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"We'll give family one million baht" for death of Canadian tourist says owner


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"The line had a weight limit of 125 kilograms"


So if the zip line has a limit of 125 kgs how does a guy weighing 180 kgs get to ride it?


Negligence on the part of Flight of the Gibbon, but what discussions were held between staff and the Canadian beforehand? Did they weigh him? When I went there anybody that looked like they were heavier than the limit was weighed first. If this guy was weighed and told he was too heavy did he become obstinate and still insist on riding?  Could be because of his size he intimidated the staff!!  


I guess time will tell, and it will all depend on the efficiency of the investigation. Also, odds are that the insurance will do what insurance companies do best and NOT payout the 1 million baht as the guy was way over the weight limit.

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23 hours ago, mngmn said:

They don't understand exchange rates. They think people with USD are 30 times richer (big money) than Thai people (small money).


This is the justification for double pricing and and many other rip offs.

The average income in Bangkok is 800 usd. I’ll guess you’re not earning 30x but I’m assuming you’ve earned way more than that your entire life and that one of the motivations of coming here was lower prices. Getting charged more is a silly thing to get upset about.

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4 hours ago, ExpatOne said:

The average income in Bangkok is 800 usd. I’ll guess you’re not earning 30x but I’m assuming you’ve earned way more than that your entire life and that one of the motivations of coming here was lower prices. Getting charged more is a silly thing to get upset about.

The full UK state pension is around USD 731 a month so I guess the Bangkok Thais are doing pretty well then.  Double pricing is a symptom of an attitude. That was my point.  Based on skin colour alone, Thais believe that I am much richer than them.  This is an attitudes most of us left behind decades ago in the west (TV members excepted).

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On 4/15/2019 at 12:21 PM, Thaiwrath said:

So who is giving the family the money ? 

If it is the insurance company, the zipline owner is giving the family <deleted> all.

Translated from a Thai news article :


The Flight of the Gibbon Company has registered a tour business. From the Bureau of Tourism Business and Guide Registration, Northeastern Branch (Nakhon Ratchasima Province) License No. 54/00013 Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province Which is open to service the sling And have accident insurance for tourists according to Tourism Business and Guide Act 2008 and Amendment No. 2 (in case of death 1 million baht) 

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There is a video posted on Youtube today that shows the victim in the coffin and the grieving girlfriend and father.

Very disturbing and shame on Thai media for posting this! 

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16 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Just trying to determine if weight was a central issue or not

His weight was 122 kilo according to a Thai article. And they mentioned maximum weight , there are signs there showing 125 kilo.
So with another person weighing 80 kilo the accident would probably never happened. 

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On 4/15/2019 at 12:13 PM, Just Weird said:

No, the limit of cover of an insurance policy, nothing to do with "the price of a life in Thailand"...Jesus...

You are right. A foreigners life is worth significantly less and usually nothing more than the platitude of a suicide note or at least the police proudly deeming it so.


Just as you can choose the level of insurance so can they - and they decided 1 million should cover it!

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1 million baht or 1 million dollars, what's the difference. Your son is dead. I don't see how money is going to take away the pain or some how relieve the emotional agony of that loss. If the information provided in the stories I've read are close to the truth, that is, this boy weighed in the neighborhood of 300 lbs and still had the desire to 'Fly like the Gibbon' then perhaps his family can have some solace in that he lived and died pursuing his love of adventure and excitement.

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