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In marvlous news out of Casey today was that one Harry Kennel known as the "New Mr Magic" was sprinting with the gang in full contact traning....yep hes on the boil...the only one id say...his team mates are looking up to the brokend down hack to "save" them, Nathan Jones left with chin on floor recons he cant wait to have him in the team....says still a few hoops Magic needs to get through but could be eyeing a place in the team anytime soon....well after all the bullock talk this mob have been chit chatting last two years what do we make of it? I say dont hold your breath.... https://www.afl.com.au/news/439891/-we-re-pretty-excited-about-him-bennell-shines-in-brutal-session


Have a look at these two..... https://www.afl.com.au/news/439517/why-dees-are-biggest-losers-of-revamped-fixture forget the articale its the pic of Gawn with mohegan and the blond slash across the top and his dopie brother Goodwin, Mate this is the captain of the oldest football club in the world and coach....Heckel and jeckel quickly come to mind....lot of hot wind but no supstance.....Zig and Zag too....Abbot and Costello, Groucho Marx.....id say Goodwin with that look has had a melt down.....ready for the looney bin....And Gawn....lot of natural talent unfortunatly hes a dead weight as a leader....hes always looking for the next joke when being interviewed.....no dout he will end up in the comentry box when hes playing days are over.....


Legends are being talked about......Gaz Abblet...in hey Abblet should be in....well this is somewhat confusing....Do you take only his football into consideration or do you take his private life when it becomes public?


They say he was the best ever....i think he was a dam good player but best ever is oh...come now.....Lance Franklin is a better player than old Gaz...Good old Gaz got into drugs and pretty much was knocking around with a young woman who OD on him....thanks for the drugs Gaz shes saying from heaven....so should his trouble personal life have any bearing on Legend status?


Now i know Wayne Carey who also beat up a few women and went a bit too far on the sniffing stuff turned out alright and i dont mind him at all as a commentator, seems like a nice guy these days too but we do know that for a long time his head was bigger than all off Western Australia.....Think Wayne was made a legend....me i think you need to be squeaky clean, yes yes we all deserve a chance sure i know that.... look kids look up to these blokes....thats how i see it....


Fox are broke and there telling us.....AFL and NRL is all there got.....so the Aleague has been told to take a 50 to 70% cut over the next 3 years of there deal starting from now....This WILL hasten the Aleague streaming them selves....there already been talking to the contractors that do it for Fox so its just a matter of time.....Premier league also in advance stage of looking in too  this......My tip is Fox WILL finnish the season then ALeague will film them selves and onsell to Optus....seems Optus are building a hugh soccer following on there sports site they just added Kleague have Jleague (sth Korea and Japan) not to mention Premier league, all the club champion style Euro games ...theres about 4 leagues there alone plus internationals for European teams and Socceroo games....Fox a dinosaur of yester year....caught with there pants down over priced under deliver....


Some business's are using the Cornvid-19 as an excuse for there poor turn over and shutting up shops.....David Jones is one....i would just say the virus just pushed them to go sooner and gave them an excuse when they said they were down 17% in April.......so there shutting up a few shops, lot of bullocks about online shopping too....i dont buy into that.....its a world that keeps moving if you want to do biz like they did 100 years ago what do you expect? Anyway boys the footy is about to start and we wont have to worry about reading that sort od dribble for another 4 months.....


Here we go..... https://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/news/jogger-caught-pooing-in-community-garden-in-melbourne/news-story/54d2b2020caa4454a8cfac2bae64333b the poo jogger....caught on cctv this morning in Melbourne......hey if ya have to go ya have to go....noticed he didnt clean his back side....watch the vid....


https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/travel-stories/viral-video-shows-giant-brown-bear-stalking-child-on-family-hike/news-story/d682bbb518d449282a8735ef33c1e55c suprise suprise.....walk slowly.....there is a bear behind you....in Italy too....that WILL teach them that they shouldnt be out during the coronavirus time there.....and it reminded me what a Russian woman said to me the other day....people from other countries think we have bears walking around Moscow.....well i didnt.....but it seems many do....


Aussie influencer tells the world shes <deleted> at maths....have to say the surgically enhanced face kind of takes your focus away from what shes saying then you notice the botox lips and there moving....i couldnt tell you what 8x2 was....she says....see it on vid....i can gaurentee that i would take a pass if offered a roll in bed with her....well she in the vid looks like shes had a hard night on whiskey and and the white powder...but theres a big inprovment in her pic at the bottom of the page...amazing what air brush will do.... https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/true-stories/skye-wheatley-reveals-she-cant-tell-you-answer-to-8x2/news-story/034b48e776bb4332beeeb5c6e22358d6



And wheres pussy? https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/27/uk/canterbury-cathedral-sermon-cat-scli-gbr-intl/index.html here pussy....here pussy....hes now hiding in the robes of a priest who was doing a sermon online in the garden at the time....there is a video of this too.....im scopping the pools tonight....Leo the cat wandered in front of the camera while the rev was teaching the words of the Holy Bible when puss sneaked into his robes and then dissapeared.... 


Pablo Escobar's brother Roberto says he is sueing Apple for 2.6 billion$ becasue he says iphoneX was meant to be secure, as it turns out he blames his X for being found and hounded and a whole lot of other things....and to get even hes selling iphones less than Apple can, its a limited edition gold plated iPhone 11 pro 256GB for $499...with beautiful girls to help market them as well as the gold plating.....sounds like a good deal but......unless they fell off the back of a truck someone is loosing a lot of money out of this....


And talking about Iphones....gees the roumor mill is working overt time .....now you know why the puplic is whipped into a frenzie and que days before to get there hands on a new model....the "leaked" details begin to pick up steam around may....we know almost know excatly whats coming.....now one of them details has me worried.....there has been talk of Apple at some point killing off a physical charging port...(Apple killed of the headphone socket a few models back now you need a $13 adaptor to plug ur head phens to ur lightening port) if that happens god forbit it would mean blue toothing your headphones to your device....thats not on in the Alex house hold....this coming model with all the bells and whistles is most probely the last iphone with a lightening port....the roumors ive listend to before were accurate.....at first i though to just switch to Andorid like a Galaxy 10 or 20.....Windcheater girl when i told her of my delima last night welcomed me to the andorid family....today i realized that playing ur music playlists was the turn off before...but there is a way.....i googled it...sounds like a bit of a head job....so what to do....what to do....just mighthave to buy a new iphone after all and hang on to the new gold standard of hand help computing.....

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12 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

In marvlous news out of Casey today was that one Harry Kennel known as the "New Mr Magic" was sprinting with the gang in full contact traning....yep hes on the boil...the only one id say...his team mates are looking up to the brokend down hack to "save" them, Nathan Jones left with chin on floor recons he cant wait to have him in the team....says still a few hoops Magic needs to get through but could be eyeing a place in the team anytime soon....well after all the bullock talk this mob have been chit chatting last two years what do we make of it? I say dont hold your breath.... https://www.afl.com.au/news/439891/-we-re-pretty-excited-about-him-bennell-shines-in-brutal-session


You're working beautifully Uncle Alex:clap2:

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The pressures and harsh realities of life often cause a roadblock for many who don't have the inflated egos of McGuire. Truth be told, I bet that Media Boss Eddie has caused many a case of anxiety and low esteem amongst those who have had the misfortune of crossing his path.


News articles concerning self-harm are somewhat vague for a very good reason, but those of us with an ounce of compassion and understanding can read between the lines as to wot may have happened. The final paragraph of stories like this usually read as follows:


If you or someone you know requires mental health assistance, call:


Lifeline 131144

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

Mens' Line 1300 798978


Far Canal Ed. Let the matter rest for the sake of the lad's welfare.

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3 hours ago, Will27 said:

Ed still making friends I see.

He just has to have the last word.


Eddie McGuire in another stoush with fellow media personalities


Collingwood president Eddie McGuire is in the middle of another stoush with two fellow media personalities over his comments regarding Geelong’s handling of the Jack Steven stabbing.

McGuire last week urged the Cats to be transparent over the circumstances surrounding the incident, which saw Steven admitted to hospital with a stab wound, and questioned why coach Chris Scott held a press conference but refused to delve deeper into the situation.


It prompted a war of words between McGuire and Geelong president Colin Carter after he declared his Magpies counterpart was “hopelessly conflicted”.

Prominent 3AW radio host Neil Mitchell also got stuck into McGuire.

“Don’t anybody accuse Eddie McGuire of hypocrisy or he’s behaving like a world champion hypocrite at the moment,” Mitchell said.


“Don’t accuse him of a conflict of interest or anything like that because he will go feral. After all, he’s ‘Untouchable Eddie’.

“Eddie said Geelong should just come clean on what happened with Jack Steven getting stabbed, just tell us what happened. Colin Carter responded pointing out there was a conflict between being a president of a club and a football commentator, which is painfully true and obvious often when Eddie opens his mouth, which is often.”

It didn’t take long for McGuire to hit back.


“My point was the same on Friday as it is now, which has been misreported and especially yesterday maliciously by that over-puffed up windbag on 3AW Neil Mitchell who uses things at his own volition,” McGuire said on Triple M.

“What we said on Friday and we say here today is if you’re not going to get asked the question that is pertinent don’t put the person up in front of the media whether it’s the coach or the player itself.


“Otherwise the journos there are to ask the questions that are the most pertinent in the situation. Not for them, if he’s right to answer the questions put them forward if you’re not, you don’t ask them.”

The debate exploded again on Footy Classified on Wednesday night when McGuire found himself in the middle of a heated debate with Sam McClure and Caroline Wilson over the Steven stabbing and the media’s handling of the situation.

McGuire said the media is there to uncover the truth and ask the hard questions.

He said he would have told McClure: “Son, there’s the car, get in it and don’t come back” if he hadn’t asked Steven to divulge information surrounding the incident when he arrived at Geelong training earlier this week.

McClure accused McGuire of being out of touch with the current media landscape and on Twitter this morning threatened to resign from his role.


“I’m a sports journalist. If a guy who has been open about his mental health battle – who nearly lost his life in a violent incident – doesn’t want to talk about it, I’m going to respect that,” he wrote.

“If you disagree with that, Eddie, don’t bother sacking me, I’ll resign.”

Eddie gets slammed on Footy Classified from Sam Maclure and Caroline Wilson.
Caroline brings up Dayne Beams and Eddie skirts around that issue as being a comparison.

Caroline brings what Eddie said 10 weeks back on Footy Classfieid regarding the treatment of Lachie Hunter and how Lachie should have been left alone.


The Eddie butt slamming and Eddie spluttering and Eddie U-Turns begins at the 10 minute mark and continues for 5 minutes.


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27 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:

Sydney might be getting Joey Daniher to Sydney end of this year with Buddy looking fragile.
Add to that Sam Reid has injured himself again

Pick 45 & 52 should do the trick for Joey



I'm worried we might've seen the last of Buddy.


At 33 and with multiple hamstring injuries, it ain't looking good.

A few people last night suggested he move to the wing in an effort to prolong his career.

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3 hours ago, Will27 said:

Yes or no gents?



Dogs and Pies looking to put cardboard cut out faces of members in the stands chaps....looks like they turned down that sex doll manufacturer from Sth Korea .....

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For those that did not open the link this is what i was on about last night.....this is the future of the MFC....a couple of clowns running the show....just take a look at them will ya.....im begining to dislike Goodwin as much as Dean Bailey now....


Seriously how could anyone take any notice of a coach if you look like that? Bright hey?


And the captain.....not enough to make every question a joke he has to look like one now....great player but he aint gonna fire up the team....he dont have the ability to lift any around him...i watched him long enough to know he is just him....when he plays he is solo....no grunt or animal in him....


3 wins for the year if there lucky.......if i had a seasons ticket id be sending it back for a refund....rather watch dolpins at Port Melbourne..there much more entertaining when they come up for air....


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9 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

Dogs and Pies looking to put cardboard cut out faces of members in the stands chaps....looks like they turned down that sex doll manufacturer from Sth Korea .....

They can borrow some from gold Coast and St Kilda.

Those guys have been using them for years

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9 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

Gees we got some in here who beat it up over the round ball game....insercure? hey lets not go on about that soccer is football to 90% of humans on this planet WILL we? And who knows them aliens might have been watching too....Gees AFL a backwards grubber sport in the bottom end of the world no one goes to...


Some of them flowers u been sniffing kid on your daily walks must be opuim poppies.....and yes there about my mum use to grow them long before she knew what plants they were.... they would be growing wild up there in centerlink heaven where you live...

Can those on centrelink afford a house by the beach these days Uncle?

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2 hours ago, BookmanBkk said:

Can those on centrelink afford a house by the beach these days Uncle?

Its well known that dead beats and no hopers congregate on the GC son......and afford a house near a beach...... there not to expensive up there kid compared to Sydney or Melbourne, I was shocked when I seen a one bed room condo on the beach front just a few years old for 350,000 and that was in the last 2 months .........you cant even buy a old run down villa unit in a rundown part of Resa (Reservoir) here view of dead tress and over grown lawns......fella for under 500,000........try Beach front seedy St Kilda and you need a million plus...for a kennel sized condo....enjoy your day...



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Good to see Woosha make the list.


Radar, I was in Melbourne for the footy one weekend and went along to see Carlton vs Adelaide at Princess Park.

As my mate and I weren't cheering anyone, people asked us who we supported. When we told them WC, they

made us honorary Blue Baggers for the day as Woosh was an assistant coach:smile:

They loved Woosha mate.


Thr biggest hit I can remember is the Jordan Lewis one.


Michael Voss on Richo was brutal as well.






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6 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

Its well known that dead beats and no hopers congregate on the GC son......and afford a house near a beach...... there not to expensive up there kid compared to Sydney or Melbourne, I was shocked when I seen a one bed room condo on the beach front just a few years old for 350,000 and that was in the last 2 months .........you cant even buy a old run down villa unit in a rundown part of Resa (Reservoir) here view of dead tress and over grown lawns......fella for under 500,000........try Beach front seedy St Kilda and you need a million plus...for a kennel sized condo....enjoy your day...



A centrelink dependant can buy 350k shoe boxes?

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8 hours ago, Will27 said:

Easy big fella.


TBH, I'm not a great fan of your captain getting a haircut like that, but times are a changing.

He's your best player I guess so he can pretty much do as he wants.

He wouldn't want to be down on form though or "they" will come for him.


Reckon the Dee's will finish anywhere between 7 and 10.

The captain is popular amongs the players hence being made a captain....hes obviously out of contract soon and worth a million a season, Dees sweeten contract talks with the captaincy no dout and luck was a favor as Jones is almost in a wheel chair and Viney had a couple of injury hit seasons so the cards fell right for the club in trying to keep him at Jolimont, the truth is...he is a clown full stop, he is embarrassing to watch when interviewed....even the most recent was trying to make a joke out of being there and all that they were talking about....looking for the next laugh is he...


As captain if he should leave as a FA hes worth more in high draft pick as well.....


As a player he is solo....he doesnt set an example, he just plays, if you watch him he doesnt motivate anyone around him, Viney burrows in uses pure bull power with some finesse the way he plays and Jones they get the job done and lift whos around them...Max on the other hand just goes about his business, no extra grunt...no lifting ...nothing....doesnt take enough marks in defense or forward....if you want to compare the Dee ruck with Stynes.....Stynes leaves Gawn for dead....


The hair cut is becasue he is the class clown, plenty of weird hair cuts in the round ball game and by high presitge players too but i cant think of a captain at any of the bigger clubs looking like Max....he is a f****in DILL......and put it on top of they DONT walk the TALK what have you got?


We are very light on for a leader whos in form....there are none....Tom Macdonald would be a natural leader but out of form, Oliver or Melksham would have been my pic....i prefer the latter at this point in time...


Dee's are bound to struggle...bottom 4, i have no faith in Goodwin, serious after all the hyped up talk over there previous season to put it on the record and in vid form then rock up to Perth to lay down and get rolled then use the cornvid-19 as an excuse.....and mate the plane was waiting to take them home....no chance to get stranded....serious a guy like Edd running my club would be a breath of fresh air....


If i was the boss there and we struggle for the first 3 or 4 games Goodwin's head would roll.....i wouldnt be looking to waste the season, we have the Blues then Bombers ...struggle id get R Lyon lined up to take over for the year...we dont need an inexperianced passenger who is nothing more than a coffee and donut boy as a coach....


And....now you got me going.....Goodwin never pulled a rabbit out of the hat all of last year....devoid of any ideas....enough decent players  were coming back during the second half of the year and nothing changed, the team played like hehad lost them...this years Perth game was an extension of last year...

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14 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

The captain is popular amongs the players hence being made a captain....hes obviously out of contract soon and worth a million a season, Dees sweeten contract talks with the captaincy no dout and luck was a favor as Jones is almost in a wheel chair and Viney had a couple of injury hit seasons so the cards fell right for the club in trying to keep him at Jolimont, the truth is...he is a clown full stop, he is embarrassing to watch when interviewed....even the most recent was trying to make a joke out of being there and all that they were talking about....looking for the next laugh is he...


As captain if he should leave as a FA hes worth more in high draft pick as well.....


As a player he is solo....he doesnt set an example, he just plays, if you watch him he doesnt motivate anyone around him, Viney burrows in uses pure bull power with some finesse the way he plays and Jones they get the job done and lift whos around them...Max on the other hand just goes about his business, no extra grunt...no lifting ...nothing....doesnt take enough marks in defense or forward....if you want to compare the Dee ruck with Stynes.....Stynes leaves Gawn for dead....


The hair cut is becasue he is the class clown, plenty of weird hair cuts in the round ball game and by high presitge players too but i cant think of a captain at any of the bigger clubs looking like Max....he is a f****in DILL......and put it on top of they DONT walk the TALK what have you got?


We are very light on for a leader whos in form....there are none....Tom Macdonald would be a natural leader but out of form, Oliver or Melksham would have been my pic....i prefer the latter at this point in time...


Dee's are bound to struggle...bottom 4, i have no faith in Goodwin, serious after all the hyped up talk over there previous season to put it on the record and in vid form then rock up to Perth to lay down and get rolled then use the cornvid-19 as an excuse.....and mate the plane was waiting to take them home....no chance to get stranded....serious a guy like Edd running my club would be a breath of fresh air....


If i was the boss there and we struggle for the first 3 or 4 games Goodwin's head would roll.....i wouldnt be looking to waste the season, we have the Blues then Bombers ...struggle id get R Lyon lined up to take over for the year...we dont need an inexperianced passenger who is nothing more than a coffee and donut boy as a coach....


And....now you got me going.....Goodwin never pulled a rabbit out of the hat all of last year....devoid of any ideas....enough decent players  were coming back during the second half of the year and nothing changed, the team played like hehad lost them...this years Perth game was an extension of last year...


Steven May might have made a good Captain.  Probably decided against appointing him as he might not be fit enough for the best 22 each week

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