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One in five deaths worldwide linked to unhealthy diet


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One in five deaths worldwide linked to unhealthy diet

By Kate Kelland



Fruits and vegetables for sale are seen on a stall in London, Britain April 3, 2019. REUTERS/Rachel Hartigan


LONDON (Reuters) - Eleven million deaths worldwide in 2017 were linked to people eating poor diets high in sugar, salt and processed meat that contributed to heart disease, cancer and diabetes, a global study found.


The research, published April 3 online in The Lancet, found that among 195 countries studied, the proportion of diet-related deaths was highest in Uzbekistan and lowest in Israel. The United States ranked 43rd, while Britain was 23rd, China 140th and India 118th.


Consumption of healthier foods such as nuts and seeds, milk and whole grains was on average too low, and people consumed too many sugary drinks and too much processed meat and salt. This led to one in five deaths in 2017 being linked to bad diets.


The Global Burden of Disease study tracked trends from 1990 to 2017 of consumption of 15 dietary factors. Chris Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington which led the work, said it "affirms what many have thought for several years."


"Poor diet is responsible for more deaths than any other risk factor in the world," he said.


"Our assessment suggests the leading dietary risk factors are high intake of sodium, or low intake of healthy foods, such as whole grains, fruit, nuts and seeds and vegetables."


The study found people ate only 12 percent of the recommended amount of nuts and seeds - an average intake of 3 grams a day, compared with the recommended 21 g - and drank more than 10 times the recommended amount of sugary drinks. Diets high in sugar, salt and bad fats are known risk factors for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and many types of cancer.


The global diet also included less than a quarter of the recommended amount of whole grains - at 29 g average intake a day compared with the recommended 125 g - and almost double the recommended amount of processed meat - at around 4 g average intake per day compared with the 2 g recommended.


A study published in January suggested an "ideal diet" for the health of people and the planet would include a doubling of consumption of nuts, fruits, vegetables and legumes, and a halving of meat and sugar intake.


In a breakdown of diet-related deaths, the study found that of the 11 million in 2017, almost 10 million were from cardiovascular diseases, around 913,000 from cancer, and almost 339,000 from type 2 diabetes.


Annual deaths related to diet have increased from 8 million in 1990, but the researchers said this was largely due to increases in populations and populations aging.



-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-04-04
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yeah, it's already obvious today even to folks under 60.  the only social narrative now is to only comment about folks that "look smart"... the "skinny ones" we used to call them.  of course don't say anything about folks who don't look smart, that's almost as dangerous as talking about Co2, unless you are ridiculing "the science people".  that's okay, but talk about "fat people"????  no way Jose.   

Edited by WeekendRaider
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Thanks to the Organic Consumer's Association and Environmental Working Group for putting out such propagandistic nonsense as the "dirty dozen list", and scaring people away from conventionally-grown produce, and shaming them if they can't afford to eat a vegan or all-organic diet.  People are being scared away from perfectly healthy and safe produce because of this misinformation, and are likely turning to prepared/processed foods instead.

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half will die by the meds they are taking as nobody likes to read the side effects nor the interactions of medication with each other, that was never tested anyway


add air pollution, famous in this country, like smoking 10 packs of ciggies per day, the msg, the fish sauce, the soy, the oyster sauce all thais HAVE to eat because they are thai,  the chemicals in the cancer foods here bought in a certain store with screaming colors and numbers...


add drugs, booze and you have .... thai male with fragile ego's

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3 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Thanks to the Organic Consumer's Association and Environmental Working Group for putting out such propagandistic nonsense as the "dirty dozen list", and scaring people away from conventionally-grown produce, and shaming them if they can't afford to eat a vegan or all-organic diet.  People are being scared away from perfectly healthy and safe produce because of this misinformation, and are likely turning to prepared/processed foods instead.

do you have blinders of misinformation on all day, or just when you post on TV, lol


even Villa market produce had residue of pesticides on it


or you will say it is ok & healthy to eat pesticides, herbicides, fungicides



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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Everyone can get in better shape by eating better and less. Unfortunately most people don't care or think its too much effort. That is their choice and I respect that.


There is tons of information out there on how to get rid of bodyfat countless diets that work (low carb works for many out of shape people, works less good for people wanting to build some muscle) In reality it all works as long as you eat less. You could eat Mc Donalds and still lose weight as long as you eat less then before. (not a healthy option).


I just eat less but with carbs and lost the fat too. The government should educate people more, but on the internet there is loads of information and people who will help. The reality is that most people don't want to put in the effort that it takes and then blame it on outside factors.


While it is true that its harder for some people to lose weight then others everyone who is overweight can lose fat for some it just takes more effort then others. Not everyone is the same and not all diets work for everyone. But everyone can improve upon themselves (unless they are in pretty good shape already).


I won't put overweight people down, unless they moan about being fat and don't do anything about it. Like if your sitting at a bar drinking beer and complaining about your weight then you get little sympathy from me. Just cutting out alcohol would help a lot for many. 


I don't see this changing and you cannot blame the food industry alone they are part of the problem, people themselves are too. I am not a fan of banning foods, because slim people who are in good health can eat fast food at times, even obese people can as long as you don't eat it too much.


I wish there were more zero calorie drinks in Thailand (and no I don't believe in the dangers of aspartame). 


If you want you can eat healthy in Thailand you just have to cook more yourself or visit other shops. Jones salad is quite nice to eat, sushi bars are nice. Thai food is great if they would put in less sugar and use better oils.  

 kaaskroket, thought you made sense, till you spoke about zero calories options


it is proven, dr. Lustig, that those zero calories still spike your insulin as the body is fooled that it will get sugar but it doesn't, the insulin is there to put the glucose into the muscles, but now it will go overload the LIVER... non alcoholic fatty liver disease...There you go...


the food maffia is allowed to used chemicals in stead of real food , the body does not recognize this junk and can only safely store it into FAT mass...another reason people who lose their fat, are getting sickly ...the release of those toxins in the bloodstream





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8 minutes ago, justin case said:

 kaaskroket, thought you made sense, till you spoke about zero calories options


it is proven, dr. Lustig, that those zero calories still spike your insulin as the body is fooled that it will get sugar but it doesn't, the insulin is there to put the glucose into the muscles, but now it will go overload the LIVER... non alcoholic fatty liver disease...There you go...


the food maffia is allowed to used chemicals in stead of real food , the body does not recognize this junk and can only safely store it into FAT mass...another reason people who lose their fat, are getting sickly ...the release of those toxins in the bloodstream


Maybe you should read the research better, there is no direct link it states MAY. I know that extremists like Dr lustig use stuff like this to justify claims that have not been proven. 

Fact remains they have no calories and are therefor better then sugary drinks. 


You can't store zero calories in fat mass. You should study a bit yourself besides believing everything you read. I prefer independent research over that of extremists.  



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2 hours ago, Lungstib said:

A fine example of what occurs when you leave 'safety' in the hands of profit making businesses. Governments around the world appear to be powerless to stop the production of food that is bad for health, pesticides that contaminate and air that is poisonous. 

They're not powerless at all, what they are is "captured". Regulators come from the same pool as the regulated.  They just move back and forth and of course the industry lobbyists are liberal with the contributions.


Tax it. Tax unhealthy food products the same way you tax cigarettes and booze. It's a twofer. It curbs unhealthy eating and it creates revenue for healthcare for the people who just can't give it up.

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6 minutes ago, robblok said:

Maybe you should read the research better, there is no direct link it states MAY. I know that extremists like Dr lustig use stuff like this to justify claims that have not been proven. 

Fact remains they have no calories and are therefor better then sugary drinks. 


You can't store zero calories in fat mass. You should study a bit yourself besides believing everything you read. I prefer independent research over that of extremists.  



dr Lustig is a PHD and you are what again ?

he is not selling some bullshit and he has no links in the food industry either


75 percent of all studies are proven to be fake these days, look up "bought science"

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13 minutes ago, justin case said:

do you have blinders of misinformation on all day, or just when you post on TV, lol


even Villa market produce had residue of pesticides on it


or you will say it is ok & healthy to eat pesticides, herbicides, fungicides



A bit off-topic, aren't we?  The article/study did not mention pesticides at all, but rather the types of food people ate....


[Consumption of healthier foods such as nuts and seeds, milk and whole grains was on average too low, and people consumed too many sugary drinks and too much processed meat and salt. This led to one in five deaths in 2017 being linked to bad diets.]


Perhaps on a different thread we can talk about unhealthy lifestyle, which would include lack of exercise, too much booze, smoking, unprotected sex, prescription drugs, watching too much porn, etc.

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as long as the people eating the junk think they don't have a problem, even with a belly as big as a baby, as long as the MD will prescribe them a pill for each ill,  those people do not want to get better and will just continue their highway to hell (one day), when they are in the hospital bed and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or CANCER...    but there are injections for T2D (lol, insulin is the problem or rather the insulin resistance - dr. Jason Fung), so injecting more insulin in a patient that is insulin resistant, whatever.... and for cancer there is chemo ... let's destroy the last bit of immune system in the hope the cancer poison (with side effects = more cancer) will destroy more bad cells than good one's... 


also fiction in your playbook, it's ok ... I know what to do if one of my loved one's would get any of those incurable (for Md's that is) diseases...


been living & visiting here 20+ years and first trip I did hardly see any fatty and now I see them everywhere ...


big cha thai & other sugary drinks every single day, multiple times per day...


government is stupid & blind, or they just don't care ...  


prevention is the key, but most people have their blinders on, all the time


thai people do not learn to think for themselves and the result is just that...

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1 minute ago, justin case said:

dr Lustig is a PHD and you are what again ?


Robblok did not offer any of his personal findings, but directed you in part to the actual scientific consensus.  I don't have to hold a PhD in toxicology to say that cyanide is toxic, because there is a mountain of scientific consensus behind that finding.  But I'll bet you could find an "authority" somewhere on the internet or in a predatory journal who thinks that cyanide isn't poisonous.  Oh look, here they are!

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4 minutes ago, justin case said:

dr Lustig is a PHD and you are what again ?

he is not selling some bullshit and he has no links in the food industry either


75 percent of all studies are proven to be fake these days, look up "bought science"

Dr lustig is making money off his claims.


I am no PHD but just gave you a link where you could inform yourself  However people like you love to have others think for you and accept what they say. Just read the link, if you know so well link me research that counters that what i said. Not on mice humans please.


But even if it would raise insulin, that is not bad at all it depends on how much it raises it. Besides you have to be logical and rational (sometime fanatics are not).


Perfection is nice to strive to but improvement is better. This is better then normal sugary drinks so its a win already. Later people could use less of it. Its not always what is the best that wins the day.


Everyone should exercise 1 hour, nobody will so you can say oh that is bad.. now if they just exercise 20 minutes it would be an improvement. Not perfect but better then the status quo. Same goes for foods going to 100% perfect does not always work, better to make an improvement and keep doing it then to strive for perfection and fail.


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6 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

A bit off-topic, aren't we?  The article/study did not mention pesticides at all, but rather the types of food people ate....


[Consumption of healthier foods such as nuts and seeds, milk and whole grains was on average too low, and people consumed too many sugary drinks and too much processed meat and salt. This led to one in five deaths in 2017 being linked to bad diets.]


Perhaps on a different thread we can talk about unhealthy lifestyle, which would include lack of exercise, too much booze, smoking, unprotected sex, prescription drugs, watching too much porn, etc.


hahaha, milk ...  people are brainwashed to think that it is normal, after weening


there is not one animal except home erectus, that drinks milk from another pregnant mamal


oh but it is pasteurised and homogenised ...blabla ... 


the first kills the enzyme that could help you digest the protein


the second one, mix the fat all over the milk which cases inflammation in the arteries



"milk is good", was done by the government to help poor dairy farmers make a living


kaaskroket, holland is one of the countries where people drink milk, eat cheese at high rates and it is also one of the countries with the most crippeling arthritis and atherosclerosis


so calcium, from milk, is a very bad choice


add the 10 to 1 imbalance with magnesium and there you have another serious health problem





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1 minute ago, attrayant said:


Robblok did not offer any of his personal findings, but directed you in part to the actual scientific consensus.  I don't have to hold a PhD in toxicology to say that cyanide is toxic, because there is a mountain of scientific consensus behind that finding.  But I'll bet you could find an "authority" somewhere on the internet or in a predatory journal who thinks that cyanide isn't poisonous.  Oh look, here they are!

do you even know LUSTIG ? or just blabbering from your bar stool ?


don't you love people pretending to know more about a subject than people who actually studied & researched it ...  

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Dr lustig is making money off his claims.


I am no PHD but just gave you a link where you could inform yourself  However people like you love to have others think for you and accept what they say. Just read the link, if you know so well link me research that counters that what i said. Not on mice humans please.


But even if it would raise insulin, that is not bad at all it depends on how much it raises it. Besides you have to be logical and rational (sometime fanatics are not).


Perfection is nice to strive to but improvement is better. This is better then normal sugary drinks so its a win already. Later people could use less of it. Its not always what is the best that wins the day.


Everyone should exercise 1 hour, nobody will so you can say oh that is bad.. now if they just exercise 20 minutes it would be an improvement. Not perfect but better then the status quo. Same goes for foods going to 100% perfect does not always work, better to make an improvement and keep doing it then to strive for perfection and fail.



money of his claims ?


he gives you scientific proof FOR FREE, for everybody to open their eyes


"Everyone should exercise 1 hour"  ???


lol .... I prefer like many, to skip breakfast and not eat 300-400-500 calories


and save my joints ....


there is not one animal that is doing 1 hour in gym....  hunt, short bursts , feast and rest


if you are over 40 like many geezers here, you only need 2 meals per day anyway




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6 minutes ago, justin case said:

as long as the people eating the junk think they don't have a problem, even with a belly as big as a baby, as long as the MD will prescribe them a pill for each ill,  those people do not want to get better and will just continue their highway to hell (one day), when they are in the hospital bed and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or CANCER...    but there are injections for T2D (lol, insulin is the problem or rather the insulin resistance - dr. Jason Fung), so injecting more insulin in a patient that is insulin resistant, whatever.... and for cancer there is chemo ... let's destroy the last bit of immune system in the hope the cancer poison (with side effects = more cancer) will destroy more bad cells than good one's... 


also fiction in your playbook, it's ok ... I know what to do if one of my loved one's would get any of those incurable (for Md's that is) diseases...


been living & visiting here 20+ years and first trip I did hardly see any fatty and now I see them everywhere ...


big cha thai & other sugary drinks every single day, multiple times per day...


government is stupid & blind, or they just don't care ...  


prevention is the key, but most people have their blinders on, all the time


thai people do not learn to think for themselves and the result is just that...


I like Dr. Fung. Smart and practical. What he talks about seems so obvious that it is astonishing that people seek medical treatments for things that could so clearly be controlled by a proper diet.

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5 minutes ago, justin case said:

do you even know LUSTIG ? or just blabbering from your bar stool ?



It's nine o'clock in the morning.  Just because you're on a bar stool, don't assume everyone is.


5 minutes ago, justin case said:

don't you love people pretending to know more about a subject than people who actually studied & researched it ...  



Are you really asking me this question?  No, I obviously don't.  That's why I wish you'd cool it.

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The average age of death in ancient Athens and Rome was about 35.


I believe that Elizabethan England got to 38...pretty good if you were a hominid!


Clearly pizzas,Maccas and KFC are good for your health..


Let us not forget that the medical profession and their associated hangers on have-ultimately-a 100% failure rate.


The only professions on this planet to do so.



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