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Junta gets flak for sedition charge against Thanathorn


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34 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

In a strong statement, the Army commander denounced foreign-educated individuals for bringing their extreme leftist ideology to topple the constitutional monarchy regime. The message, according to political observers, was a direct attack on the Future Forward Party for its popular movement against the junta.


Don't you just love a general talking constitutional as the cocks gather at the hen house????

Especially  touching by throwing  in the "unspeakable"

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They are afraid of this man and his partym they see him as a second Taksin. But his original party manifesto wasn't geared to much toward helping the common man and woman from Isaan, maybe they changed it.

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33 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Likely to lose, will have lost before they even get started, there would be such a stampede by the chief rushing to the rear out of harms way they would be tripping over each other without anyone left to give the one fundamental order - retreat guys and cover your <deleted>. 

One of these days, the ruling regime will shut down the entire internet in Thailand,.... who wants to bet?

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We offer to guard and protect you with our hearts
This is our promise
Today the nation is facing menacing danger
The flames are rising
Let us be the ones who step in, before it is too late
To bring back love, how long will it take?
Please, will you wait? We will move beyond disputes
We will do what we promised. We are asking for a little more time.
And the beautiful land will return
We will do with sincerity
All we ask of you is to trust and have faith in us
The land will be good soon
Let us return happiness to you, the people


Ah, but their intentions are good. ????

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1 hour ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...the fundamental sham is that this guy is doing anything....'for the people'....


...only an *d*ot cannot see whose bidding he is really doing....


...the perfect candidate....his billions are not enough.....sound familiar.....???

Hey Sotirios, glad to see that you're still around and haven't learned a god damn thing! I've really missed your pro-junta haikus:thumbsup:


PS. Let's agree to disagree as to who the "*d*ot" is, OK?

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3 hours ago, Prairieboy said:

In this day and age it is impossible to keep an entire population ignorant.  The junta is running scared so each and every day they announce another trumped-up charge against a political party which they perceive as a threat to their corrupt ways.

It's when anti-democratic governments are badly threatened that they are at their most dangerous and belligerent. Even forums like this where farang flap their gums will be more closely monitored. Take care in the future. Good VPNs are a useful protection. 

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13 minutes ago, Number 6 said:

I teach a great many smart kids who end up overseas on exchanges and university. Many don't want to return. They are free to make their lives on their own terms and even giving up connections and cronyism that their families can provide, hashing it out a foreigner amongst natives is still better than a future here.


We come here largely retired. Our needs and expectations different. Even stating this, if I can resolve the healthcare issue for my wife, we may return as well. Dark clouds forming. Nation has gone nowhere since 2005. Expat life becoming mindlessly pedantic and increasingly expensive.

"Increasingly expensive" and worrysome to many. 

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6 hours ago, leeneeds said:

A sham that needed participants, if a no show at the ballot box, then no one to keep some sort of pressure on the junta.

The change is coming I feel just not quick enough , having the patience to see through what the future forward party brings to government as well as others, is going to take more than one election, those that seek to destroy legitimate freely elected oppositions 

to the ruling party, in the end will be accountable, it is having the will to stay the course set by this election to have a change , a peaceful change!, 

Khun Thanathorn knows the dirty games that will be played out, and you can see by his demeanour he knows deep down the change is coming and from this he grows in strength, the generation change is happening the old do not like it , but in the end they will become obsolete, and  insignificant.

Exactly, the fix was already in for this election, and the powers to be are already trying to dis-assemble any opposition before it can gain steam, however the younger generation tired of being dictated to are slowly becoming of voting age, many are watching how the system is rigged & how Prayut & his disciples are not helping the families of Thailand, just helping themselves.

Time will come again when the votes will be counted & they will be more in favour of change than for the old school.

Changes are happening, some dinosaurs will fade away others will fight to the end but they will all be gone when the people can see the truth & that their votes does actually count!


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10 minutes ago, lipflipper said:

Make no mistake, this guy is nothing more than a clone of his hero Thaksin. Why else would he throw his support behind the Pheu Thai party of Thaksin?? His family supported Thaksin, provided huge sums to his campaigns and benefited from their cozy relationship with that Bozo. His wealth was not earned, it was there before he was born, the old silver spoon in the mouth at birth. He is duping the young Thais who see him as this handsome savior and do gooder. He is a phony, a fraud and will be put back in his place.

Sent from my CMR-AL19 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Granted he's close to Thaksin but you cant deny his popularity though. 

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Typical "color revolution" textbook ... followed by the letter !

Goerge Soros written all over it !


Who is financing iLaw and all these so called "watchdogs" and "pro democracy" groups ???

=> short answer: the same people who did in the Ukraine, North Africa, Venezuela.

Same people, same story ... and we know what comes at the end.


None of this has anything to do with democracy or the people !


Propaganda at its best. 

You cannot make the regime change with elections ? 

Next step is to organize demonstrations ... then make them violent ... then step in.

Works all the time all over the world. Nothing new under the sun.


Bad thing is: We know what's coming next !!!


There is no democracy anywhere in the world !

99% of the people have no idea what a democracy actually is.

The most important basics to democracy is Freedom !!! ... who is free right now ?

[Side note:  Freedom requires free will and free choices - anybody who can be forced to pay taxes can never claim to be free ! Anybody who can be told when or what to do without his consent can never claim to be free ! As such there are no free people anywhere in the world by definition and as such there cannot be a democracy anywhere in the world by definition ! Slaves were told to be free but are still slaves ... being treated like slaves. But the slaves dream that they are free because it is just more comfortable than knowing to be a slave to the state ! It is all upside down - all of it !!! The state serves the people, that's what a state is supposed to do - no the people serve the state - and most people have no idea.]

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2 hours ago, jayboy said:

But the purpose of the Thai army is not to fight wars. In any case, the country has no existing or potential armies. Where it has had border skirmishes, it always came off worst.


The purpose of the Thai army is to do business both legal and illegal, to interfere in politics, to shore up the establishment and to intimidate and if necessary murder Thai citizens.

Should have said enemies rather than armies.

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3 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

In a strong statement, the Army commander denounced foreign-educated individuals for bringing their extreme leftist ideology to topple the constitutional monarchy regime. The message, according to political observers, was a direct attack on the Future Forward Party for its popular movement against the junta.


Don't you just love a general talking constitutional as the cocks gather at the hen house????

us expats are foreign educated.  does this make us a threat?

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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

Likely to lose, will have lost before they even get started, there would be such a stampede by the chief rushing to the rear out of harms way they would be tripping over each other without anyone left to give the one fundamental order - retreat guys and cover your <deleted>. 

yes, the fix was in

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