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Trump says vote on healthcare can wait until after 2020 election


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18 hours ago, mike324 said:

Come on Trump supporters now, what has he accomplish? I really fail to see a single thing he did that is actually benefiting American citizens as a whole? 

I am as anti-Trump as a human can possibly be, but must admit when he first took office, he pulled the US out of the TPP which was a really good idea. But in my heart of hearts, knowing how he acts now, I believe he did this NOT out of clever, thoughtful direction. Rather, it was something that Hillary had helped put together, so he pulled the plug on it. Just like trying to repeal the ACA is not out of proposing anything better for Americans (Republicans are avoiding this topic now like the toxic, horrendous atrocity it is) but instead just to remove any policies set forth by that brown guy from Kenya.

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39 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

You are clueless if you don't think working class have 401 accounts for retirement.

Much of the working class don't have access to 401K.


35 percent of private sector workers over the age of 22 don’t work for a company that offers a plan. And the numbers were more stark for younger people. Pew found that 41 percent of millennials didn’t have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan while only 35 percent of Gen-X and 30 percent of boomers had to do without."


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19 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Much of the working class don't have access to 401K.


35 percent of private sector workers over the age of 22 don’t work for a company that offers a plan. And the numbers were more stark for younger people. Pew found that 41 percent of millennials didn’t have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan while only 35 percent of Gen-X and 30 percent of boomers had to do without."


And they'll be voting for any Dem hoping for some freebees. Everyone has access to investments, not everyone is willing to sacrifice for their future.

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44 minutes ago, mikebike said:

No. Dems lost the election by pushing a highly disliked, maintain-the-status-quo, establishment, corporatist, 90s-style candidate in an election cycle where that was never gonna work. 

Please. The margin of victory was so small. "Never" is simply not the case.

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Sounds reasonable. Makes it an election issue and forces the GOP leaders to do something about it.
IMO Trump is hoping the GOP will take back the house, which will make passing a new health care bill much easier.
They don't have and never will have a plan to replace the current ACA. I'm sure Mitch McConnell told him no way if he wants to keep the Senate. Folks have woke up on healthcare which drove millions to vote in the midterms.

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There is a crisis at the border but it's humanitarian not security. Have folks herded up sleeping under a bridge being woke up every 3 hours made to stand for 5 minutes the back to the ground for 3 more hours.

Lovely.... support a fake crisis.... build a wall which will take years and years, and will arguably deliver nothing of value, whilst ignoring the real crisis of healthcare funding, accessibility and administration.... MAGA.

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Only in the states that refused to expand Medicaid those that did saw significant decreases in premiums and increased coverage

It funny because Obamacare barely did any of that and at extreme cost to the working middle class. Employed families of 4 saw their premiums rise to the same level as their mortgage for worse coverage. 

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31 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Please. The margin of victory was so small. "Never" is simply not the case.

Say what? There may be an alternate reality where things would change, but in our reality Hillary is NEVER going to win the 2016 election.

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15 hours ago, Thainesss said:


Weird. I distinctly remember Trump winning the 2016 presidential election by shouting from the rooftops about repealing Obamacare. 

I recall him shouting about repealing and replacing...

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1 hour ago, bumofdabeach said:

There is a crisis at the border but it's humanitarian not security. Have folks herded up sleeping under a bridge being woke up every 3 hours made to stand for 5 minutes the back to the ground for 3 more hours.


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I stand corrected... you are right.

thats the bigger picture hanging behind trumps wall.... and it isn’t a very pretty picture.

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3 minutes ago, mike324 said:

As much as we make fun of Trump, the sad thing is that for the 2020 election he will be promising a beautiful healthcare bill, and sadly he might win because of that.... his supporters love what he says.

He might win, sure, but I think his health care program promise has already been rejected by the voters and likely will continue to be rejected. If you recall during the 2018 midterms where health care was the top issue, he was running around the country LYING to the people saying he would protect people with preexisting conditions (while at the same time what he and his party were actually DOING was attacking those protections) the voters saw through that and handed him a massive defeat.

If he wins it will be about the economy and red baiting the democrats and whatever flavor of the moment noise they come up with near the date. 

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2 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

And they'll be voting for any Dem hoping for some freebees. Everyone has access to investments, not everyone is willing to sacrifice for their future.

Not everyone has access to investments. Especially difficult for those with poverty-line income. Y'know, those people MOST in need of help.

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Smart move. There is no hope of any bill emerging from a divided Congress anyway, so why waste your time. What Trump needs to do is take some executive action that lower the price of prescription drugs right before the election and he'll be fine on the Health Care front. Apparently there is some bickering within the Administration on that front, with Trump's HHS Secretary arguing in favor of such a move while the Neocons and Never Trumpers he foolishly appointed to his White House are resisting. 

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2 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

Smart move. There is no hope of any bill emerging from a divided Congress anyway, so why waste your time. What Trump needs to do is take some executive action that lower the price of prescription drugs right before the election and he'll be fine on the Health Care front. Apparently there is some bickering within the Administration on that front, with Trump's HHS Secretary arguing in favor of such a move while the Neocons and Never Trumpers he foolishly appointed to his White House are resisting. 

The man is so concerned about health care that you think he's going to put off doing anything about it until right before election. And you don't think that videos of him promising better cheaper health care are not going to undermine his claims? Or the fact that he promised in his campaign to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices and then reneged even before the inauguration? Given the public record of his lies about his healthcare plans, you're pinning a lot of hope on a very slender proposition.

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4 minutes ago, usviphotography said:

What Trump needs to do is take some executive action...

Yes. For sure. What the American political system needs is MORE executive action and LESS democratic governing in the form the founding fathers envisioned...

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1 hour ago, mikebike said:

Not everyone has access to investments. Especially difficult for those with poverty-line income. Y'know, those people MOST in need of help.

Very low unemployment rates at present. I don't want to be penalized for working hard and having a decent life. I retire soon with my blue cross blue shield in tact. You all do what you want, but leave what I have alone.

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33 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Very low unemployment rates at present. I don't want to be penalized for working hard and having a decent life. I retire soon with my blue cross blue shield in tact. You all do what you want, but leave what I have alone.

Employment figures mask the fact that tens of millions of working families live below the poverty line.


Are you as miserly with your own family?


If we are exchanging subjective stories, I retired 14 yrs ago, in my 40s, happily payed taxes, enjoyed socialized medicine and what my taxes helped accomplish for everyone else...

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2 hours ago, usviphotography said:

Smart move. There is no hope of any bill emerging from a divided Congress anyway, so why waste your time. What Trump needs to do is take some executive action that lower the price of prescription drugs right before the election and he'll be fine on the Health Care front. Apparently there is some bickering within the Administration on that front, with Trump's HHS Secretary arguing in favor of such a move while the Neocons and Never Trumpers he foolishly appointed to his White House are resisting. 

"There is no hope of any bill emerging from a divided Congress anyway..."


Right, and no hope Trump, who brags about what a great leader he is, will heal that divide.


"What Trump needs to do is take some executive action that lower the price of prescription drugs right before the election..."


I see: The Republicans, the party of free markets and small government, should say "to hell with free markets" and take the socialist step of mandating drug prices.  Republicans aren't what they used to be.

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13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Because the working class has so much income to spare?

Define "working Class" Is that a minimum wage earner or a truck driver making 70K/yr. I know it fits the libs agenda to neatly categorize everyone. You're either a millionaire or you're a poor slob. I got news for you, there's a lot of room in between. Problem is today folks want instant gratification, they want new cars, stop off at Starbucks every morning, eating out and on and on. Sure, there's poor people who work hard but that's not Trump's fault. 


Don't even get me started on the weak work ethics of today's young people.





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