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Compromise? Time ticking down for Britain to come to Brexit agreement


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39 minutes ago, Benroon said:

Right so thank you for confirming you don't have the slightest idea how this will pan out but felt it was worth voting for anyway ?!?! and that's not gambling

Okay give us your cognitive foresight so you can see the future. What will happen.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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31 minutes ago, Benroon said:

You stated 'the people have spoken' which the nice big graph shows is a tad disingenuous right ?so now playing the semantics card - ok you're clearly getting a little flustered now and who needs that on a Monday. I feel like I'm bullying you now and that's not nice so I've got an appointment with the pool, I'll leave you grasping that straw.

Well I wouldn't call it bullying as I have thick skin and if Bomber would have you believe, I am a big b'stard with tattoos.. So we could go around and around. so the people who voted leave????


Well having a swim always helps and wish I could just go to for some exercise when I wanted.


I would say Brexit has certainly frustrated both sides. Imagine having wanted to leave the EU for 41 years, given the opportunity in a binary vote, once in a generation vote. then it is scuppered by remaining MP's

36 minutes ago, Benroon said:

haha a brexiteers questioning someones intelligence is always worth a chuckle

I apologise for the comment, as this was uncalled for.


I look forward to debating in a more gentlemanly manner in the future.

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4 hours ago, vogie said:

Do you think that at 76 Margaret Beckett is far too old to make decisions that will affect the lives of our younger generation?

So May is 62, corbyn is 69 and trump is 72 - sare they all too old as well?

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5 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

And there’s more to come: 


“The opening terms of the no-deal talks have already been revealed by Brussels. They will be just like the terms set nearly three years ago. Money, citizens’ rights and the Irish Border will be first up, and nothing else will be discussed until these are dealt with. (...) The Swiss know what permanent negotiations with the EU feel like. (...) the EU is a patient, skilled and brutal negotiator. The only advice of the Swiss to the British about dealing with the EU on a bilateral basis is ‘don’t’.”




Brexiteers have maneuvered their great country into a big mess. Sadly there doesn’t seem to be anyone who’s willing to stop the insanity. Next GE will be interesting with rejoin- or remain-parties/manifestos.


Labor under the Marxist extreme left Corbyn, his cronies and Momentum support Brexit. The Tories could well be split; other parties are minor.


Next election could be interesting as quite frankly, there doesn't seem any decent choices at the moment.

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

We a made a choice on based on lies from prominant remainer politicians now all reneged on their promises.


"And remember: We can't undo the decisions we make"............Lie

"If we vote out thats it"................Lie

"It's irreversable"..........Lie

"It's your decision, not parliament, yours".............Lie

"We will leave europe - for good"............Lie

And many more lies.


So it is very plain for all to see, it is not the fault of the brexiteers, all this "mess" came about by the incompetence of the remainer MPs in parliament. It would be hoped that the way we vote these self serving nondescripts into office changes very rapidly and we start getting Parliamentarians with a backbone.



But you were also told leaving would be easy, we would get a good deal because they needed us more than we needed them and brexit would be beneficial to the UK economy.


All of those have turned out to be lies told to you by the same people.


So why is it harder to accept you  were lied to than to accept you made a bad decision based on untruths and it is not possible to dekliver what was promised ?

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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Sorry, you don’t get to make a choice then blame those who chose otherwise when your ill advised folly goes to rat poo.


You voted for Brexit, your mess.


(Brexiteer predilection for blaming others when things are not as Brexiteer wishes them to be, duly noted).

Which of your customary stamps will this attract?


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The politicians who support Brexit, lied whilst campaigning, by and large, did a runner after the result. Despite moaning about all the others who want to remain or want a soft Brexit they haven't put forward any plans of their own. They claim everything will be easy, the UK will "thrive", and the UK holds all the cards. But despite all the noise, I repeat, they have not proven themselves with any plan and still making general statements about things when the devil is always in the detail.


And Brexiteers still support this clowns and think they'll negotiate brilliant trade deals 555! 


Wake up!!

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Which of your customary stamps will this attract?



What a choice - anti EU Marxist Corbyn who wants hates the UK nearly as much as he hates the EU and very wealthy upper class Boris who wants to turn the UK into a low wage low tax heaven where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer!


All take advantage of the stupidity of Cameron and stubborn ignorance of May.

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5 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

The politicians who support Brexit, lied whilst campaigning, by and large, did a runner after the result. Despite moaning about all the others who want to remain or want a soft Brexit they haven't put forward any plans of their own. They claim everything will be easy, the UK will "thrive", and the UK holds all the cards. But despite all the noise, I repeat, they have not proven themselves with any plan and still making general statements about things when the devil is always in the detail.


And Brexiteers still support this clowns and think they'll negotiate brilliant trade deals 555! 


Wake up!!

Are you suggesting that the PM and Osborne didn't also lie - and either be sacked, or 'do a runner'?


The rest of your post is pure hyperbole.  The electorate finally had a referndum on the subject, and voted to leave.


But I do agree that our parliamentary representatives have come out with nothing to support leave.....  They're only interested in how to remain, without losing their seats at the next GE.

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24 minutes ago, Loiner said:

No, it was the Tory MPs who made May the party leader. The first two rounds are only among MPs. The third round Members’ vote was cancelled because Andrea Leadsom withdrew.
Those MPs were all elected on a Conservative manifesto to Leave The EU. Many of them won’t be around after the next GE.

Not only that, the members are only given a vote on the shortlist on offer. Catch 22.

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1 hour ago, Jip99 said:



It is an easy target to criticise, but the failure rests with Cameron et al.


You cannot blame the electorate for the failings of government.


That is not a Brexiteer "blaming everyone else" as is often levied from the Remain side. Given the option to remain or leave I chose 'leave'. It is ONLY the fault of government that they been incapable of delivering what they promised (from Cameron, Chatham House onwards).


I would still choose to leave and I have not come across a leave voter who would vote differently if asked to do so again. That is not to say that some wouldn't but many have strengthened their resolve because of the failure of the Brexit process. Leave means leave could not have been more unequivocal.

But this is the very reason compromise is all but neigh immposible. 


Leave means leave


Remain means remain


There is no middle ground.


May's "compromise" was disspised by both sides equally.


Whatever happens half the country is going to be upset - if may's deal is accepted that will probably be 90% of the country 


The brexit legacy will be a devided country for a generation or more to come. Nothing of the real problems in the country will be sorted because we will still be arguing about it 



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48 minutes ago, tebee said:

So May is 62, corbyn is 69 and trump is 72 - sare they all too old as well?

I think you have just proven my point, however in my original post I was being sarcastic about all the times the remainers say that 'old people should not vote.' Note to self, start using emojis more.

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5 minutes ago, vogie said:

They did need us more than we need them, but unfortunately the remainers convinced themselves otherwise, the EU said 'jump' and the remainers said 'how high.


The remainers plan, remainers own it.

So why do you think they  need us more than we need them?


But at least the remainers planned - that something that was saddly lacking on the leave side !


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Just now, nauseus said:

I disagree, of course. Our dishonourable, remain-sympathetic, so-called PM and government have led the country into this big mess. If the UK is not fully free of the influence of the EU by the next GE, then that election will be heavily influenced by parties with firm leave manifestos. Far too many people rightly feel betrayed now and that sentiment won't go away.

Just like Thailand then?

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