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Don't forget to get your tips in for this week

Game on tomorrow.

First three games quite hard to pick this week.

Could be a 3 and nothing start or a 0 and 3 start

Not sure what Willy Wonka up in his tipping Lair has in store for us but I sense Uncle Alex is feeling confused and can't make a decision on which team to pick


Don't worry uncle I'll have chimps send you all his hot tips

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Poor WILL.....Eagles to play Port....and then the Perth Hub your hosting Pies and Cats....a torrid start to the year for the beloved Eagles.....once we use to just pencil in a win to the Subiaco kids now we have to think real hard.......Think the Power are riding a crest of a wave right now though we hope the Eagles turn up before half time .......


Suns can they do 3 in a row? uncharted territory for these guys....Freo where are they? I dont know.....


And tonights game...gees.....I had to rack my ball bearings to pick this one.....


It would be a brave man to pick the Gaints, Pies are one of my flag faves at the moment.....


Now could either the Saints and Tigs be so bad 2 weeks in a row....I did say I like Ratten......are the Tigers over it? 


A leaper colony and the Crows have something in common.....no ones gonna touch them....Lions to cement a top 2 spot on the ladder.....easy....


Hawks and North 2 teams that were the 70s and 80s and early 90s power teams....can Hawks mercenaries front up again two weeks in a row and topple Shaw and still an un proven Shinboners? gees I dont know......


And the best game last....well one thing in our favour is its at the G but whilst were playing like the New Deli Rockets coming up against the Cats after a loss its going to be a Patriots vs Browns affair....Kings against rodents......In our favour from time to time we do give the pussys some stick I doubt it will be this week.....so I strongly suggest to the brothers pick the Dees at your peril.......Wont matter who's in the team BUT....Vandenberg does add something when he comes in to play his annual game each year....5 years 5 games....something like that....you do recall a couple of years ago he came back from 18 months on the sideline to be in the charge to that prelim final in Perth....he does add something....Im expecting the Cats to take no prisoners this weekend....so its martas to the sword......

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55 minutes ago, sceadugenga said:

Interesting article on the ABC site.


The Crows went from top to bottom in three years — this is how it happened

By Cody Atkinson and Sean Lawson


It's 999 days since the Adelaide Crows went into the 2017 Grand Final favoured to claim their third AFL flag.

But instead of flying home with the Premiership Cup, they returned with the lingering embarrassment of a 48-point thrashing from Richmond.

Not much has gone right for the Crows since then, and they now find themselves on the bottom of the ladder — one of only two winless teams this season.

So, what's happened?

Read more.....



Dont agree.....strongly dont agree......teams turn up and go under in a flag all the time the problem could have been festering that year but was apparent the following....


The Board are the first port of call thats where you look for answers.....You can pretty much tell when Mark R spoke out somethings a miss there....


Tex Walker is another, id say he would have his admirers and id say he would be loathed too by half the playing group, the very fact he gave Leaver a hard time when he was looking to leave tells you something...who else he give stick too? And by the way any Crow players been looking for him as they bang it in towards goal in recent times?


I would think a major restructure of the people who run the club maybe in order with Mark given the boot.....Tex to get traded....etc etc....

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1 hour ago, AlexRRR said:

Poor WILL.....Eagles to play Port....and then the Perth Hub your hosting Pies and Cats....a torrid start to the year for the beloved Eagles.....once we use to just pencil in a win to the Subiaco kids now we have to think real hard.......Think the Power are riding a crest of a wave right now though we hope the Eagles turn up before half time .......


Weagles get some hub home games pencilled in and get COllingwood and Richmond...Well, the way the weagles and Richmond are playing it could be a battle for bottom 4

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52 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

I can tell ya right now.....Sydney Cats and Lions....thats been presented to me in stone tablet form when i went on to my roof this moring seeking divine intervention....

Take all the help you can get old fella

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1 hour ago, Will27 said:

Settle petal.

Realistically that's what we coúld be looking at. West coast is currently bottom 4 and richmond lose this week they join them.

Saints are looking good this year. Sure they were smashed by Collingwood but Collingwood is looking the goods in these early days


Richmond, GWS, Weagles, these teams have a lethargic look about them as they are right now.



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35 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:

Realistically that's what we coúld be looking at. West coast is currently bottom 4 and richmond lose this week they join them.

Saints are looking good this year. Sure they were smashed by Collingwood but Collingwood is looking the goods in these early days


Richmond, GWS, Weagles, these teams have a lethargic look about them as they are right now.



We're 1 game out of the 8:biggrin:

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Titus O'Reily


The only guide to the round that admits it’s completely unhelpful. What it lacks in insight, it makes up for with wild theories and detours onto unrelated topics.

It’s your unhelpful guide to Round Four.



Sydney v Western Bulldogs (SCG) 7:40pm Seven

Just a word of warning that I wrote this column while in a bad mood.

‘Have you ever written this in a good mood?’ I hear you ask.

Well. No.

But I’m in a really bad mood at the moment, what with this whole COVID thing spinning out of control in Victoria again.

While I, like the majority of people, locked myself in my house and saw no one (granted, not a big change), others ran around doing the wrong thing, and the government seemed surprised by this.

Wouldn’t you expect people to do the wrong thing? Wasn’t that the point of enforcement?

And when this is costing your economy billions of dollars, wouldn’t you spend a lot of money on enforcement? It’s sort of a ‘money isn’t an object thing’.

I’d have parked a SWAT team outside the house of every positive case. I certainly wouldn’t have hired the people who normally guard a seven eleven at night to do the security at the hotels I was holding all the people with COVID in.

I mean, people’s lives are at stake, and even worse, the AFL season.

It’s doing my head in.

Now the rest of the country is laughing at Victoria and they’re right to.

And still I hear various AFL ‘personalities’ railing against the Grand Final possibly being moved out of Victoria for this year.

I mean, we’ll be lucky to have a Grand Final this year at all, and you can’t really hold it in the official plague state of Australia.

If you want to hold the Grand Final, don’t stuff up the one thing you had to get right.

Sydney to win this game.



Greater Western Sydney v Collingwood (GS) 7:50pm Seven

The constant perpetuating of an ‘us against them’ mentality, between Victoria and the ‘Interstate clubs’ as they call them, is what annoys me most about the AFL industry at the moment.

It’s a national competition and it’s better for being so.

Sure, it’s not a fair competition, and never has been. Looking for fairness in the AFL is like looking for love in a nightclub at 3am. It’s not happening and never has.

Do interstate teams get advantages? Yes. Do Victorian teams? Yes.

Do some teams get more advantages that others? Yes.

Do some teams get draft concessions when they probably shouldn’t? Yes.

Is it a hot mess that drives people crazy? Yes.

But it’s like complaining about the tides, they’re going to happen whether you complain or not. It’s never going to change, it’s too complex a system to ever get completely right.

The idea that the non-Victorian teams are somehow getting the most advantages though is ridiculous. Consider this, if you were given an expansion team, where would you set it up?

For me, it would be based in Melbourne and play at the MCG. Straight away you have minimal travel, play a lot of your ‘away’ games at home, and get a great chance of finals being played at your home ground, with the Grand Final a certainty.

You’ll also find player retention at lot easier.

Yet it’s often the richer, stronger clubs based in Melbourne that do the most whinging.

It’s like how the people in society who have had every advantage complain the most.

Collingwood to win.



Port Adelaide v West Coast (Metricon) 1:45pm Foxtel

All these advantages don’t even win premierships. Competency does. Competency is the rarest substance in the AFL. And it’s an unstable substance too, often disappearing just as it appears you’ve got your hands on it.

Take for example my team Melbourne. They’ve been the club of the Melbourne Establishment forever. They play at the MCG, they were once the powerhouse club of the competition, they have incredibly rich and connected supporters and have tight links to the MCC.

There’s no reason they aren’t THE powerhouse of the competition, except for decades of incompetency.

Even when they were handed advantages in the form of draft picks, their incompetency meant this was like pouring water into a bucket full of holes, a wasted exercise.

Then consider Richmond, they’ve played at the MCG for decades, have had a large supporter base forever and what has held them back over the years? The fact they couldn’t organise a quarantine system in a hotel.

Yet suddenly, they get some competent administrators, and low and behold, they get good again.

They almost stuffed this up too, remember the ‘Focus on Footy’ board challenge? Competency isn’t just unstable, it’s hard to spot until after the fact.

The biggest advantage a club can have is not shooting itself in the foot.

Take the Adelaide Football Club, they haven’t just shot themselves in the foot, but every limb and several vital organs.

Advantages or a lack of them aren’t their issue, much like myself, their problem, is them.

Competency will overcome every disadvantage built into the AFL and incompetency will hold a club down for decades, no matter what advantages you are given.

Port to win.


St Kilda v Richmond (MS) 4:35pm Foxtel

We do need to take stock at the state of football, especially when it’s under threat, and realise just how good the national competition is.

I love having teams in every state (dare to dream Tasmania).

I like the local rivalries, I like the interstate banter, I would even like the expansion teams to work, the more footy fans the better in my opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still make jokes about them because they make it so easy, but I would like them to work out.

The expansionist, proselytizing nature of Australian Rules has been a big part of its success.

From its earliest incarnation, it was desperate to win over new converts. It’s the Scientology of sport.

The alternate approach was taken by Rugby Union, which for long parts of its history didn’t want certain groups of people to play it, even forcing the working class out to form their own version.

The result? Soccer overtook them in Britain and a lot of the world, and League and Australian Rules in Australia.  

They’re now in real trouble.

That’s why the whole Victoria dominated AFL media annoys the hell out of me. It’s anathema to the spirit of the game and a strategic threat to it.

Sure, Victoria is rich and powerful, but it doesn’t own Australian Rules. Western Australia, Tasmania, South Australia, all are essential to the game being as strong as it is today.

If they had gone the way Queensland and NSW went, and chose League, Australian Rules might not even exist today.

It’s about time people stopped treating them as enemies.

And NSW and Queensland came closer to being Australia Rules states than many people realise. What stopped them going that way? Incompetence. The enemy of football.

Richmond to win.


Essendon v Carlton (MCG) 7:40pm Seven

The other thing that’s annoying me at the moment, and I realise I’m doing it as I write it, is footy media types getting into arguments with each other and then that becoming news. 

Someone has an awful take on some issue, so then another guy, who is also an idiot, fires back, and then it’s written up in an article like it’s a debate as important as Abraham Lincoln debating Senator Stephen Douglas on the issue of slavery.

The self-importance is overwhelming. When I write this stuff, I know it silly nonsense and that I know very little. I’m frequently wrong. Anytime I’m right is pure accident; I can assure you.

We are all like this about football. Football has been invented to make us all look like fools. That’s the fun of it.

No one understands it. It’s impossible to predict because it’s beyond human comprehension.

Every attempt to understand it on a deeper level results in people understanding it less. Just look at Champion Data.

That’s why I don’t want to read about commentator X getting into a spat with reporter Y, because we all know they are both wrong.

Carlton to win


Gold Coast v Fremantle (Metricon) 7:40pm Foxtel

Which brings me to another point. It’s no wonder that the AFL media is stuffed at the moment.

One, it’s never really been a place for diverse views. You either fit a very specific mould or you’re not let in.

Even more surprising is how hard it is to get out of the AFL media. It’s easier to leave the mafia.

Look at the recent Sam Newman news. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Newman had been running an experiment for years to see how much it took to get sacked from an AFL media position.

It turned out you can do a lot and still retain your job, and when you do finally get sacked, the media will bend over backwards to paint it as a mutual decision.

It really is astounding.

Now, with budgets being slashed in the media, expect less voices not more.

It’s not all the media’s fault either, Facebook and Google vacuum off all the advertising revenue, using other people’s content, leaving less and less for content creators. 

As a result, were getting less and less good quality media overall and the footy media is no different.

The business model is broken, and governments don’t seem to have the power, or the stomach, to change the model.

COVID has only sped up this process.

Watch the AFL media become even more Victoria based due to cost cutting. and the views come from even fewer people, all basically with very similar backgrounds, mainly ex footballers.

I know this is happening with the political media too, all though this is being centralised in Sydney, but the outcomes are the same.

It’s disappointing it’s happening in the political media, but it actually matters that it’s happening in the AFL media.

This lack of advertising dollars coming into major and smaller media outlets is a real worry for the health of the game.

Gold Coast to win.



Brisbane v Adelaide (G) 1:05pm Foxtel

The reason it’s a threat to the health of the game, is because we need a footy media with a broad national outlook, not self-interest dressed up as football commentary.

There are not many sports where Presidents or board members of clubs are also the main voices in the media, but the AFL have this happen all the time.

You all know that when you talk to your friends, the current AFL media is more laughed at than respected. There are a few exceptions, but much of it is more insular and incestuous than the royal family.

When I talk to fans of non-Victoria teams, they genuinely feel alienated by a lot of the footy media.

So too are other groups like women and minority groups.

A sporting code that doesn’t include a wide variety of groups can end up in real trouble.

Brisbane to win.


Melbourne v Geelong (MCG) 3:35pm Seven

What we need to do is approach the current crisis as footy fans first, not as a state war.

We need to grow the game more, we need to work harder to convert people to being fans, we need make some compromises while this is all going on to keep the game moving.

It might mean a Grand Final in WA. That is not the end of the world.

Arguing between states is actually anti-football. It’s not helpful at all. Almost all of it is just the self-interest of individual clubs dressed up as some semi-coherent argument.

We’re going to come out of this crisis with less money, less media voices and the powerful clubs ramming their own agendas down our throats.

As a football fan first and foremost, this worries me a lot.

Geelong to win.


Hawthorn v North Melbourne (M) 6:10pm Foxtel

I love football, and unlike many in the media, I think the game is still great on the field.

The on the field product doesn’t worry me anywhere as much as the off the field issues we face.

Like in all crises, we need to be wary of the enemies within even more so than those without.

North to win.



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3 hours ago, Will27 said:

We're 1 game out of the 8:biggrin:

One game from bottom too! ????????


Im not knocking your boys, but you have to admit they havent been looking fantastic. It might just be a slow start and we will know more after this round

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26 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:

One game from bottom too! ????????


Im not knocking your boys, but you have to admit they havent been looking fantastic. It might just be a slow start and we will know more after this round

You should be.

They've been terrible.


I reckon they've let the hubs get inside their heads I reckon.


As for the other "big" two, I reckon Richmond are really missing the crowds. The seem like a side that really feeds off of the occasion.


GWS.....They've got a dud coach.

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2 hours ago, Will27 said:

You should be.

They've been terrible.


I reckon they've let the hubs get inside their heads I reckon.


As for the other "big" two, I reckon Richmond are really missing the crowds. The seem like a side that really feeds off of the occasion.


GWS.....They've got a dud coach.

We will revisit the bottom 4 clash later... if it happens

Relax for now fella

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1 hour ago, Radar501 said:

Mentioning McCartin and head knocks on this forum is taboo.   We don't want to set Chook off on one of his rants again.

It does make you think about the family history and susceptance to these head knocks


Luckily Sydney picked the GOOD McCartin ????

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50 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:

Naismith gone for the season with a knee

Commentators must have missed it while focusing on the Brave-Brave-Doggies



Really feel for the big fella.


Bruce missed it because he was too busy firming up over the Bont.


Speaking of Knee's, Alex Johnson did his for the 7th time last week:sad:


A bad week for Sydknee.

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3 hours ago, BookmanBkk said:

Swans game was a bit disappointing to watch certainly the Bulldog started off in a fury as did the Swans but it was the Bulldogs you could capitalise for the first half on the scoreboard.

Swans  came out well in the third quarter and had a chance to level the game really but managed to kick 5 behinds in a row I think they ended up with around 8 behind from set shots which is very poor ticking.
It was good to see HORSE actually make a change of half-time and bring Mills into the midfield where he played as a junior and that had an immediate effect even though he was playing on Bont. I would certainly like to see Mills moved to the midfield permanently rather than be wasted down back like he is now. There was a shift in dynamics that has been missing.

Papley was once again a Star and showing  his class getting 4 goals with a couple of behinds,  certainly he could have got goals out of those 2 behinds; seeing as he was fairly much alone figure up forward swans are going to struggle missing it's 3 tall forwards in Sam Reid Buddy Franklin and McCartin who was out with a head knock, so is very difficult to see us being able to keep goals and Less we can bring one of those players back.
I can't think of anyone else in the reserves who would be able to come through at this stage McLean was very quiet after showing some promised last week and whereas  Sinclair certainly tries his best he is never going to be more than an average player.


Rowbottom continues to impress and Ollie florent is proving a handy mid who could be the next midfield star for sydney.

Heeney had an average game for his standards, his kicking and handballing a tad wayward at times: though this was a theme throughout the night for Sydney, por disposal and poor decisions looking for a target.


Once again the boys were outclassed but continued with it to look a chance in the 3rd quarter. 
JOey Daniher would have kicked a bag of 4 last night


Just what you need another forward who loves the hospital, what played one decent season? just becasue his 2 uncles were the almost best ever at Windy Hill.....Joey has more hype over him than Newcastle United taking the thripple next year...in case you missed it the Saudi oil kings are buying up the city .....and footy team....nahhhhh you can do with out him....even Tom Macdonald on one leg can do better and Tom WILL be going cheap end of season we WILL throw in his little bro for free since you need a defender too.....

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55 minutes ago, Will27 said:

Really feel for the big fella.


Bruce missed it because he was too busy firming up over the Bont.


Speaking of Knee's, Alex Johnson did his for the 7th time last week:sad:


A bad week for Sydknee.

I wasn't aware of Alex doing his again

Sad for the guy

..  a real talent

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1 hour ago, Will27 said:

Really feel for the big fella.


Bruce missed it because he was too busy firming up over the Bont.


Speaking of Knee's, Alex Johnson did his for the 7th time last week:sad:


A bad week for Sydknee.

Should be okay with Joey though

Cos.. Sydknow

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Collingwood V GWS

Impressive performances from both sides

Worryingly for most other sides in the comp, it looked like both Collingwood and GWS could improve their performance. 

At various times it looked like GWS would take the game away and then that Collingwood wold blow away GWS

The way both teams are able to move the ball with speed you would expect much higher scores. 

Defensive efforts were also impressive, the Pies laying 66 tackles to GWS 51 tackles

As a comparison, last week Richmond made 27 tackles to Hawks 34 tackles.



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13 hours ago, BookmanBkk said:

Should be okay with Joey though

Cos.. Sydknow

Talking about Knees....it was an OMG moment for poor Howe last night....did it make my tummy turn over when his knew when all elastic and sideways then bouncing back.....I couldn't watch the repeat thanks C7....gone a year? try a life time...


So 2 points in it an Bookman escapes to the lead....better luck than anything else....crowing like the galah in the back ground here this morning....noisey <deleted> whish I owned an air rifle....he sounds like a chicken getting strangled.....


Well WILL and I face the prospect of clear dwellers at least me...good Old WILL normally adjusts around now I take longer....I will stick to what Im better at and thats fantasy football.....

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