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A different take on the Swan & Cloke photo's.

The footy stars, those photos and a whole lot of hypocrisy

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/passing-on-photos-to-humiliate-is-never-ok-regardless-of-gender-20160121-gmat6v.html#ixzz3yDlKYtcP

Good on her for saying so, but as a Collingwood supporter I don't feel sorry for these guys. They both have long-term partners but chose to send these pics to other women.

Dunce caps for both of them and go and stand in the corner until footy season starts.

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A different take on the Swan & Cloke photo's.

The footy stars, those photos and a whole lot of hypocrisy

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/passing-on-photos-to-humiliate-is-never-ok-regardless-of-gender-20160121-gmat6v.html#ixzz3yDlKYtcP

Good on her for saying so, but as a Collingwood supporter I don't feel sorry for these guys. They both have long-term partners but chose to send these pics to other women.

Dunce caps for both of them and go and stand in the corner until footy season starts.

The article does make a good point

If the Collingwood players sent it to the girls as a wanted/requested mutually accepted series of photos, then the matter could be considered as then sharing it into the public domain.

If there was some express intimate moments that were implicitly not to be shared, then that is another matter. My guess is these guys have sahred their d.ick photos many many times (Chimpy reckons he has a good collection)

Then again, by the Collingwood players having sent it themselves, the comparsion with Lara Bingle's photo is apples and oranges. Bingle was not the sender nor initiator of her photo, whereas the Collingwood boys willingly sent their pics

Another issue is: The Collingwood players, as individuals, can choose to have 1 GF or 10 GFs... it is a matter of personal choice for them, regardless of whether they have a partner or not.

It might not be appealing to other people, but we should all be able to make our own choices

For myself, i probably need to see more photo evidence from both sides...gigglem.gif

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You giving Chimpy the flick?

Chimpy is the sensible one. Yeah , sure, he tried to undermine me on several occasions, probably due to having Chooka in his ear, but he assures me he is back on the team this year

My lack of tipping success last year is down to my own poor analysis and lack of access to in depth individual player stats regarding heart rates and water retention and other complicated player data

Ditch the monkey bookie he's making you look like one, what you two got in common is beyond me, now my Shitzu never interrupts or makes suggestions, a perfect pet.

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A different take on the Swan & Cloke photo's.

The footy stars, those photos and a whole lot of hypocrisy

Read more: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/passing-on-photos-to-humiliate-is-never-ok-regardless-of-gender-20160121-gmat6v.html#ixzz3yDlKYtcP

Good on her for saying so, but as a Collingwood supporter I don't feel sorry for these guys. They both have long-term partners but chose to send these pics to other women.

Dunce caps for both of them and go and stand in the corner until footy season starts.

The article does make a good point

If the Collingwood players sent it to the girls as a wanted/requested mutually accepted series of photos, then the matter could be considered as then sharing it into the public domain.

If there was some express intimate moments that were implicitly not to be shared, then that is another matter. My guess is these guys have sahred their d.ick photos many many times (Chimpy reckons he has a good collection)

Then again, by the Collingwood players having sent it themselves, the comparsion with Lara Bingle's photo is apples and oranges. Bingle was not the sender nor initiator of her photo, whereas the Collingwood boys willingly sent their pics

Another issue is: The Collingwood players, as individuals, can choose to have 1 GF or 10 GFs... it is a matter of personal choice for them, regardless of whether they have a partner or not.

It might not be appealing to other people, but we should all be able to make our own choices

For myself, i probably need to see more photo evidence from both sides...gigglem.gif

Cloke and swan heard about your last Thailand expedition bookie....there taking the 10 gf option too.

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You giving Chimpy the flick?

Chimpy is the sensible one. Yeah , sure, he tried to undermine me on several occasions, probably due to having Chooka in his ear, but he assures me he is back on the team this year

My lack of tipping success last year is down to my own poor analysis and lack of access to in depth individual player stats regarding heart rates and water retention and other complicated player data

Ditch the monkey bookie he's making you look like one, what you two got in common is beyond me, now my Shitzu never interrupts or makes suggestions, a perfect pet.

I feel obligated mate... I was at a market, drunk , and i got Chimps for a bargain price

Your Shitzu perfecting mind control of you eh?

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Them Maoris always seem like there just drank a dozen bottles off beer.

That guy was cool. Should have been given a warning. $1100? Australia, the police state

Cool? Try dick head, them Maoris even nice people are just like my shuitzu they just wanna have fun.

For god sake mr bookman please do not mimic some of the less intelligent TV members in here calling AU the nanny or police state, I kind like the safe streets we have around here, when I move over to Thailand to live I won't be buying a car or a bike, there all Maoris there.

You feel sorry for him cause he's a Swans supporter.

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Where almost on the verge of pre season, has the reincarnation of Chooks arrived?

I'm super sure he will want to contest both picking and fantasy since he was so god dam good at it, he will also want revenge form the gang of 4 for getting booted, well that's if he's a man, he might be cut so deep he's bleed to death cut by his buddies. Hehe

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Them Maoris always seem like there just drank a dozen bottles off beer.

That guy was cool. Should have been given a warning. $1100? Australia, the police state

Cool? Try dick head, them Maoris even nice people are just like my shuitzu they just wanna have fun.

For god sake mr bookman please do not mimic some of the less intelligent TV members in here calling AU the nanny or police state, I kind like the safe streets we have around here, when I move over to Thailand to live I won't be buying a car or a bike, there all Maoris there.

You feel sorry for him cause he's a Swans supporter.

The roads in Australia are safer, sure. But this last decade of doubling and tripling fines by Police, state and local governments has gone too far.

Australia really is becoming more and more like a Police state. No where near America sure, but the Police here use fines and detention far too much. You can add in power crazed local council rangers, probably the worst offenders.

Probably worth starting a separate thread on Nanny / police state on the home country forum

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Where almost on the verge of pre season, has the reincarnation of Chooks arrived?

I'm super sure he will want to contest both picking and fantasy since he was so god dam good at it, he will also want revenge form the gang of 4 for getting booted, well that's if he's a man, he might be cut so deep he's bleed to death cut by his buddies. Hehe

Banned members cannot come back and i am sure chooka wont be seen again

But, there is nothing stopping other St Kilda supporters joining up

Saints supporters all post in the same style

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Them Maoris always seem like there just drank a dozen bottles off beer.

That guy was cool. Should have been given a warning. $1100? Australia, the police state

Cool? Try dick head, them Maoris even nice people are just like my shuitzu they just wanna have fun.

For god sake mr bookman please do not mimic some of the less intelligent TV members in here calling AU the nanny or police state, I kind like the safe streets we have around here, when I move over to Thailand to live I won't be buying a car or a bike, there all Maoris there.

You feel sorry for him cause he's a Swans supporter.

The roads in Australia are safer, sure. But this last decade of doubling and tripling fines by Police, state and local governments has gone too far.

Australia really is becoming more and more like a Police state. No where near America sure, but the Police here use fines and detention far too much. You can add in power crazed local council rangers, probably the worst offenders.

Probably worth starting a separate thread on Nanny / police state on the home country forum

Have you seen the light? labor are the old liberals liberals have moved right a bit more, the greens nothing more than a pressure group who have next to no real policies out side of environment, often well educated higher than normal income earners who don't mind paying a few more $s for electricity if its green and stuff everyone else.

Both parties played the labour is scarce and imported trades people to cover labor shortages because of presumed boom and ageing workforce but in reality kept a pool of under employed trades to keep from a wages break out , both parties played on how well they were doing in office on the back of the mining boom with the real economy splattering along.

Both parties happy to play along....3ks over the limit and your caught on camera $180 to Mr Andrews for speeding, The council rates on my house have hit nearly $2400, I'm 22k from downtown in a fairly new subdivision and on the open market my house would fetch around the low 600's i call it steeling because my council uses a different formula to calculate the rates if i had of stayed where i was with same value my rates would be around around the $1600 mark and a nice 15s from downtown.

In building every time i hear there going to streamline the building process i shudder because all there ever done is increase costs and time to get a development up and running, once upon a time if you followed a criteria you had "as of right" for that development now 20 years later nearly every projects goes to Vcat.

Im going to be refugee at the end of this year......

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Where almost on the verge of pre season, has the reincarnation of Chooks arrived?

I'm super sure he will want to contest both picking and fantasy since he was so god dam good at it, he will also want revenge form the gang of 4 for getting booted, well that's if he's a man, he might be cut so deep he's bleed to death cut by his buddies. Hehe

Banned members cannot come back and i am sure chooka wont be seen again

But, there is nothing stopping other St Kilda supporters joining up

Saints supporters all post in the same style

Hmmmmmm....is anyone else apart from me playing spot the chook disguise?

I recon chooks would come back as a collingwood supporter just to stick it up his assassins....

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Ohhh, Chooka the sailor was critical

And at tipping he wasn’t half bad

His knowledge of footy comprehensive

I miss him, oh yes, I am sad.

Well there you are and i though you might have been somewhat dim....a poet as well....i tip my hat to yaaaa

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Dads footy team on the verge of signing Mathew stokes, legendary Cat from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back, 2 time premiership player etc etc says bomber captain who takes another swipe at Chapman this morning who incidentally won't be back but agrees he could be better in some areas and is working on it.

You think we still should be worried about the team Essendon is building? The average age is going to be 64, when I get older losing my hair will you still love me will you still care? Quote Paul Mccartney.

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