted one. Thank you Mr Farage, you are a blind fool if you can't see how much they despise you, a view shared by a vast number of people in the UK.

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Who all paid UK taxes for the right to vote..and sadly some of these taxes ho to subsidy junkie eu countries.
Ps..r u British??

That specific referendum was also, like 3 years ago. That referendum gave quite confusing options later on as it didn't define anything. 
7 million grumpy tories joined together with 10 million grumpy labour party members, who wanted to kick the torys behind. 
That what the referendum was all about. Grumpy old folks vote. 

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I can't thank Farage enough for putting in this request. Some on the EU may have been wavering (Their patience is growing thin), but when this loathsome vermin requested no extension it virtually guaranteed that the UK would be granted one. Thank you Mr Farage, you are a blind fool if you can't see how much they despise you, a view shared by a vast number of people in the UK.

Mr Farage is known for his presence in the EU parliament. He likes to make his utterly moronic speeches and then he simply leaves the discussions. 


His only goal is to record his statements for someone else to post those to youtube. 


Mr. Farage has never represented UK in the EU parliament. He has only represented himself.


Mr. Farage is a sad lad to be honest.  

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8 minutes ago, Greenisland said:

Mr Farage is known for his presence in the EU parliament. He likes to make his utterly moronic speeches and then he simply leaves the discussions. 


His only goal is to record his statements for someone else to post those to youtube. 


Mr. Farage has never represented UK in the EU parliament. He has only represented himself.


Mr. Farage is a sad lad to be honest.  

Isn't that what you have been doing in the 8hrs since you joined this website?

What was your SN last week?

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4 minutes ago, Benroon said:

But fortunately many of the grumpys have died so the future generations now have a chance of getting this madness reversed. Even if Brexit happens (unlikely), it’s a matter of time before we join again.


infact given the ages of some of the Brexiteers on here you’ll have a totally different discussion here in 5-10 years ????????

Very Lefty of you , being joyous about people you disagree with dying 

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4 hours ago, Henryford said:

 You can have another referendum in 40 years. 

Or you can have another referendum in a couple of months. I’m afraid that 40-years rule doesn’t exist and you just made it up. 


4 hours ago, sanemax said:

You are telling other people what they thought and think ?

No, that’s what Brexiteers are doing, by telling people their leave vote didn’t only mean to leave but also to

reject a transition period. 


3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

The referendum was to leave, there was no vote to cut a deal and pretend to leave.

Under May’s deal, the UK will leave the EU. And as you admit yourself, everything after that, including a potential transition period, was not in scope of the referendum. So it’s surprising that Brexiteers make such a fuss about it, and will lose their Brexit altogether. 

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14 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

UK's May under pressure to rule out long Brexit delay

How about the 29th of never ????

Well May went to church today so maybe, we don't need people like that in charge, leaders should be free thinking, religion has no place in government.

So May resign, go and let Uk law markers decide one way or the other, fling me it'll be god bless UK said in speeches like god mentioned in some other stupid countries.

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10 hours ago, Greenisland said:

I am doing exactly that. Quite like you are doing yourself. I am telling people how to think. 


17 million people, of which perhaps 10 million were Labour supporters who were eager to kick Tory government's nose in any way possibly.


Good riddance. 


According to reports coming out of the U.K today.

Labour lead by J Corbyn have a 5% lead over the Conservatives, so you and your fellow remainers have definitely achieved something. Well done.




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13 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

It looks like the leavers don't believe themselves anymore since the future doesn't look as bright as described by lunatic populists as Farage.

So which crystal ball have you been looking at.


13 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

As the truth about UK's future is different as described by govt. it is good and fair to vote again because all facts are on the table now. 

Obviously a non Brit who is a Europohile, telling the British people that they should vote again. No thanks we already voted regardless of what facts you feel are on the table.


13 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

It's not a problem for TM to say sorry to EU and to admit being a mistake to leave the club. 

Why on earth would she say sorry. Besides I believe she is on the EU's side, the UK people voted by over 17.4 million votes to leave the EU and that was no mistake. As for a club, it is more like a street gang that you just can' leave, even though you claim that you are free to go, when you feel like.

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16 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Show us where it was a "hard" Brexit on the referendum?


Only a few Tory clowns in parliament back a no Brexit deal - the ones who think that will safeguard their parliamentary seat and/or make their businesses a lot of money.


Do you seriously think the likes of Bors, Gove, R-Mogg, Grayling are fit to lead the country and capable of actually delivery anything other than <deleted> every time they open their mouths?

What's all the fuss over? just do the WTO exit, then as the government has done over the last 2/3 years argue about any items they don't like, but in whole get on with the change. With any exit it will be fought over for years to come after implementation.

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8 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

So when are you going to leave the WTO, UN and NATO, to name just a couple more old men that impose rules on you? How are they elected btw? 

You need to refer that question to your fellow remainiacs who have a problem with older people voting leave

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1 hour ago, stag4 said:

You need to refer that question to your fellow remainiacs who have a problem with older people voting leave

I don’t have any “fellow remaniacs” because I’m not a “remaniac”, and the question has to be answered by those who say the UK needs to “take back control” from “unelected” “old men in Brussels” who “impose their rules” onto the UK. We both know that’s not “remaniacs”. 

Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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18 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


May's career has been defined by her always following what she regards as the line of lowest resistance and always backing what she believed was the strongest side at the time. Hence her pandering to the ERG when she feels she has to.


One thing that should hopefully come out of this diabolical cock-up is the demise of the 2 party system. Conservative and Labor have both shown their leadership to be crap.

I thought Ken Clarke's comment quite apposite. He refers to them as two prepacked coalitions. Not bad. Maybe they need re-packing?

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16 hours ago, Greenisland said:

You are welcome. Also do learn how not to top post your comments. We all learned that in the 90's.

I'm sure you'll be able to manage that, once you practice a bit. 

No, it's typical that Brexiters answer before the point is made!

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16 hours ago, sanemax said:

No, this wasnt about party politics , Labour voters voted Brexit because they wanted to leave the E.U.

  It wasnt a protest vote

A majority of Labour voters voted remain. But, this issue does not divide along party lines.

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12 hours ago, Benroon said:

But fortunately many of the grumpys have died so the future generations now have a chance of getting this madness reversed. Even if Brexit happens (unlikely), it’s a matter of time before we join again.


infact given the ages of some of the Brexiteers on here you’ll have a totally different discussion here in 5-10 years ????????

5-10 days if this stress level keeps up!

Edited by Grouse
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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You still keep banging on like a broken record about an advisory referendum. accept it everyone else has.


Yes I do and it took 40 plus years to get a second referendum and you want another before the first one is enacted upon. How daft does that sound.

Fortunately for you, the referendum was advisory; if it had been binding, the result would be void due to various illegal actions by the leave proponents. 


(At least Boris and Gove are effectively out of the Tory leadership cage fight because of their involvement in the referendum wrongdoings)

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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So which crystal ball have you been looking at.


Obviously a non Brit who is a Europohile, telling the British people that they should vote again. No thanks we already voted regardless of what facts you feel are on the table.


Why on earth would she say sorry. Besides I believe she is on the EU's side, the UK people voted by over 17.4 million votes to leave the EU and that was no mistake. As for a club, it is more like a street gang that you just can' leave, even though you claim that you are free to go, when you feel like.

What would you like the EU to do?

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