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Well Tipsters

That's it for another round.


I managed to jag 7 this round so go home with the Cadbury's Fruit & Nut.


Scea is still out in front and has a two tip buffer.

It's pretty tight after that.


Kicks off again on Wednesday.


Until next time.

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8 hours ago, Will27 said:

Well Tipsters

That's it for another round.


I managed to jag 7 this round so go home with the Cadbury's Fruit & Nut.


Scea is still out in front and has a two tip buffer.

It's pretty tight after that.


Kicks off again on Wednesday.


Until next time.

Well done KhunWil, crunching the numbers really paying off up there..!

ANother disastrous tipping round for me...i'll be down the bottom with Alex soon ????

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The AFL fled to Queensland to save the league, and its two native teams are so far producing the state’s greatest year.

But a proud and successful club is in the midst of its worst ever season.

Foxfooty.com.au has assessed and scored every club’s start to the 2020 season, casting an eye over what has gone right and wrong for the sides, for our Mid-Season Report Card.



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8 hours ago, Will27 said:

Anyone else get a chuckle out of the heatmap last night?




No not a chuckle....just bored to tears......switched it off mid 3rd quarter and no im not putting my 2 cents worth in......Except to say a twin assasination attempt on the MFC President Barttlet and Simon should be in the process of being orchestrated as i type... to think they locked him in to 2022.....


Ho did you notice how effective big Tom Mac was? Sydney need a tall forward....and throw in Leaver and how SLOW is that ex Freo player? not to mention that GWS fella they threw money at too...who by the way cant get a game....A bunch of oxygen theives each and every one of them....polluting the planet......

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On 7/29/2020 at 9:35 PM, Will27 said:

I don't know what was worse.


The game or those deodorant adverts where the guy's are sniffing each other's armpits.



The game stunk more than them armpits.....and as a tradie no i dont use them....just  a gimic to attract the sheilas....You can get Tradie underdaks too....  for when you strip after getting one of them sheilas who love sniffing your manily arm pits... I generally hang around a better class of females....who dont do armpits they just love you for what you can do around there house....so as you guessed after being used a couple of times as i thought it was my door in i refuse to not only do love jobs, i refuse point blank to do any work on a womans house .....even full price....I tell them to call my builder..... They just WILL have to love me for me and not what i can do....by the way that is not a problem in Thailand...      

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4 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

No not a chuckle....just bored to tears......switched it off mid 3rd quarter and no im not putting my 2 cents worth in......Except to say a twin assasination attempt on the MFC President Barttlet and Simon should be in the process of being orchestrated as i type... to think they locked him in to 2022.....


Ho did you notice how effective big Tom Mac was? Sydney need a tall forward....and throw in Leaver and how SLOW is that ex Freo player? not to mention that GWS fella they threw money at too...who by the way cant get a game....A bunch of oxygen theives each and every one of them....polluting the planet......

Jeez Uncle Alex, I feel for you.

That was a tough watch.


I'm pretty sure your CEO Gary Pert was responsible to extend Simon Goodwin. 

Was one of the worse things he did I think.

There was no need to rush in.

He should lose his job over it.


McDonald and Lever are on about 1.6 million per year between them.

Langdon isn't slow but he's a poor kick.

He absolutely butchers the ball.


I reckon the only player who has improved under Goodwin has been Petracca.


You wouldn't want to lose to the Crows next week mate.

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Not sure if this helps TBH.


AFL 2020: Melbourne president unloads on ‘soft as butter’ Demons following loss to Port Adelaide


Melbourne president Glen Bartlett says Demons players embarrassed the club’s jumper in their loss to Port Adelaide after a performance he labelled “soft as butter” and “insipid”.

In an exclusive interview with the Herald Sun on Friday night, a livid Bartlett demanded an immediate response from a playing group that he said let down the Melbourne colours.

“It was disgraceful. When you pull on a Melbourne jumper, we don’t give them out in Weeties packets,” he said.

“You have to show respect for the jumper and the fans, and apart from a few blokes last night, it was an insipid performance. It wasn’t Melbourne-like and it won’t be tolerated going forward.”


In a withering broadside on a group that was seen as a premiership contender, Bartlett said the Demons players had “trashed” the Melbourne jumper with their performance.


Melbourne dropped to 3-5 in a horror performance that will heap pressure on coach Simon Goodwin and the entire playing group ahead of clashes against Adelaide and North Melbourne.

Bartlett has been an extraordinary supporter for Goodwin and the club’s football program and rarely been critical of the club’s rollercoaster performances.


In the strongest performance of his seven-year tenure at Melbourne, Bartlett told the Herald Sun he had spent the day speaking to Demons people and was still furious by day’s end.

“The coach and the footy guys need to address it. I am sure they had tough review but we just can’t serve up that kind of rubbish for our fans and supporters and for footy in general.


“We pride ourselves on a tough, competitive brand of footy and on providing entertainment in the way we play. We were on the right track in the last three weeks and that was as soft as butter.

“Not everyone (was soft) but it’s a numbers game and I was scratching my head as to what I was watching as I am sure were so many Melbourne fans. It was so un-Melbourne-like and I never want to see that again.”


Asked if it was the worst loss in his tenure at the club, Bartlett didn’t pull his punches.

“It’s right up there, for sure,” he said.

“Because I rate the list, I rate the work that has been done, I felt like we were back on a good path so it was just inexplicable.

“I have defended our footy department, our coaches and players my whole tenure but I can’t defend that, How can you defend that?


“I said at the start of the year we are absolutely going to be a club of no excuses. I don’t want any excuses. I started to hear about a four-day turnaround … Well we have been talking about how fit and ready we are. Don’t talk about that, even as supporters.”

Asked if his comments were a reflection on coach Simon Goodwin, he replied: “Well, we just keep to the program”.

“The immediate thing now is we don’t panic. We react. It’s an emotional game but that was not acceptable at any level.

“It’s a very quick turnaround, and so disappointing on the back of two good wins and pushing the Lions in a game where we should have won. I can’t even put into words how I feel.


“The players understand what it means when you wear the Melbourne jumper and we have done a lot even over the last few weeks on that. They completely trashed it last night and they need to address it and they need to take ownership of it. I can’t play full forward. Perty (Melbourne chief executive Gary Pert) can’t play centre half back. There is no excuse for anything but results.”

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13 hours ago, Will27 said:

Jeez Uncle Alex, I feel for you.

That was a tough watch.


I'm pretty sure your CEO Gary Pert was responsible to extend Simon Goodwin. 

Was one of the worse things he did I think.

There was no need to rush in.

He should lose his job over it.


McDonald and Lever are on about 1.6 million per year between them.

Langdon isn't slow but he's a poor kick.

He absolutely butchers the ball.


I reckon the only player who has improved under Goodwin has been Petracca.


You wouldn't want to lose to the Crows next week mate.

And the Crows are due for a win....i picked them this week....its the maths....but is my timing right?


Look most of them Demons have gone backwards, apart from May and the 2 bomber inports who arnt top off the pops by any means at least there not dragging the rest of them down...


Seen May on the ground interview after he changed on Utube...he was a bit emotional over the faaaaaaaade out id be pretty peed off to when promised the world to give up a million big ones to stay on the GC and as captain a lure south with promises of finals and all things roses and cream to end up in a basket case like he has....at least he puts in....a bit loose but gees where are the guys to back him up? i tell ya where...when its Mays job to go up and punch the ball away in the pack 3 other Dee DILLs follow him up so the other team can crumb the spoil...i mean dont the coaches notice? <deleted> basics they just dont get right and this is now turing into a 2 year affair....if there not doing it it means there not listening to the coaches for a reason... Goodwin is NOT getting threw....and id suspect his coaching crew arnt much chop as well.....


Ho we have ex Arsnel fitness coach....,he is use to getting teams up in short periods...quite normal in the premier league Simon says....yes well SIMON...soccer aint AFL, they dont throw there body on the line like we do.....AFL is way more physical fella....your not going to com eup 4 days later and star.....


And further more i am boycotting football this weeknd.....now you unlce WILL should be happy, they opened up the game....now it looks like second rate school boys playing in the park...at least when it was tighter we had some defensive skills...now its tiggy touchie footy....you know...breath on me and i will get a free kick....

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4 hours ago, Will27 said:

Not sure if this helps TBH.


AFL 2020: Melbourne president unloads on ‘soft as butter’ Demons following loss to Port Adelaide


Melbourne president Glen Bartlett says Demons players embarrassed the club’s jumper in their loss to Port Adelaide after a performance he labelled “soft as butter” and “insipid”.

In an exclusive interview with the Herald Sun on Friday night, a livid Bartlett demanded an immediate response from a playing group that he said let down the Melbourne colours.

“It was disgraceful. When you pull on a Melbourne jumper, we don’t give them out in Weeties packets,” he said.

“You have to show respect for the jumper and the fans, and apart from a few blokes last night, it was an insipid performance. It wasn’t Melbourne-like and it won’t be tolerated going forward.”


In a withering broadside on a group that was seen as a premiership contender, Bartlett said the Demons players had “trashed” the Melbourne jumper with their performance.


Melbourne dropped to 3-5 in a horror performance that will heap pressure on coach Simon Goodwin and the entire playing group ahead of clashes against Adelaide and North Melbourne.

Bartlett has been an extraordinary supporter for Goodwin and the club’s football program and rarely been critical of the club’s rollercoaster performances.


In the strongest performance of his seven-year tenure at Melbourne, Bartlett told the Herald Sun he had spent the day speaking to Demons people and was still furious by day’s end.

“The coach and the footy guys need to address it. I am sure they had tough review but we just can’t serve up that kind of rubbish for our fans and supporters and for footy in general.


“We pride ourselves on a tough, competitive brand of footy and on providing entertainment in the way we play. We were on the right track in the last three weeks and that was as soft as butter.

“Not everyone (was soft) but it’s a numbers game and I was scratching my head as to what I was watching as I am sure were so many Melbourne fans. It was so un-Melbourne-like and I never want to see that again.”


Asked if it was the worst loss in his tenure at the club, Bartlett didn’t pull his punches.

“It’s right up there, for sure,” he said.

“Because I rate the list, I rate the work that has been done, I felt like we were back on a good path so it was just inexplicable.

“I have defended our footy department, our coaches and players my whole tenure but I can’t defend that, How can you defend that?


“I said at the start of the year we are absolutely going to be a club of no excuses. I don’t want any excuses. I started to hear about a four-day turnaround … Well we have been talking about how fit and ready we are. Don’t talk about that, even as supporters.”

Asked if his comments were a reflection on coach Simon Goodwin, he replied: “Well, we just keep to the program”.

“The immediate thing now is we don’t panic. We react. It’s an emotional game but that was not acceptable at any level.

“It’s a very quick turnaround, and so disappointing on the back of two good wins and pushing the Lions in a game where we should have won. I can’t even put into words how I feel.


“The players understand what it means when you wear the Melbourne jumper and we have done a lot even over the last few weeks on that. They completely trashed it last night and they need to address it and they need to take ownership of it. I can’t play full forward. Perty (Melbourne chief executive Gary Pert) can’t play centre half back. There is no excuse for anything but results.”


Hes trying to dodge a bullet too......what goes on there is directed from above.....just because Kotch got the Power moving at the Demons its totaly differant, Port have been a top club for 100 years, have enough p[eople around who know how to make it happen... not so the case down there at the G, basket cases for 50 years no one remembers how to win on a regular basis....


If we cant start winning more regular lets see how good Bart is, WILL he chop some heads and before the end of the season? ......I dont need a crystal ball....Donald Trump or a clarvoint to tell me with this set up we have at the moment are bottom 4 at best.....if Crows and North started winning oh dear....

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11 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

Gees some people live a charmed life....like Old WILL....... whats it like following a pretty good team?

Thanks Uncle Alex.


I'm pretty lucky following WC.

It's easy to take them for granted sometimes.

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Titus O'Reily

The AFL hubs have been under the microscope in recent weeks. To show the AFL is taking its COVID responsibilities seriously, they have released the timetable those within the hub follow.

7-8am- Breakfast

8am- Eddie McGuire, as self-appointed spokesperson for the AFL, will address all personnel on the need to maintain strict adherence to the AFL’s COVID-19 protocols and outlines the penalties and how there will be no exceptions.

10.00am- Eddie stops talking when AFL staff flick the lights on and off

10:15am- Carlton’s family bus to head to nearby theme parks

10:05- Tennis with Australian Fed Cup captain Alicia Molik

10:30- Shuttle leaves hub for spa retreat and shopping

12pm- Lunch

1pm- Players to record social media videos for fans back in Melbourne about how we are all in this together.

2pm- Armaguard vans arrive to take away the yesterday’s fines for breaching COVID regulations.

6pm- Gather in the conference room to hear Eddie to launch a furious defence of any Collingwood players or officials who have broken COVID-19 protocols that day and explain why these are exceptions to what he outlined that morning. Ends with emotional moment about how proud he is of them.

6:15- Hawks players to duck out of Eddie’s speech to get some food outside the hub.

7:30- Steele Sidebottom bar opens. Strick dress code, clothes required. Note: use the door to the left, the one on the right leads outside.

9:30pm onwards- Tinder dates arrive

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If they had paid me a win for the missed tip in the first game I'd be a seven but apparently the fine print nailed me.

Som nam nar....

Forgot To Tip


    A: If you forget to tip you will be awarded the away teams for the games you missed, however you will only receive up to a maximum of 5 correct tips. If you forget to tip in the Gauntlet Competition, you will be eliminated from the Gauntlet Competition.



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