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Compromise? Time ticking down for Britain to come to Brexit agreement


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32 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



It didn't have to be a shambles.


Just because people have screwed up the process doesn't negate the validity of the decision to leave.



Put deal (when we have one) or no deal to the people by all means.

It is exactly the shambles I and many others said it would be.


But there you go, fail to plan, plan to fail. 

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3 minutes ago, Benroon said:

'The people' ?



Thanks for highlighting more people voted for leave than any other. Well done you get a sticker for what we all know. So are you inferring that you would force all people to vote? So what happens when your pie chart shows 2/3rd of people vote leave.

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4 minutes ago, Benroon said:

So he is your only source then ? You only had to say.

No he was number 2 of the vote remain. Number 1 David Cameron the remain leader lied too. Do your own research.


Plus many others. again do your own research, that's if you can.

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2 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



It is an easy target to criticise, but the failure rests with Cameron et al.


You cannot blame the electorate for the failings of government.


That is not a Brexiteer "blaming everyone else" as is often levied from the Remain side. Given the option to remain or leave I chose 'leave'. It is ONLY the fault of government that they been incapable of delivering what they promised (from Cameron, Chatham House onwards).


I would still choose to leave and I have not come across a leave voter who would vote differently if asked to do so again. That is not to say that some wouldn't but many have strengthened their resolve because of the failure of the Brexit process. Leave means leave could not have been more unequivocal.

During the pre referendum debate it was clearly argued that there is no deal better than membership and that any deal would require the UK to accept EU regulations and laws. It was also clearly argued that being outside of the EU but subject to the EU laws and regulations and with zero control over those laws was a very likely outcome if the UK wanted a trade deal with the EU.


And here the UK is with exactly that set of circumstances.



Hardline Brexiteers now arguing that the UK should leave without a deal, forgetting as they do so that 'leave without a deal' was a threat to get a deal not a desirable outcome for anyone. 



If you chose to ignore the warnings you have no business now blaming those who warned you.


Your argument that those who voted for Brexit bear no responsibility is an abdication of taking responsibility for the choice you made. 




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1 minute ago, Benroon said:

Same team right ?


Shall I ask again - the new dawn post Brexit new era will be led by ………..?

Was there any other team for remain????????


Well I don't have a crystal ball and tend not to gamble unlike maybe others. I can tell you one thing for sure.


The Lib Dems will have nothing to do with anything.

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